Even firefox isnt safe anymore? You guys know a good alternative browser?
Even firefox isnt safe anymore? You guys know a good alternative browser?
>firefox isn't safe
>runs windows
Dude, at least install a random linux distro or something.
Can Linux run windows programs now? Also wasn't there a controversy where Linux got taken over by sjws or whatever?
>dimension of gender
Ever notice how these diversity clowns try to make their "studies" sound mathematical? It cracks me up when they talk about "dimension"s of diversity or black/white "spaces".
I didn't see the image you posted, so I thought you meant "safe" in terms of not stealing your data.
>Can Linux run windows programs now?
Not really. It can run some through wine, but generally you shouldn't trust it to work, unless it's a videogame or something.
>wasn't there a controversy where Linux got taken over by sjws or whatever?
Idk, but there are some sjws in linux and related stuff. I care more about Microsoft's involvement in linux desu.
>Can Linux run windows programs now
Natively, no. You can use virtual machine and sometimes, wine.
>Linux got taken over by sjws or whatever?
There are multiple distros. Also sjws don't usually want all your data and to install bloatware
GNU/Linux can't run Windows programs because they use different APIs. There are no plans on Linux ever getting native support for Windows APIs because Windows isn't open source so all the work has to be done through reverse engineering. However, there's a program called Wine that acts as a compatibility layer and allows you to run Windows programs on GNU/Linux. Whether it works in your case or not depends on which programs you want to run. You can check support on appdb.winehq.org
>controversy where Linux got taken over by sjws or whatever?
If you're talking about time when Linus Torvalds adopted CoC, then that got overblown on Jow Forums. They make a big deal out of bullshit, usual paranoia.
Nothing was taken over by anyone.
What's protondb? Does it cut fps?
>skype in 2019
Get out.
Firefox is fine. I don't agree with Mozilla's political views but I don't see how switching browser will help? All the alternatives use WebKit/Blink so by switching you're giving Google more power over the Internet and Google pushes SJW propaganda just as much as Mozilla. If you find things like that thing in your screenshot annoying (I believe those are called snippets?) you can disable them through a user.js file and there's tons of configuration you can do through it.
Also remove Adblock Plus and install uBlock Origin addons.mozilla.org
whats wrong with Kiwifarms?
you have bigger fish to fry, stop giving a shit if other people want representation, it doesn't hurt you
ProtonDB is just a database you can use to look up how well the games work on GNU/Linux. If you link it with Steam here protondb.com
I mean I'm happily married with Opera rn.
Startpage, use it and never go back to anything else.
What's the point of Opera? I can understand Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave, and even Chrome, but I can't understand Opera.
"Just look the other way man, the state of your society doesn't concern you."
Yeah but it was just some devs threatening to pull their code because they were being harassed by sjws
It's an edrama site where failed normies make fun of the dregs of society to feel better about themselves.
What do you recommend then? FreeBSD?
terminate yourself retarded trannie
how is this a bad thing, then? I don't get it
I'm just a regular faggot, not a trans girl
Brave browser
>Caring about the company's political stance instead of their browser's merits
Congratulations, you're an SJW yourself.
>using windows
>almost definitely has intel or AMD parts in his PC both of which have diversity programs and intel even paid a bunch of women on twitch for just existing
>has facebook on his most visited sites
>pretends to care about the SJW boogeyman
Get out.
>literally any lefty person is sjw
time to go back to Jow Forums
Hey kid its almost bedtime
That isn't what he said though