We have no allies, we're outnumbered and everyone wants to kill us.
Who's in?
We have no allies, we're outnumbered and everyone wants to kill us.
Who's in?
wheres the robot island
and i would rather side with Jow Forums, at least we have something in common
Big nigga McNugget smash
fuck /mlp/ fags
I wanna murder the discord messenger for asking me to bump this every single goddamn time
This server is certified anti janitor
where's robot island
ayy soz senpai
kill all pony fuckers
btw guys any newfags who wants to join us robots it's gg/DmTcmGH
guys /a/ said they wanted to be allies i promise
no user, that's not cook no
I think we can just pick wherever we wanna go.
If you want to discuss where to go you should join the discord DmTcmGH
Does anyone happen to have a file of a Jow Forums fantasy-esque map? It's two major land masses connected by a land bridge with a bunch of outlying islands. And the r9k portion is labeled as "the hermit kingdom".
Does r9k have a separate server just for us?
>We have no allies, we're outnumbered and everyone wants to kill us.
Like a true robot
Stop messaging me Zealous
>Tons of spam in the chat
>Join voice chat
>Get banned
Nice fucking server, lmao
Whats the IP? I havent played mc in a while
I didn't even sent a single message, joined a voice chat or anything and I just now noticed that I'm banned too
Pretty sure server got nuked.
The server got nuked for loli porn but there is a new one up already.
aight im done with it see you guys 2020 love zealous