>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>raised by single mother
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>has dyed hair
>has short hair(preferable if she has never had a haircut)
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is a militant gaytheist
>is an egalitarian
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
These are my red flags for females. And you?
You're asking a lot while you're a fat beta loser lmao
>You're asking a lot
I'm not
>you're a fat
What's up with the sudden change of avatar? What happened to Wagie GF?
Is Sakurasou no Pet that good?
Idk what you're talking about, buddy.
picky af
Maybe you aren't picky enough?
Post yourself on /soc/ and I will reciprocate if you are a lady.
Why do you fucking retards always set standards this high and then bitch about not being able to find a S/O like 15 mintues later in another thread, like half the shit on this list is outright bizzare and I can without a doubt say that the person who wrote this is a massive faggot who will most certainly never find a GF, seriously if you even thought twice about half of these you would realize that they make no sense.
Fucking degenerate.
Your post contains 0 arguments. Specify what traits I list that you have a problem with and why and then we can engage in a back and forth and enrich our lives with shared knowledge.
>Fucking degenerate
Like pottery.
>Uses contraceptive drugs/device
Because we live in the 18th century where casual sex is a big nono
>Raised by single mother
Like it`s her fault that her father abandoned her/her parents don`t get along, really shows the lack of brainpower you used on writing this
>Involved with shitty family
Wow user! Nice to know you would just bail on your loved ones when things go south.
>Shorter than xxx, fat
That`s sexual preference, I accept that in every way
>Went to government school
>Listens to hiphop/rap/pop
Never judge a person by their music taste, trust me on this one
>Dark skin, tatoos, piercings, died hair, hair in general
Nothing wrong with that, once again sexual preference
>Eats out more than a couple of times
Dude what
>Uses Jow Forums
Oh boy
>Watches television
Now you`re just making yourself look even more stupid at this point
>has a Netflix account
>Addicted to social media
I would bet my life that your definition of "Addicted" literally means checking WhatsApp twice a day
>Complains about men having standards she can`t or refuses to meet
The irony on this one is actually killing me
>uses the word hateful
>dyed hair (including dyed to another natural color)
>uses social media other than forums/image boards
Yeah that's about all I can think of to be honest.
>Because we live in the 18th century where casual sex is a big nono
Casual sex is a negative regardless of time and space. "It's the current year!" is not an argument.
>Like it`s her fault that her father abandoned her/her parents don`t get along, really shows the lack of brainpower you used on writing this
Doesn't matter if it is her fault, being raised by a single mother is still a negative. Really shows your lack of brain power replying.
>Wow user! Nice to know you would just bail on your loved ones when things go south.
Very low IQ reply.
>That`s sexual preference, I accept that in every way
It's a genetic, life style and moral preference.
Attending a government school is indicative of possible brain damage and it is indicative of poor genes inherited from parents showing disregard for child's wellbeing.
>Never judge a person by their music taste, trust me on this one
I don't trust you as far as I could throw you.
>Nothing wrong with that, once again sexual preference
Not everything is about sex, you degenerate pig.
>Dude what
Eating out is expensive and unhealthy. It indicates a disregard for personal health and poor resource management.
>Oh boy
Women that use Jow Forums, or participate in other male hobbies, display mental health issues.
>Now you`re just making yourself look even more stupid at this point
Not an argument. Consuming television shows disregard and susceptibility for/to propaganda and poor taste.
Same as above.
>I would bet my life that your definition of "Addicted" literally means checking WhatsApp twice a day
I don't know what whatsapp is.
>The irony on this one is actually killing me
There is no irony. Do you know what that word means?
I asked for an exchange of knowledge, but you've made it clear you don't have any to offer. You are just another low IQ normalfag ruining my board.
It`s official boys he`s autistic.
Why is she going to uni a red flag? even its something legit (not gender studies and sociology bs)
>Why is she going to uni a red flag?
Because it displays a willing waste of her prime fertility years to invest in wasting her later fertility years LARPing as a man.
Why cant she have netflix?? Television?? Go to restaurants?? Drink soda?? Dye/cut her hair??
There is no reason I can't both search irl and post this on Jow Forums.
>Why cant she have netflix?? Television?? Go to restaurants??
I covered these ITT already.
>Drink soda??
Disregard for personal health. Low IQ.
>Dye/cut her hair??
Vanity, poor aesthetics, LARPing as a man(mental illness), disregard of traditional beauty standards(mental illness)
No point in trying bruv this man is stupid as fuck and it`s obvious as fuck, after all we`re on Jow Forums to be honest.
>p-please don't engage with the OP! He might infect you with his ideas!
OP is braindead, utterly fucking braindead
>OP is braindead
>but I can't argue or disprove anything he says I will just call him dumb lmao
If someone says that the sky is red are you going to argue with them or are you just going to rightfully tell them to fuck off
>"Someone said the sky is red and I can't disprove it!"
>anime faggot expecting so much from women
what an idiot
>expecting so much
>so much
My standards outlined in the OP are very basic.
I mean you always without fail use the other black haired girl and... forget it, maybe I'm going crazy.
If you think those are "Basic" standars I have bad news for you pal.
>I mean you always without fail use the other black haired girl and... forget it, maybe I'm going crazy.
You may be, fren
Every girl I know thats into anime is a total rancid slut
I'm sorry you don't have standards, normalfaggot. I won't say "don't feel bad", because you should, but you shouldn't feel too bad because all the other normalfags are just as bad as you.
Sounds like girls that comes into contact with (You) are rancid sluts. Interesting.
This couldnt be closer to the truth
wtf OP, you do ask a lot. Good luck finding someone or just dying alone
>you do ask a lot
I really don't. I have very basic standards, I'm just excluding retarded whores and otherwise damaged goods.
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
So you don't mind hairy legs?
If she has hairy legs like I think you're implying, that is a genetic issue and she is safely removed from the running by other red flags.
Personally I see a respectable degree is a lot better (as long as uni life didn't come with the parties and shit), because they can usually have actual conversations and don't make you feel like you are talking to a toddler, also if a family is on the table, the extra income when the children are a bit older would be useful
>Personally I see a respectable degree is a lot better
Well yes, if the choice is a dumbass that got a good degree versus a dumbass that got a bad degree, it's quite clear which is superior.
>the extra income when the children are a bit older would be useful
So you are a modernist and have ideas of letting other people raise your children while you and your wife both work. That will end well.
Going to eat dinner soon. So my replies may take awhile in a minute.
It's bbq chicken and mashed potatoes if you're wondering.
so what can you tell about yourself OP? Do you yourself following those "basic" standards?
You ever just wanna shove someone into a locker when you read their post?
>so what can you tell about yourself OP? Do you yourself following those "basic" standards?
I don't display any of the red flags in the OP that apply to both sexes, and I don't display any of the male equivalent of the female only red flags.
If you want a more detailed reply, give me a list of red flags for males and I will tell you which ones I display.
>Letting other people raise your children while you and your wife both work
i don't think that, which is why I said that she can bring income when the kids are a bit older, so I would say once the youngest is maybe 16-17, even then she would have to be at home before they get back from school and help out otherwise. It's how I grew up and I see it as a good strategy
>It's how I grew up and I see it as a good strategy
>sending your children to government school
>only having one or two kids
>I require that my wife be mentally inclined to LARP as a man
I'm standing up to eat dinner now. I'll be back later.
i mean i wasnt the perfect specimen obviously but my brother is doing pretty well
you want a female who is a virgin but doesn't live alone or with roommates? Is this some cuck fetish?
>give me a list of red flags for males and I will tell you which ones I display.
>likes anime
>uses Jow Forums
not memeing here
I obviously want a woman that is a traditionalist and lives with her parents. Humans have been wont to live in multi-generational households for hundreds of thousands of years and it worked pretty well, so I deny the modernist practice of "moving out"
If those are seriously the only male red flags you have, then I'm afraid I display both and we likely won't be interviewing each other for marriage any time soon.
>has to be the apotheosis of all females
not post quoted but I completely agree, where I live the norm is for a person to stay live with theit family until they get married, otherwise a man might live away from his parents if he works in a different city or something, so I really dont get why in western society you are just socially obliged to move out at 18
You wouldn't consider that lazy? Seems like the only place you could go to get this kind of a girl is a third world country but then that would probably violate half of the other red flags.
I can smell you through my computer screen.
Why is it lazy for a woman to live with her father until she is married? You've just injected the concept into the conversation, so I am interested in your reasoning.
Smells like Chad doesn't he?
I'm likely slimmer and more hygienic than you.
Just speaking to the idea of the basement dwelling NEET who has yet to move out, that's all. If you don't consider women eligible to be NEETS then that would explain this.
incel btw
>Just speaking to the idea of the basement dwelling NEET who has yet to move out, that's all.
"Idea" meaning baseless meme.
She isn't a NEET she is, ideally, training to be a home maker and wife while being courted by potential husbands,
There is no such thing as an "incel". The concept is nonsensical.
While I have a deep and absolute hatred for whoredom, I recognize that prostitutes exist. Rape also exists. Any man that chooses not to engage in prostitution or rape is making a voluntary decision to remain celibate.
Whatever you say, incel. Have sex.
>Have sex
Within marriage? Absolutely.
The only things I'm guilty of on this list are Jow Forums, obviously, I shave my armpits and legs, I have a Netflix account (don't use it everyday though) and I'm 5'4".
Some other points are occasionally broken, but not often. I'll go out to eat at nice restaurants. I'll drink wine sometimes. I'll paint my nails for nice occasions. Stuff like that.
By the way you speak of traditionalism you probably look like a basement viking who doesn't shower because "muh ancestors didn't." The fuck do KHVs like you do for fun besides start internet arguments and dream about Ubermensch females?
Just post yourself on /soc/ and I will reciprocate, queer.
Aka "I'll die a virgin" OP
I'm not going to do that because I follow a lifestyle you'd probably find "blasphemic" or "degenerate." That'd be suicide by your standards. But I don't give a fuck, I probably have a better time with my life because unlike your greasy ass I can probably walk farther than 3 meters to the tendy cupboard or piss drawer. Have fun dying a virgin, loser.
>I'm not going to do that
Stopped reading. Stop talking to me if you're a coward.
I am completely open to that possibility and it doesn't make me incredibly sad.
>my man shouldnt be a weeb or go on Jow Forums
>oh but im a weeb and go on Jow Forums btw
fuck women
lmao hahaha have fun being lonely jesus christ imagine being this picky and complaining about not being able to find anybody lmao you ain't gonna find shit
I'm not lonely and I am not complaining about not having anyone. I am not picky either.
you are definitely picky lmao
>went to government school
>has a netflix account
like man why even care you might as well just find one of those uncontacted tribes and mate with one of the bitches there, it's not like they can drink soda or use netflix lmao. how aren't you lonely with this kinda taste? did you find one of the tribe girls?
What do you hope to achieve by making these threads every day and arguing with anyone who tells you that you will inevitably end up alone if you don't lower your standards? Has anyone ever actually agreed that you deserve a girlfriend who meets all these arbitrary standards?
>like man why even care
Stopped reading. I don't talk to idiots.
oh aight just refuse to engage with anybody who disagrees and prevent anybody from trying to understand your point of view epic
>arguing with anyone who tells you that you will inevitably end up alone if you don't lower your standards?
I've never argued with anyone that has said this. I accept the possibility and I prefer dying a virgin to sacrificing virtue for the companionship of a whore.
>Has anyone ever actually agreed that you deserve a girlfriend who meets all these arbitrary standards?
I don't care what anyone thinks I deserve unless that person is a woman I am courting.
Not an argument.
You didn't answer my question. What are you trying to get out of these daily threads? This has been going on for months. You're also the same guy who made the I deserve a girlfriend thread every day there for a while. And it's the same circle-jerk conversations every time. So why do you do it? Are you hoping some woman will see it and be like "there's my man"? Your standards are isolating 99.9999% of all women, therefore logically you will almost assuredly never find this person.
Why do you enter my threads and post in them?
Why don't you just answer the question instead of dodging it every time I ask it? You answer my question and I'll answer yours, I asked first.
>uses contraceptive drugs
I had to though because my period was really bad and caused me to faint sometimes and feel really unwell.
I don't care to answer your question, the answer should be obvious. I'll leave you to come to your own conclusion or to stop entering my threads.
Did you never wonder if you were supposed to have "really bad" periods? Why risk compromising your reproductive health with pharmaceuticals? So you could attend government school or something?
I can just come off of the pill when I want to start a family. I just really don't want to go back to fainting and throwing up and feeling light headed for a whole week every month. There are other things I can do to mitigate it if I stop using it but right now it's the only thing that really works.
>if you're a woman fuck off
I'll keep entering your threads and pointing out the fallacy of your logic simply because I'm tired of seeing it on r9k every fucking day. Know that you will never find a person who meets this criteria. If they do exist (hint: they don't), they're sure as fuck not on this board.
>Not a virgin
Just this alone disqualifies like 95% of the female population.
>I can just come off of the pill when I want to start a family.
Okay, so you are disregarding possible permanent damage to your reproductive health. I don't have such confidence and don't want my wife's reproductive health to be compromised, among other issues.
>I just really don't want to go back to fainting and throwing up and feeling light headed for a whole week every month.
>>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
There is no fallacy. Don't use words you don't understand.
>possible permanent damage
I'm not aware of any such risks but I guess I should look into it.
>sacrifices quality for convenience
I mean it's either use birth control to stop my period or stop functioning for a whole week every month. I don't expect you guys to understand but you're just being harsh.
>or stop functioning for a whole week
Why is this such a great inconvenience? Any men waiting to court you should be able to understand and not be offended if you can't make it to a marriage meeting. Is it an inconvenience because you feel that you need to LARP as a man and go to university or wageslave?
I just want to say, children turn out better when they have multiple adults involved in raising them
children who are raised just by their stay at home moms are going to have much less experience and a much more limited world view, which leads to anxiety or aggression
I really feel bad for the people who have the displeasure of engaging with you, OP. If your ridiculous standards don't put off every woman, your shit tier personality certainly will. You sound like a roastie Disney princess wanna-be with your insane level of entitlement. I guarantee your sexual market value is somewhere between 0 and 4. Beggars shouldn't be choosers. I wish people would stop giving you attention and posting in your garbage threads.
You're right. I don't think I ever said the father should be uninvolved in raising children though. The stay at home mother is still the absolute best environment for children to be raised in, and nothing you say will ever change this universal law of the universe.
>your ridiculous standards
Not an argument, stopped reading. Use reason to explain which of my standards are "ridiculous" or don't post. Low IQ replies offer nothing to anyone's life.
>Why is this such a great inconvenience?
Because it means I spend about a quarter of my time in absolute misery as well as not being able to do anything productive. I have a life too user I need to be able to do things.