How do I slit my wrist without it hurting?
How do I slit my wrist without it hurting?
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hahaha you are really dumb
fuck up and miss
sobriety certainly isnt helping your case
Like there is no way. Learn basic biology first.
Or just eat up a lot of painkillers.
>Slitting wrist
Use a more effective method dumbass.
A gun is much less painful
its gonna hurt, just go deep and fast
Take drugs (alcohol is a drug), use a razor or a scalpel, since razors and scalpels cut through the skin so easily it will not hurt as much as if you used a knife.
cut your thing, but do a dope graff design.
dont waste your canvas.
Use a razor
I mean which cutting area in the arm is the least painful? also this gon be my first time and I don't wanna completely cut my arms open like this faggot
Ohh, so you're cutting for attention instead of death. Kys faggot.
How painful is cyanide? I read online is pretty effective.
Also how to get it?
"Ohh, so you're cutting for attention instead of death. Kys faggot." stfu you obviously have the case of big gay, no I ain't doing it for attention, I wanna harm myself because I am depressed and sad asf but I am being a pussy, so help me do it.
You fucking retard, it's the same pain on all the arm. By the way - Cut on your thighs, it'll be way easier to hide.
I just don't know how to do it the right way, I don't wanna completely cut my arms or cut so deep that it kills me, also I don't want others to notice my the cuts in my arm
Google it. I used to have a forum post bookmarked that had cut instructions on what to do/avoid/etc
This cutting for attention is a total meme desu.
I cut myself for several years but only my parents, best friend and women i banged know because the scars are all on my upper body and legs and almost completely covered if i wear a short sleeve shirt. I know this has been a mental disorder i have been through and never wanted anyone to know about it and i still hate talking about it. It did feel amazing though when i was in the mood to hurt myself. It did not really hurt then, instead the feeling i got from this was very calming, warm and comfy. Like smoking a cig while being lightly drunk on a sunday evening or something. Once you find out, that this feels good to you, it is easy to get addicted to this behaviour because it is super easy to get in this comfy mode where stress just falls off of you and you magically manage to focus again. I knew this was a shit way to deal with my problems, so i never wanted any kind of attention for this behaviour.
I stopped doing this, because it freaked my ex gf out. Wasn't easy, but then again so was quitting smoking.
If you were really that much depressed you wouldnt cut yourself looking for the less harming way. When someone selfharms, he is looking to feel pain because feeling something or punishing yourself by pain is the goal of selfharm.
You re not depressed you re only a low IQ faggot that needs attention and wants to eventually say "muh i cutted myself im so sad babe".
Kys. And no, i ve never have cutted myself.
stab yourself in the chest
stfu faggot you don't know shit about me, I don't need attention from a bunch of incels and nobodies who talk about hentai and their celebrity crushes all day, if I needed attention I wouldn't try to seek it on Jow Forums dumb ass, how am I supposed to get it attention when I am "anonymous" you dumb fuck?
You do realize where YOU are, right?
To add to this, don't do it user. In the long run you will regret it. People will always assume you were some faggy attention whore and your future self won't want that.
If you do it, only use clean razors or very sharp and clean knives. Clean your wounds and don't be overambitious. You do not want to go to the hospital to get that cut stitched because you wete a little in to deep.
And from my experience its the same as with any addiction, you will always need bigger wounds to feel some relief, so this will fuck you up aesthetically.
How about not slicing your wrist? If you want someone to talk to im here man. How's your day going? What made you want to cut your wrist?
>big gay
found the newfag
>Ohh, so you're cutting for attention instead of death. Kys faggot.
people dont cut to die man they cut for many reasons
cyanide isnt nessicarily painful, but in your last moments it makes it feel like youre suffocating, no matter how much you breathe in
ye I am a newfag, you were a newfag too at some time
Right. Unless you are a massive autist it is impossible to cut too deep the first try. If you are using something very sharp (Double-edged razor blade/scalpel) don't press, just drag it on your skin and if it doesn't do shit, press it slightly until you get whatever result you want.
If you end up on a deep layer that is white-ish, you have reached the dermis layer, should just make sure that you close the wound with steri-strips or you'll have an ugly scar.
If your blood starts spurting out like a godamn firehose, you may have hit an artery, if so, fucking get to the ER.
>wanting to die like a girl
>not training mind, body and spirit for seppuku in your NEET time
I'll start with my legs
soak your hand in freezing water for 30 minutes, take out and slit, put hand over stove or squeeze
important reminder: its down the street, not accross
Well pain killers and whiskey are the obvious answers but I am just confused by how you are more worried about the pain than anything else. You'll be long dead before the wounds are infected. I would even go so far as to say you should stick around a little longer to figure out how shit works.
You want attention from people out of here, you want your own personal drama, your own sad storie, to be a dirty disgusting marked victim, you fucking weak pussy fag. Stop cringing and go kys if you re so fucking depressed, show us, prove us your sadness. Ah? Bah...
based and one off trips desu
Seppuku, that's how I want to go...
You shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun beforehand.
Hey dude, I heard that cutting your balls or dick with a razor is the least painful method of self mutilation. Maybe try it?
Op it's gonna feel like a cut
Try not to do it
Also this^
Cutting blows I like the focus it'll give me but it's a pain in the ass and it gives me anxiety to think that someone may call me out for it
I don't want to do it because it makes me so fucking angry at myself for not being a normal person
And then woops accidentally burned myself lmao
Fucking stupid
take a lot of opiates first. i never slit my wrist but i had my shoulder and thighs slit with a razor once when i was really high and i didn't feel a thing. i imagine it'd be the same with the wrist.
I just want to say that cutting fags are absolute pussies. You want to cut? You're a stupid bitch and nothing you can say otherwise can change that. Kill yourself instead you fucking dumb piece of actual shit. LMAO YOU are a bitch and nothing about you is significant so you want to cut so you can say "I am just a sad piece of shit." lol look at these little bitches bro. SMDH
OP's question is retarded, so I'll ask my own: what can one do to increase their chance of dying from cutting their wrists?
>inb4 choose another method
>Big gay
fuck off newfag
This, I wish i could slam this little pussies head into a fucking table and kill him.
Maybe... Don't?
Won't hurt if you don't do it
Use a gun retard
Aint that the point?