How can I get a boyfriend as a mentally ill fembot?
How can I get a boyfriend as a mentally ill fembot?
make a thread in Jow Forums and say
"How can I get a boyfriend as a mentally ill fembot?"
Mentally ill woman with bf of over 5 years here. Post that you want a bf with some qualities he should have on an ideal mate thread, state thread, or in a dating app. Wait, weed through responses, talk to the most promising and choose the best to become your bf. Wa-la
Got my last 3 bfs this way
I'm sorry but Suzuya is the only friend I'll ever need
Homies over hoes
Look at you damn cucks. Flocking to wolve as sheep
The bitch say she she got a pussy and yall lost your damn minds
depends on how cute you are I guess
>homies over hoes
gaywad detected
what qualifies as cute?
well women are just better company when men act like this
Nothing cucked about helping somebody get a date
Nah shon. You puttin the pussy on the pedestal
While, Me.... While, I? I don't even care about the pussy. It's not even aesthetically pleasing
Your all cucks that bend over for some thottianias. MAKE ME SICK
This desu
I'd prefer not to edate, but I'm too awkward and shy to use actual dating apps or find someone irl.
I dunno, I'm not very picky about looks, but I have trouble being interested in people I'm not physically attracted to
I think the mental illness part isn't that big of a deal, as long as mutual trust can be built
How did you find your boyfriend? I realy want a boyfriend so badly
I tried the ideal mate thread, but most people leave after i tell them about my mental health, others don't reply/timezone off, idk what to do, its something ive been fighting for years
what mental illness do you have
do the homie
I used an ideal mate thread on /soc/ but that was over 5 years ago. I think I met the bf before that on an ideal mate thread too and the one before that on a skype thread. Don't be afraid of distance, a lot of guys aren't. My one ex's parents flew him out to see me three times from across the country. It is hard, though. I felt lucky that my bf now only lived an hour from me- we met up halfway for a date after a month of chatting and it was love at first sight.. I am lucky, I think it is unusual. I honestly wish you luck dating is a nightmare, I have no idea if it's even good advice that I'm saying, it's all I know as an ugly legbeard with social problems, sorry
crippling depression/self harm and sometimes suicidal thoughts/ attempted suicide in the past
you give me hope and i am happy for you user
This bitch is practically retarded but she can make up a list of requirements and guys line up. What the fuck is wrong with this world?
aside from depression, what do else do you identify with?
It's called a joke you nincompoop
it's just depression
what about hobbies or anything
Just be your feminine self.
Being depressed is a hobby, shitlord.
i mostly into vidya/anime, wish i was into more stuff to be honest with you user all ive been
up to today is sleeping and crying going back to sleep wake up crying, i used to be able to
engage more in crafty hobbies when i was younger and not depressed but right now everything
seems tiresome and being alone and single makes it even worse
Nice bait. You certainly tried
Is a /ck/ meme fyi
Go to the gym. Exercise will make you feel better and you can probably find a gymcel bf.
I'm gonna have to ask, where do you live?
why are you baiting so hard? We all know youre a guy until you proof us otherwise. Which you cant, because fembots dont exist.
i dont think i have that option right now user, but thank you for trying to help me
probably somewhere no one here is from, but why does it matter?
what are you looking for in a boyfriendd
>probably somewhere no one here is from, but why does it matter?
A robot can dream, and there's many robots from around the world. I live in rather small country and there's still robots from here.
If I knew I would tell u OP
Mentally ill people are celibate
someone who isnt a NEET, probably finished some college, not too fat or too skinny,
artsy, creative, intelligent, passionate, willing to talk their mind out, open-minded, independent
same hobbies as me
i'm dreaming too much
you have high expectations for being a fat guy larping as a fembot.
if you give me your discord, I would talk to you even if you're larping.
??? what does that mean user
whats your discord
send me yours @:
[email protected]
you haven't sent anything faggot.
This is me.
I am finishing up college and am Jow Forums. Artistic, into vidya/anime, intelligent, passionate and willing to talk about anything.
You can email me your discord at
[email protected]
How do I use this?
My discord is
Try my username with all lowercase
W0w you're actually a women. As soon as chad comes around, you drop your discord. Cheap!