What is stopping you from suicide?
Mein is eternal damnation.
What is stopping you from suicide?
Mein is eternal damnation.
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For me it's that I don't want my family to know it was suicide and all the fakeable methods are unreliable.
someone on /x/ put a curse on me so i can only die from natural death
I'm too apathetic to even want to kill myself anymore.
what if you just wandered away one day, and then killed yourself a few days later? no sign, no warning, you'll have vanished without a trace. they won't be ever be sure you weren't just kidnapped. being a cute trap would make that scenario more plausible.
/x/ more like se/x/
get fucced nerd haha you gotta die naturally
If I went missing, there might be a search. If they found my body, they'd know I killed myself.
I'm addicted to fucking traps and twinks from Grindr, I'm 100% TOP only and love to abuse them, like make them cry, the bottom I fucked last night was in tears I slapped his testicles and choked him till he blacked out it keeps me from suicide
As if they'd waste tax money on a search party to find that 35-year-old virgin living with his mom
I'm 21 and in college tyvm.
I have like 25 pets, i got nobody to look after Them if i die
The void, the abyss, the unknown
>What is stopping you from suicide?
The Mission
as far as i know you only get one life, might as well life it its "natural" end
this is how I feel
yeah this life sucks a lot sometimes but I'll have all of eternity to not be alive, I might as well let this play out
Masturbation and food. I'm also with this guy here since I'm alive I might as well masturbate and eat delicious food for as long as possible
Nothing, really. Rope is arriving soon and I've already finished my note. Hopefully I won't puss out.
Im thinking of writing a note myself. what is yours like?
Why are you being so obvious about it? If I were you I wouldn't write a note and instead just go ahead and do it so nobody has a chance to stop you.
I still have 60 more years to free myself from mental slavery.
Hope you'll find your Waifu in heaven user
I wrote two. One in English, for whoever gets to the scene first. It contains my address and says that I have my passport in my backpack. It also states my parents' numbers. When I'm ready to do it I will set up an automated email to the local PD that will fire in an hour, so that they have no chance of catching me. The second note is in my native language and it is just a general explanation of why I did it, a hollow apology and me asking them not to put guilt on anyone. Generic, but felt like it needed to be done.
My mother would kill herself or become insane.
my family because they need me as a slave for manual labour
''being usefull you get rid off those thoughts'' they say...
I live alone, my family are all in another country. Also, the note is digital, my handwriting sucks balls. I'll print it out soon.
>buying rope on Amazon
>What is stopping you from suicide?
Only thing stopping me is at qt 3.14 gf. She's transferring college to somewhere three states away for money, and I cant go with her.
She's the only reason I have, and come the end of this summer it'll probably be over for me
h-hot... 100% doms are the best
I didn't know where else to buy it and amazon seemed to have a good selection. I see nothing wrong with it.
good anime keeps coming out
In the scale of the universe 80 years is a non-existent amount of time, might aswell live through it and see if they make SAO real in the meantime.
I typed (my handwriting also sucks) a 1000+ words suicide note, explaining, blaming, and asking forgiveness.
For the past 6+ years the fear of god's punishment is what stopped me but I think that it wont hold me for much longer
Whatever piece of shit god put me in this situation won't get me to abide by his bullshit. I refuse to negotiate with terrorists.
what if hell awaits you, user? Life would be better than never-ending cycle of burning.
If only there was any proof at all that it does. Nothing supernatural has ever been properly documented. People used to believe that heaven was up in the skies, but I've seen what's on top of the sky: a whole lot of nothing. I just don't see god being real and allowing for all of this bullshit in the world to go down. A god that would do that would send you to hell regardless of what you did in life.
A convining case. But WHAT IF? Risk seems not worth it and that is the only reason I am sticking around this life.
I truly hope you find peace because Im living in fear and worry.
not him but there is absolutely proof that heaven and hell are real, but 97% of the world's population has been tricked into not being able to see it, and most won't dare look it into it themselves
question everything
I'm not really an atheist, I have a lot of respect for religious people. But this kind of thing never really clicked with me. I just can't find it in me to believe in all that.
I believe by some magical powers I will have my dream of owning a comfy house come true.
Didn't think i was going to be watching lectures about death at 1am, thanks for this
Gl hf, user.
Just do what feels right and also the best of luck to your relatives.
>afraid of death
>hate living
Its like my life is a cosmic joke
yea you should really kill yourself
a parasite called hope
only thing pushing me forwards honestly
My dream is I can go on a murdering rampage one day and massacre a lot of people (people I know though, no innocents)
Im a really big coward always back out last second.
My dogs I guess. Being able to feed and keep them well cared for is my only motivation for working and even getting up in the morning.
The fact I made a difference in the lives of the two girls, (rescued from horrible cruelty) and maybe the idea I could help more I only wish I had endless space, time and money. I would just save as many as I could. I guess its enough to keep me here that something needs me and I can still feel happiness
Too scared
I can't comprehend the absence of sensation
It would be a relief - but it wouldn't because I would be incapable of experiencing 'relief'
I'm addicted to sensation itself regardless of how shit it is I guess
Nothing , absolute total nothingness is the most terrifying thing I can comprehend
I'm too lazy to kill myself. And i want to beat dark souls first
I have the perfect method and I want to do it, but I know the result just won't be the end of my own life
your dogs are vv cute user
take good care of them :)