Posts that made you realise we're the bad guys
Posts that made you realise we're the bad guys
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is it weird that post made me feel better?
Two sides of the coin
>Why are robots bigger fuckups then fembots?
>Robots: Because women are more looked after
>Fembots: Because men are weak
Its really quite interesting how these different world views actually both make sense at the same time
Just because I enjoy the presence of women doesn't mean every iota of my being hangs upon their approval or lack thereof. Just because I have biological urges doesn't mean I'm going to use them to elevate myself socially or internally. There are weak men and there are weak women. Stop posting bait.
HOLY shit that picture is so hypocritical
It just made me realize how similar we really are
The person that made that post is sucks fucking idiot. Literally everything she said in that post can be reverted back to women. The Spiderman meme would be a good one.
Btw not one of my friends is as pathetic as the men she talks about in her post.
This post feels like it was made by a guy who's trying their damndest to seem like a woman who hates men. He probably made it specifically the way so that you could replace the generic male flaws with generic female flaws and it'd be the exact same message.
Most woman respect men and love them and most men love woman and respect them. Though they should respect the individual.
This made up girl persona who made that post would probably have had a life of no respect and abuse so "she'd" be speaking about the exception and not the rule
Wow the amount spelling mistakes in my post actually scares me. Well done me.
Btw op if this I'd actually made you think that "you're the bad guy" consider dressing up as a women and start being a submissive cockwhore because being when you're that much of a pussy you dont deserve to call yourself a man.
I'm glad that board exists, it lets me know how hateful and lacking in empathy women really are when free to be their true selves
Nice cope, women on average have higher empathy and everyone here is constantly shitting on each other and any attempts at progress. Your cognitive dissonance won't allow you to accept this reality.
>women on average have higher empathy
in the sense that they have a superior ability to manipulate people, sure
>and everyone here is constantly shitting on each other and any attempts at progress
I don't know why you're bringing this up, I never mentioned r9k. but you're right fembots are awful people too
I bet you anything that she couldn't define what "falling apart" means in terms of how men deal with failure, they usually kill themselves, so yeah I guess we are weak. We are so weak that we have to ask women for help, because how pathetic is that to do? Asking women for help is really fucking stupid. They will only further complicate the problem, the only way you can treat them is like pets, because all they can do is fetch shit for you. Women don't even have the capacity to have empathy, it's all fake, all they feel bad for is themselves, and blame others, mainly men for not doing literally everything for them. is literally r/incels but for women.
goddamn stupid fucks
lol roasties getting btfo left and right
These are the people who complain that r9k is full of woman haters
The girl is in the wrong in this situation
This is literally fucking rape, she even said no. This is what rape is usually like, it's not like in the movies where a stranger fucks you in an alley at gunpoint.
You don't know what it's like being with someone way bigger than you who could break every bone in your body with their bare hands, someone you trusted, and having them on top of you and thinking with their dick. It's fucking terrifying, when it happened to me I didn't say no, I was too scared. I just said hey over and over and over and tried to get out from under him. I sobbed in his bed for almost an hour and when I confronted him about it he was confused as to why I was upset and convinced me that it was normal and that's just what sex is like. I didn't even understand that what had happened to me was rape until weeks later when it was too late to do anything about it.
i'll top my hate to this spirited roaster, but she doesn't realize that you "ascend" the need for female validation once you've adequately satiated it. From 17-24 I I fucked 50 girls. From 26-28(present) I've fucked 50 hookers. I didn't NEED to 100 roasters to get the point, but it has been thoroughly internalized in my mind and perception that women are absolutely not worth shit. The dollar value of a freelancer hooker is less than it would cost to get papa johns delivered to my house in the US.
Women have control over men as long as thy are naive and inexperienced about how worthless women are. In fact this entire post is basically just a shit test directed at betas. This girl is excoriating the existence of beta males, their unwanted advances, etc. she wants BETA males to go to hell.
However, she wants CHAD to fantasize about fucking her. She wants to be CHAD's mom. Yep, women are only as strong as men allow them to be.
when you realize that we were always fated to be the "bad guys", and you embrace it, that's when you become completely free
Saying "no, no" in a soft gentle voice isn't the same as saying "hey could ya stop? I don't wanna have sex yet." in a firm voice
It's also literally a way to weed out bad people. If he gets upset at boundaries then leave em. Stoopid
Big cope. 50% of people on the planet can't be all bad. What a ridiculous notion.
Homosexuals and transgenders are egoists though, and have you ever met a good egoist? I have, but they're rare. Too rare for that overlap.
Honestly whatever you call yourself, if your gender affects your ability to manipulate hairless chimps you're fucked either way. I know how arrogant it sounds, but work with what you have, because your identity really is just nothing.
fuck off roaster it isn't rape. She made no genuine attempt to repell his advances beyond impotent lilttle nopes. women ***supposedly*** have their own agency, and so faced with this situation she could have at any time
>blocked his hand/penis from entering her vagina
>started screaming "stop right now this is rape"
>poked his eye
>kicked him in the nuts
>ran out of the room
There are numerous overt things she could've decided to do to resist her rapist. This guy is a piece of shit for not intuiting that what he was doing was fucked up, but from a legal standpoint, you're shit out of luck.
p.s fuck your "feelings," cops or no case. men go through gruelling fucked up tramautic shit everyday and we weather it and hold who we can accountable according to the law. you don't get a pass because of traumatic feelings.
You're ***equal*** to men remember :^)
>You're ***equal*** to men remember :^)
By this logic I can make it look like I pulled out your teeth out of self defense. Lord knows I'd try it on you and I haven't thought of anyone else to try this on before. In a way, it's a compliment.
This is one of those times when text can be an incredibly deceptive way to recount a story, because it doesn't occur in real time.
What happened during the (probably several minute) time frame when they were actually fucking? That's what I'd like to know - and I don't see a way to know it without stepping through every second in what amounts to real time.
Because the REAL reason people believe that (sometimes) no really means yes is because I'll bet you dollars to donuts that at some point while they were fucking, she responded to it and was into it. And so the guy now thinks that any "no" she verbalized was a game, and that the overall event was consensual.
No means yes when something becomes taboo like sex out of wedlock. Even for a fedora wiccan atheist that feeling that if we feel pleasure we are bad, we selected for this, we selected for groupthink and masochism.
Yup. If some guy decided to try to rape me up the ass, there would be absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind about the nature of the event and no way to be unclear about it.
And I wouldn't send the guy texts wondering when we were going out again for the next three weeks.
if a guy is actually raping you (yes even the guy ignoring repeated "no's" is a rapist). carve his face up with a knife or basically do whatever! doing nothing reinforces the idea that women somehow have a deficit of agency that the law recognizes; appearing to contradict what equality means.
Sometimes no, no in a soft voice is all you can muster. I couldn't even bring myself to say that.
No means no, period, end of discussion. Just because she didn't physically resist her doesn't make it consensual.
You have no idea what this scenario is like when you're the one experiencing it, I just to say the same autistic shit when I was a teenager until this happened to me. It's fucking terrifying. It's easy to sit here and theory craft about how you would calmly and politely tell your would-be rapist to please kindly take your penis out of me, but you're scared and have no idea how the guy will react so you just lie there and let it happen.
>or basically do whatever!
Please don't give me more motivation than I already have. I've heard things I couldn't even think of. I wouldn't want to ruin my microwave with human hair for example, or use it to feed someone who intended me harm. Even if it was their own body part.
What is agency? Just do what you can. My god, did we ever understand the meaning of life to begin with?
i've had girls put up passive resistance in the beginning but gently coerced them through foreplay and being sweet etc and then they became receptive and enjoyed the sex without complaint or issue. if at anytime they were suddenly like user, YOU NEED TO STOP NOW. I would stop immediately. its as simple as that. I get that there's certain nuances of rapes. But since the women is the one being acted upon ( more or less), she represents the continuance or cessation of the actor's (man's) activities. The ultimately judgement of violation or permission rests on the responsibility of the woman. To sanction a rapist or permit a poker
I have been with someone for 10 years. Only once have I said "no" because I wanted to start being more responsible about birth control and he didn't listen. I said "nigger get the fuck off me" and he did.
we're not black this was in 2009
>scared how the guy will react
what reactions were conjured up (during the event) that you thought would be worse than him successfully violating your body with out legal consequences because of your passivity
>Sometimes no, no in a soft voice is all you can muster. I couldn't even bring myself to say that.
If you're so weak willed and not confident then why the hell were you putting yourself into situations where things could get intimate?
yeep, naow that theyur a reel womun
>My boyfriend
They even have posers
>all i could muster
what a load of bullshit. if you were on some flight or fight shit you could muster a whole lot more. as stated, what possible consequences would be more dire than getting some unwanted guys spooge spackled up your spring hole
What does this have anything to do with equality? Not pulling a knife out of nowhere and trying to stab the guy way bigger/stronger than you doesn't mean you consent.
There's a difference between this and rape. If you start doing something new, they put up resistance, and then you return to what you were doing before and later try again that's fine. If you continue doing what they resisted in hopes they'll change their mind that's rape.
That he would kill or seriously injure me? That he'd continue but be rougher? This is such a stupid question I can't believe you would ask it. Fight or flight isn't all there is, some people just freeze up and don't know how to react.
Better not leave the house if you aren't confident in your ability to fight off a mugger.
Assuming this isnt some weird LARP, Im sorry this happened to you user.
You should better prepare for muggers or avoid situations where they are prone to strike
It sucks what happened but you should known the risks
the vast majority of people suck and should be considered personal enemies, it has very little do to with gender or sex
>brag to their friends
I almost never talk about relationships with my friends. It's always other people bringing it up.
Damn, that's a lot projection in one post. But she's right in one thing. I don't see women as equal, at all. That's why I hate them, because I would prefer a companion who is truly equal to me, not some stupid little womanchild who does whatever she wants and expects me to deal with it. Maybe her post does apply to a lot of menthough, I don't know. I definately hate fuckboys and players more than I hate whores and bitches. Personally I can think about fucking someone without seeing them as lesser, but again I see many men not able to do that, to the point where even fapping to someone ruins them in their mind. I guess she is right? It just doesn't really apply to me. I hate all women and all men. And not in a "radical centrist" kind of way. I geniunely feel individual and seperate disgust for all women, and all men. Women for being natural whores, unable to love someone they don't think is hot and manly enough. Men for enabling their behavior and participating in the global orgy of the modern day, a disgusting population that I would gladly genocide. To shame men for being weak, well, it just goes right back to the females hatred of non-manly men. There's no saving humanity. If only they would all just die off.
Sure, it wouldn't hurt. But it doesn't make it not a mugging just because you weren't prepared.
I still sometimes have nightmares about it, but I'm okay. I don't think I'll ever put myself in that position again honestly.
If the story is accurate, the guy was in the wrong. If someone says no, you stop and ask if they're ok. It takes all of five seconds. Why would you even want sex with someone who isn't comfortable with it? It's no fun if the girl isn't into it.
It's a tiny bit of comfort that my existence causes histrionic bitches like her to lose her tits, but I am also worried by the fact that she fails to see that women, too, seek to boost their ego through attention from the other gender.
>There's no saving humanity. If only they would all just die off.
See this is the correct point to make but does it make you a fag or misanthrope? Are you truly challenging your monkey brain or just insulting it out of spite?
>Damn, that's a lot projection in one post. But she's right in one thing. I don't see women as equal, at all.
The really funny thing about the pictured post is that women *say* they want to be equal in a relationship, but that only lasts until they need or want something they think they can easier get by acting helpless.
She's right, fuck men. They're need beta males, pathetic porn addicts. Even me, for the first part.
I see much of what the OP pictured in those "feminist men" (lmao). They are the biggest enablers of bad traits in women, because they are so scared of not pampering the pretty princess that those become unsufferable cunts. And the rest are troglodytes, but slavelike all the same.
Text is an eye opener, even to how I act. The thing about women being a trophy, "mommy" and so on is spot on in regards to how I want a girl I fancy. Must suck big time to be a woman dealing with men, they're bad enough to deal as a male. Imagine them being horny to you all the time and their cringy adulation.
1: society wouldn't allow me to be too greatly harmed by a mugger
2: I don't go into dangerous looking areas because I'm not stupid
And yes I am confident enough to leave the house and atleast attempt to fight off a mugger
Based second language english speaker
That's a pretty retarded conclusion actually. Humanity does not deserve to be wiped out because the bottom % of it is terrible. Basically every animal is capable of fucked up shit if you haven't noticed.
Why are women so retarded?
>like kissing but dont want sex yet
Just be assertive and say "No, I dont want sex yet"
>he gets on top of you
Tell him to stop even louder. Start hitting him.
>>>you pretend to enjoy it
Of course it's both. I challenge it, and insult it out of spite because I know that no human can rise above it, not even someone with autism. I have been almost successful in destroying my animal traits, since they were diminished to begin with. But I can't defeat it completely. I hate my own monkey brain just as much as I hate everyone elses.
>this much delusion and narcissism in a single post
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
>I know that no human can rise above it, not even someone with autism.
Why thank you
>I hate my own monkey brain just as much as I hate everyone elses.
I don't know how to ask this without exposing myself, but do I know you ... ?
>when it happened to me I didn't say no, I was too scared.
Fucking female logic.
Ehh our gif got me to like the second line of your post but then I said "fuck it" and stopped reading. Gimmie a tl;dr of this shit and this thread and life or whatever I don't care fuck you.
>This post feels like it was made by a guy
Of course it was written by a guy. Awareness is a male trait.
>castrate me
Yeah but she forgot that I also have 10 fingers and 10 toes to rape wher with
It's not the bottom percent. It's 100%. Maybe you don't see thw things humans do as such a revolting thing as I so, because I can assure you that what I hate most about humans is a universally shared and biologically programmed trait. Don't tell me not to hate them just because "it's nature" either. All things are nature, and nature disgusts me.
Women are too stupid to be assertive, to the point where it literally hurts them.
This whole thing could've been avoided if she went "Hey dude, get the fuck off of me."
ok I guess have fun being mad at literally everything instead of accepting it as natural and moving on with life.
Fucking this.
Can you imagine being a guy, and an unarmed guy came up behind you trying to stick his dick in your ass, and you only meekly saying "no... no..." and expecting him to stop from that?
Why are women too stupid to do basic shit like self defense?
No seriously, why? Is it because they never had to fight when they were in school? Is it because they always have people coddling them?
Well there's only 5 non-family members I've ever told about my internal thoughts, and I think only ever told one guy about that aspect of them. So maybe? I've never told anyone in person that stuff as well, only a couple online gaming friends.
>I can assure you that what I hate most about humans is a universally shared and biologically programmed trait
Lots of women would beat the guy's ass. They're just not the people that go on to make greentext stories about it
I refuse to accept that which I hate. Acceptance of that which disgusts me is abhorent.
Women lack agency, dont communicate for shit, and then act surprised when the guy didnt use his female mind powers to read her mind that she wanted to stop.
If the story was that he tried to stick his dick in her, and she was like "HEY DUDE FUCKING STOP" and struggling all the time he was banging her, there would be FUCKING ZERO people discussing whether it was rape or not.
Being mad at something you can't change is suboptimal.
Guess that makes two of you. You should have said "based english-as-a-second-language speaker".
I hate human sexuality and how it directs every aspect of their loves and thoughts, even though they are so unconcious to it. That they shun others not because they are bad or a danger, but because they know deep down they are sexually inferior. Men and women alike.
>1: society wouldn't allow me to be too greatly harmed by a mugger
Yes, it would. Society doesn't do shit when a mugger has you at gun/knife point and is demanding your wallet. It might punish them afterwards but if you piss them off you're still going to get stabbed.
>2: I don't go into dangerous looking areas because I'm not stupid
If you're a woman in this analogy there are no safe areas, your only option is to stay inside. Every man has the potential to be extremely dangerous if you are alone with them.
>And yes I am confident enough to leave the house and at least attempt to fight off a mugger
Sure thing buddy.
>this person is saying hey over and over
>there's a look of terror on their face
>they're clearly resisting me
>I should keep going
Male logic.
We aren't "too stupid" to be assertive, we're conditioned to let men down gently so we don't get fucking murdered.
Just beat up the guy twice your size who is currently on top of you.
>>>scared how the guy will react
Women are so retarded and lack agency so much, that they're being raped and thinking "Hmm how will I save the guy's feelings".
Why are women like this.
Not being able to change something is irrelevant to my dislike of it. I refuse to accept it.
Okay but girls like you do need to recognize this as a risk
If you're afraid of being raped don't involve yourself in situations where you're isolated with someone you don't trust
>Yes, it would. Society doesn't do shit when a mugger has you at gun/knife point and is demanding your wallet. It might punish them afterwards but if you piss them off you're still going to get stabbed.
Grab his hand and poke them in the eye, he should drop whatever he is holding. I did this when I was mugged once, although I was trembling afterwards.
Or grab his hand and kick him in the balls
Or pretend to suck his cock and bit it off
Be creative
I think what you describe is a special case of a more general phenomenon: no one will waste their time on you unless you can offer them something. It can be sex, knowledge, entertainment, career advancement, etc. Personally I find that to be completely rational and not worth hating.
I find it completely disgusting and worth putting all my energy into destroying. It disgusts me in a way I cannot describe. And I will cease hating it when it, or they, no longer exist.
>If you're a woman in this analogy there are no safe areas, your only option is to stay inside. Every man has the potential to be extremely dangerous if you are alone with them.
If that's what it takes then yeah
Don't allow yourself into situations where you can get raped
If that means don't be in intimate situations with new guys then just avoid everyone
>And I will cease hating it when it, or they, no longer exist.
Don't you mean when YOU no longer exist?
Because honestly we all know that's the outcome here.
People are animals, not robo-ohhhhh
I think it's mainly because resources are finite. I'm not going to be alive forever and I can't afford to spend time talking to people who offer me nothing. The only reason I'm even talking to you right now is because it's entertaining. Hating that is kind of like hating the laws of physics imo.
: society wouldn't allow me to be too greatly harmed by a mugger
>Yes, it would. Society doesn't do shit when a mugger has you at gun/knife point and is demanding your wallet. It might punish them afterwards but if you piss them off you're still going to get stabbed.
There are plenty of heroes in this society you just don't have faith. And me being stabbed? No problem as long as I ain't dead and the mugger gets punished
: I don't go into dangerous looking areas because I'm not stupid
>If you're a woman in this analogy there are no safe areas, your only option is to stay inside. Every man has the potential to be extremely dangerous if you are alone with them.
Large open spaces with friends is an option for safety. Also society would one hundred percent protect you from anyone if they saw you being harmed in an open space
>>And yes I am confident enough to leave the house and at least attempt to fight off a mugger
>Sure thing buddy.
Yknow what I love about this line is that you're trying to imply that I'm not physically able to stand up to a mugger in an attempt to emasculate me but I only said I was confident not that I was able to fight. Lmao it's hilarious that even here when you get your ego bruised by some Rando you have to default to shaming language.
You're right, there's no way I can actually get rid of humanity, so I will just die hating it. But I really wish I could. Or someone else would.
This described me pretty well, pretty good reality check, maybe i'll change maybe i'll keep doing the same thing.
I do not believe one should not hate the inevitable. Even if it is as certain as atomic physics, if I hate it then I hate it. I know it cannot be changed and cannot be stopped, and that is part of the reason I hate it so much, not in spite of that.
basically she says that the guy should put in all the effort and she should provide nothing in a relationship
then she gets mad that all the good men are taken, they probably stay clear of parasites like her.
>>they're clearly resisting me
Implying saying "no..." is any resistance.
If you're unaware, women act passive and lie about shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
I fucking WISH women were direct about what they want. Want me to eat your pussy? Say it. Want me to stop? Say it. Want to eat somewhere? Fucking just choose a place.
Women are also shitty judges of character if they willingly chooes to get intimate with a guy who they're not 100% comfortable with
>We aren't "too stupid" to be assertive, we're conditioned to let men down gently so we don't get fucking murdered.
First of all, you lack an ability to think for yourself. "Hurr durr muh society teaches me something so I have to blindly follow it!"
Secondly, "letting men (people) down gently" is for rejecting advances, NOT WHEN SOMEONE'S FUCKING RAPING YOU, IDIOT.
>Just beat up the guy twice your size who is currently on top of you.
Imagine being in high school and being a 5'3 100lb male, and having the older\taller\heavier students beat the shit out of you.
What now, miss "empowered woman"?
Oh that's right, nobody gives a shit if something happens to men. But if it happens to women, it's a HUUUGE fucking deal.
That's what the girl in the story did. She said no.
Women don't have the upper body strength to do this. A woman who's stronger than 90% of women is only stronger than 10% of men.
That's lolcow
>That's what the girl in the story did. She said no.
Meekly saying "no..." ISNT BEING ASSERTIVE.
>Women don't have the upper body strength to do this.
I do not give a fuck if she's strong or weak.
Unless the guy is fucking holding down her wrists, PUNCH HIM, KICK HIM, PUSH HIM OFF, POKE HIS EYE, GRAB HIS BALLS
It makes me so fucking mad that women are too meek and inactive to the point where it actually hurts THEMSELVES, and then everyone tells women how big of a victim they are.
I wasn't scared about hurting his feelings I was scared he might fucking kill me.
I did trust him, that's my whole point. Most rapists are people you trust, every male you ever date is a potential rapist and you have no way of knowing until it happens.
It's so ridiculously easy to sit here from the safety of your room and try to think of ways to escape a situation like that, but it doesn't work like that in real life. Even from the comfort of your room you couldn't come up with any good ideas because literally all of those would have been a great way to turn rape into a murder.
They don't have to be new, they can be guys you've dated for months, they can be your husband.
>There are plenty of heroes in this society you just don't have faith.
There aren't always heroes though and you can't count on there to be one, there wasn't one for me.
>And me being stabbed? No problem as long as I ain't dead and the mugger gets punished
No, you still got fucking stabbed dude and I still got raped.
>Large open spaces with friends is an option for safety. Also society would one hundred percent protect you from anyone if they saw you being harmed in an open space
You eventually have to be alone with a guy unless you are just going to swear off men/dating completely.
>Yknow what I love about this line is that you're trying to imply that I'm not physically able to stand up to a mugger in an attempt to emasculate me but I only said I was confident not that I was able to fight. Lmao it's hilarious that even here when you get your ego bruised by some Rando you have to default to shaming language.
I made fun of you because you felt the need to bring up what a super tough macho man you are who would kick a mugger's ass.
>First of all, you lack an ability to think for yourself. "Hurr durr muh society teaches me something so I have to blindly follow it!"
>Secondly, "letting men (people) down gently" is for rejecting advances, NOT WHEN SOMEONE'S FUCKING RAPING YOU, IDIOT.
Let's all listen to this user and see how it works out for us.
Oh wait--
> That they shun others not because they are bad or a danger, but because they know deep down they are sexually inferior. Men and women alike.
Most animals do this. Like Chimps or Lions, why are we any worse than they?
sounds like a typical girl who got ghosted by a chad so now she writes wall of texts about men being terrible
>It's so ridiculously easy to sit here from the safety of your room and try to think of ways to escape a situation like that, but it doesn't work like that in real life. Even from the comfort of your room you couldn't come up with any good ideas because literally all of those would have been a great way to turn rape into a murder.
I have been in a situation like this before and I managed to escape because I did the first thing I told you. You are assuming quite a great lot over there.
That post doesn't strike home at all, it's literally gibberish to me and idk how I feel about that.
>respect and equality
if those female shut-ins were held to the same standard as guys they'd get decked.
>Meekly saying "no..." ISNT BEING ASSERTIVE.
It's clearly withdrawing consent. The guy raped her.
It's not hard to rape people, just ask them "are you ok with this?" before you proceed. If you don't do that then you have no right to complain about ""accidentally"" raping someone.