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Talk about your drug related feels
/drugfeel/ - Poppy Pod edition
Other urls found in this thread:
It's /drugfeelS/ noy /drugfeel/ you fucking stoner
Otherwise i'm nauseous asf due to heroin atm, i wonder if i should re-dose.
>plenty of drugs grow themselves out of the ground
>have to pay for them
i wonder whomstd be profiting off prohibition...
do it faggot
Anyone ever get stuck in the Jerry realm while tripping?
Shit's annoying as fuck.
>when you hit the peak
If every Seinfeld character used drugs, what do you guys think their drugs of choice would be?
Jerry - Coffee
Elaine - Xanax
George - Poppy Seed Tea
Kramer - Salvia
Newman - Cocaine
>tfw waiting on weedman to be back from normie party
>just wanna smoke weed and play resident evil
>tfw lost my Animal Crossing cartridge
My little villagers are the best to talk to while high
I hope your beds are comfy friends
I'll keep them made for you all
Drugfeels is a comfy home
I love you all
Please try not to make too much mess
I'll help however I can
I love my new home
who else here /legalgrow/?
having weed be legal is pretty nice. pic related is my northern lights grow, it's 5 weeks into flowering.
thanks, i'm trying to quit smoking and i'm watching intervention. i'm smoking pot to help my cigarette cravings.
How many robottussin gel caps do I have to buy before I get a knock on the door?
Ive ordered 20 in the past month. It's dxm not sudofed so it's not like I'm making meth.
what does your setup yield and how much did it cost ? tell me about it user i wanna grow this year too
its completely legal though. I doubt most normies even know you can abuse dsm.
are you addicted to dxm?
I second this, it is DRUGFEELS
not singular drugfeel
its plural. there's more than one of us, theres more than one feel in these threads and theres more than one feel you can get from drugs
also on heroin too, but not nauseous rn, just sooooo sleeeeppieeee
and dont re dose if you feel nauseous. thats not gonna b fun and its a waste of perfectly gud H
15th for addy gang
16th for Kratom Korporation
What's the best place to buy weed at in Amsterdam? I'm visiting there soon and I don't want to be a dumb tourist who gets suckered into buying some overpriced sesh. There must be a few classy stores that have good prices and products. I'll also be on the lookout for some decent kratom, as I haven't been able to get that or weed here in Ireland. I'm hoping to make the most of it during break.
I'd love to put some poppies into a vase, and set on my table. They seem like very lovely plants.
I've seen people get butthurt and argue for both. It really doesn't matter. Just be glad I'm not putting "helpful links" in the OP like that one OP tried to do for a while.
i heard other dutch cities are better suited for this, or if this is not an option somewhere out of downtown / in the outskirts of amsterdam
"Drugfeels" has both tradition and logic on its side
Drugfeel has newfag's greasy fingerprints all over it
I've been on this site for over a decade and in this thread for almost a year.
blow me
user nausea could mean you did too much to start. Have you just started using?
Keep your head resting on something, opis mess with your balance in your inner ear so you should lay down.
Pepto also helps sometimes
I hope you feel better anonfriend
I found having something to distract you helps
Like a hobby
I'd get caught up and forget to smoke
Helped me quit
Hope you make it anonfriend!
/britfeel/ is singular so this should be too.
If we're still going about the nomenclature /drugfeel/ is a state of mind and sounds like a 1984 keyword. It's obviously better.
And 1984 is about Britain so /britfeel/ obviously made sense.
britfeel is for faggots and browns though, this thread is based drug abusers
I tried heroin twice and posted here in this thread about it and anons acted like it was over for me. Haven't touched it since then, still have it easily accessible with no cravings to do it, self control is easy my friends. It obviously depends an predisposition to addiction and it's inarguably stupid to test ones luck, but not everyone will get caught. Might throw it out because I'm unsure if I'll ever do it again
just a cheap closet setup, I don't even have reflective material on the walls yet. it cost ~150$ for the light (pic related), a cheap light timer, 50$ for soil, nutrients, etc, got the seeds for free, and I used an old fan and humidifier to improve the air quality for the plants. I'm finishing them (2 plants) in 4 gallon cloth pots and using Advanced Nutrients liquird fertilizer until I do a flush and switch to only water.
I also got a 150$ carbon filter/fan for the air exchange and to kill the smell but that isn't 100% necessary.
this is my first indoor grow so I can't really tell you how much it will yield, but it looks like it will be at least 4-6 ounces. the whole ordeal cost about 400 $ but most of the cost is stuff you only buy once and re-use for years. make sure you do your research.
>weedman back from party
>have to walk a mile for 2g that probably got skimped down to 1.5
Feels bad being white in new Orleans. Nerdy white boys are easy to scam
a wise man once said to me
theres two people to a scam
a scammer
and somebody who lets himself get scammed
100 watt is enough for 2 plants with that kind of yield ? damn, might be able to get my dad to grow with me afterall (THINK ABOUT THE BILL user)
He doesn't have a scale
Last time he gave me like 2.5 when I wanted 2. but the time before that the fucker gave me like .7 when I wanted a gram
Hopefully this big fat Mexican niggas there since I'm pretty sure he quality checks the dudes shit and names sure I get enough
Will report back with pics, I've been smoking for 5 years but still dont know what's good or bad or what 2g truly looks like
you can order as much dxm as you want as long as you're over 18
sudafed has amount limits because it's a meth precursor. dxm isn't a precursor to anything.
yeah please post pics always interested to see weed from round the world
Drugs turn men into homosexuals
Y'all are some stupid niggers
homosexuals turned you into someone that calls others homosexual
tfw what he gave me looks less than last time
Very sad. Maybe it will look like more when I get home
Guys how do you make yourself not-depressed? Told that nigga to throw in extra since I had 23$ and not 20
So fucking blown dude
i cant say i havent been there. bought from a dude that always gave me to little. felt depressed after buying everytime. had to walk miles too so i could really think about getting ripped off. man up and get it from the webz, and feel good about getting a fucking great deal.
Dude find someone else
He sounds like a scumbag
this or get it from the mexican dude, he seems like scum dealers supplier lol
Never have enough to buy from the web. I need to find a new guy, it's just my current one is within walking distance. I think it looked like 1.8 or 1.5. Very depresso
Will post pics in a min
Here's a pic of Louisiana swamp I walk by to get that backwoods shit weed
dude you could have ordered for 25 and gotten 3gs at least what are you on about
>ive been in this thread for almost a year
also known as less time than me, or any of the original drugfeels posters
so why dont
yous blows mes?
learn how to distinguish between plural and singular
user, re read what i wrote.
I'm not the nauseous one. I specifically stated that in the post.
I was responding to another user who did feel nauseous
britfeel is an expression of solidarity among brits. its about having a shared common feel among brits so it makes some sense to have it be singular.
clearly in this thread there is far more variety in the feels felt here. many anons have never even tried the drug that a different user is raving about.
but any old brit can whine about jeremy corbyn
thats good for you user but theres a shitload of us who didnt stop using. 2 threads back i committed to not using consecutively after i relapsed this week but thats been ignored, im now on my 4th consecutive day of using again.
honestly tho you should just throw it out and be done with it. its a wise idea that you had, follow through with it.
How do you extract the stuff my man?
or give it to a homeless guy, it will be a real human bean moment, you walking off, he looking after you
You know what? Just because of you, I'm going to make a concentrated effort to put /drugfeel/ in the subject line instead of /drugfeels/.
Here it is
Hmmm idk, def not as much as last time when I paid for 2, same as here except extra 3$
I thought you had to place bigass orders when online?
I'm sorry user I didn't notice
I'll try and pay more attention!
Quietly pay more attention
I hope you stay comfy
honestly it would probably do 1 plant way better, I was just seeing if it could do 2. it's working good so far but the biggest buds are forming directly under the lights, looks like I'm getting smaller nugs on the ends.
this is the 2 plants 2 weeks into flowering. brown specs on the leaves is some cinnamon water I used to kill the pests that were eating the plant (it worked). plants were defoliated a bit after this picture was taken.
nah man, many vendors even send stuff out for free (only postage) for good ratings. people place big orders out of fear of getting caught, but considering the volume of post shipped everyday its paranoia imo
Wish r9k allowed more than 2mb post since I have to use snapchat and not my HD camera. Snapchat compresses the shit out of it
And here we have the 100 degree (literally) crack shed
Fucking winter yet I'm sweater than a hog
>just because of you
well, its not just me. im not even the one who pointed it out
in fact, I dont think I even would have noticed if it werent like the second post in the last thread lol
i just get too much satisfaction from arguing this kind of petty shit with people
do what you will user, I'm sure I will care less when I sober up.
I was the OP for maybe 5 or so threads before this one and I always left the s out because I remember in the past anons sperging out over it
Personally though I vote for /drugfeels/, makes more sense desu
the only drug that really makes people gay is meth, maybe MDMA in rare circumstances
I'm assuming he's getting irritated so much because of heroin
i love you user, your a real og. but for real get web savvy, youll be smoking like a boss for a few bucks. imagine puffing on a 1g joint and it cost you 5 bucks. its the only way for us poor swamp niggas
>I'm assuming he's getting irritated so much because of heroin
you are correct, as I stated here, i think I will not care when im sober its really annoying how easily irritated I get on h.
the tiniest shit can piss me off insanely quick.
ive got zero tolerance for other people making repeated noises like tapping something, or my dogs making noise. its maddening
Yeah I figured. The junkies who get pissy over small shit while on H just piss me off to no end. There's nothing less comfy than receiving a wall of inconsistently capitalized and poorly punctuated vitriol over some minor bullshit.
Realizing that if I could be high all the time id have a good social life
y-yeah haha
those kinds of heroin users are the worst right?
getting pissy over small shit, who does that?
f-fuck junkies
It's funny because when I didn't know anything about drugs, the typical pissy heroin rages I would've probably associated with meth since it's a stimulant, but meth users just jump from pleasant to schizo once they stay up long enough
>but meth users just jump from pleasant to schizo
kek so true. You're spun the fuck out on meth, of course you're good mood! Until the CIA shadow niggers show up. Why are heroin users pissy? I thought it was supposed to be "the most pleasurable feeling possible"
>Like a hobby
I've been working on my Space Invaders skills. I have the original Taito tabletop game in my room. I can clear four waves so far and my highscore is 4000. Space Invaders is very fun to play on amphetamines and it substitutes for when I used to smoke cigarettes, which is nice. I don't normally play games but classic arcade games are really appealing to me, it's all skill based.
How can I know if my kratom is good? original question
>Basically I got so fucked that I thought I was gonna end up like that forever and in a mental institution with people having to take care of me. Before this my ocd was so bad that I basically had to have my mom help me with everything because almost anything would trigger anxiety and compulsions. The prospect of actually endeding up mental for real scared me so much that I dropped most of my rituals and resisted the anxiety to do them. Now, I would say I'm about 80% symptom free and a thousand times more functional.
...so having a bad trip actually helped your real life?
yep, that's exactly why whenever I've done meth I never skipped more than a night of sleep, even that was a bit too much. I have no idea how meth heads stay up for days
>Why are heroin users pissy? I thought it was supposed to be "the most pleasurable feeling possible"
Yeah I don't get it at all either
Although the way heroin users always describe their irritability sounds just like how I get on too much caffeine
You sorta just have to compare it to other doses. I've noticed that the white and the green strains give me rages not unlike the heroin rages being discussed here. The good reds give me this calm sedation though with some nice euphoria. When it's good, you'll feel like everything in life is gonna turn out ok. Shitty kratom usually doesn't do much, or gives you a bunch of nausea.
I wish there was some way to get it tested because even though I'm like 90% sure I don't feel kratom because of a stomach enzyme thing certain people have, but I can't get the thought out of my mind that one day it'll work for me so I keep spending money on kratom to try again
>my poor toys at work are crying and helpless
>Mother has turned everyone against me
They're laughing at me constantly and being aggressive
I should've never gone against Her
Everyone's avoiding me
Suddenly there's needles in the store and I don't bring any so they're not mine
She's gonna ruin my life
My poor toys are crying I can hear them
I can't do anything
I'm disgusting
I'm just gonna disappear and hope Mother takes me back
I'll beg
I just wanna be safe again
I just wanna go home and stay high
She can't get to me there yet
I don't know what to do friends
I'm sorry
Kratom is great but does anyone else find it doesn't last for very long? 2 hours tops and I feel normal again
Yeah I wish it lasted longer. I just kind of hack it with maintenance doses every half hour to an hour or so.
How much are your maintenance doses? I take 6gs and feel great for an hour or two
I'd say about 2g. My main dose is usually 6.5g or so. It's quite difficult to pull it off though. The fact that kratom takes an hour to kick in is so dumb.
I might be...
I mean, I'll probably drop it when I get a job, but in the mean times while I'm bored out of my mind it helps pass 8 hours.
It's not a specific craving for it like when I quit alcohol or meth. It's just a craving for something to do.
so you literally have to take again as soon as you feel the effects... how well does that work?
Got an obvious friend who smokes weed. I'm a drug virgin, how do I go on about asking him where he gets his share ?
Just like >hey my guy moved out, got anyone you could tip me in ?
Yeah I usually redose when I notice effects from the previous dose. It's definitely hit and miss.
The things we do to get high, eh?
>open image in an image editor
>save as jpg if it's not in jpg
how do you own a camera and not know how to do this
eh yeah.. this is why I want to start getting into psychadelics, much better value for money
Ask to smoke with him.
Smoke with him.
Then ask him if he could connect you with his guy while you guys are smoking.
please start taking your meds again friend, please, they will absolutely help you and if nothing else they'll keep the voices quiet while you get better meds. please user
...this statement makes me feel like you're underage.
He lives kinda far, and as I've never smoked I'm afraid to do dumb shit. Do you even inhale the smoke?
It's probably because when you're on a nod or near-nod, it's easy to get distracted out of it by any little thing. It's kind of like being woken up from a pleasant dream
You know if he's a good buddy of yours, you could just say that you've never smoked before and want to try it out. If he's a chill dude he'll show you the ropes.
Why? Acid can be done in loads of different ways, idk about others though...
Guess so yeah. Honesty never hurts. Cheers.
I'm sorry for late response. Love you too fellow swamp bro
don't bother, someone who needs anti-psychotics but stops taking them gets noided out when someone tells them to take their meds because they assume it's all CIA niggers or something. saying "take your meds" rarely works on people like her
you don't have to pretend anything, weed smokers love getting newfags into smoking. if you're friends with the guy just say you're interested in trying weed and ask if you can smoke with him or if he can give you his dealer's number
>Do you even inhale the smoke?
yes and you have to make an extra, exaggerated effort to get the smoke into your lungs. lots of people don't inhale their first couple times without even knowing it and assume weed is a placebo or they're immune to it
that can also be attributed to reverse tolerance
>CIA niggers
Are you talking about the smartest programmer that's ever lived?
very good weed desu
i said I wouldnt take heroin with me tmw when I leave
i want to so fuckin bad tho
not a lot, like maybe 200-300mg?
whatever I leave here will just be used for a later binge anyway.
if i just took a small amount like that then in order to make the most of it I would have to wait to have my tolerance reset in order to make the most of those doses. if i just used them in bulk immediately then I would be able to spend half as much time high
fuckk i really want to, and it seems like its not a terrible idea but i also am suspicious of any time that i try to rationalize using more heroin.
idk, im gonna snort some heroin and think it over lol
Think about how good a t-break will be though
>stopping heroin
>feeling good
that very good dude desu senpai
lmao I didn't mean that it'd feel good by any means.
nah, for context my current binge has only been going on for 71 hours.
my tolerance isnt exactly at zero, but its not bad so far.
and prior to this binge I hadnt used for like 3 weeks or so
(this is another user, not who you gave a (you) to)