Roasties lurking how does it feel you are going to become obsolete very soon?
Roasties lurking how does it feel you are going to become obsolete very soon?
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Not a roastnigger, so this makes me feel pretty damn good.
>raising a child without a mother
wew lad
>custom made daughterwives become a reality in my timeline
were gonna make it lads
go be a tradcuck somewhere else GRANDPA its over for you boyos you had your chance
You're aware that this will make pretty much 99% of the current human population obsolete, right? Not just women. It won't be necessary to do this annoying and tedious thing, where you hope that an adult man and an adult woman fall in love and start making babies, anymore. Instead, scientists will just take the semen from the top 1% Chad with the best genes, and discard all other humans, both women and the 99% beta males alike.
YOU, yes YOU will be obsolete as well.
The next generation of adults will be 100% superior Super Chads and Super Stacies, and they will continue to create more generations of Ultra Chads and Ultra Stacies, etc.
Cope harder roastie.
not original
it's not over for anyone except you. if you can't even land a wife to make kids with, what makes you think you're going to be a father, or even a good one? if you want to raise a child in a stable environment and make sure they don't end up all fucked up, they're gonna need a mother.
cope harder you canoli
That's not a problem for a robot, actually it's considered to be a positive thing since there will be no robots anymore and the current robots are already seens as obsolete so we don't have anything to lose.
I think normies hate this idea so much since they would become the new robots.
this! one of the main reasons im reluctant to have children is rooted on the fear that my kids would turn out to be robots as well thereby repeating the cycle of robotic suffering.
I'm fine with science making nearly genetically and physically perfect people if it means disabled fuckups like me aren't born into existence. It also might give humanity a fighting chance in the rise of AI
I feel cold, just the same as I felt when I read this.
As a robot, I'm fine with this outcome. Let us be the last of our kind; let no one else have to suffer our curse in the future. I hope they enjoy their paradise.
it doesn't matter because eventually every male will transition
who's the fucking retard that didn't make a timelapse of the fetus growing up
the fetus was created in a real lamb is why
I think men hate women so much that the most corrupt of them would get rid of all women.
It feels weird being an endangered species; naturally occurring woman. Huh. Oh well.
So the plot of Gattaca then.
those artificial wombs seem like a recipe for genetic diseases and mutations to me but that's just my uneducated guess
As much as I wish they would, they won't.
As long as they're capable of shutting up, chad will fuck real girls and marry a sexbot, while hanging the fact that he doesn't HAVE to buy pussy over people, and that they're now more sexually adventurous due to slightly less demand.
Women are kept for their sexual value, not their wombs, we aren't living in the middle east. If you want to replace women, you have to make VERY convincing sex robots.
If they have this, is there any hope of research to allow trans women to give birth naturally?
not really, no. That won't happen until at least 2075 or later.
Glad to have been born at the peak of female value, no other female before or after my generation is gonna have it as easy as I have it and it feels great
>The next generation of adults will be 100% superior Super Chads and Super Stacies, and they will continue to create more generations of Ultra Chads and Ultra Stacies
Nothing wrong with that. I'm always confused when people are outraged about artificial wombs, genetic engineering and all the stuff that makes our offspring better. Don't people want the best for their children?
Wombs have always made women more important than men though
Isn't this shit Alex Jones was talking about on the JRE?
>how does it feel you are going to become obsolete very soon?
idk how does it feel to be already obsolete?
maybe this will bring solidarity with robots
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