What was your prom like, Jow Forums? I imagine it was a lot like pic related. How was she the first time?
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I stayed home and played GTA
>he went to prom
normies fucking go
>going to prom
kek originra
>went to a small charter school that didn't have prom or any of that stupid bullshit because literally no one was interested in it
i told my gf i didn't want to go to prom because i was an edgelord, so we hung out and smoked weed by the creek instead.
Didnt go with a date, but got dragged along with friends to a get food afterward. Got lost. Didnt make it home until 4. Wish that I had not gone.
>he went to prom
How does it feel to waste all that money?
Didn't go out of spite cause tfw no girl likes you. My friends went and in retrospect I think should've gone with them and got drunk and had fun one last time before going to college and never seeing them again
I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine with two friends instead.
I've never been to a dance. Or a party, of any sort.
>having a gf
wow dude you are such an edgelord. Please teach me your ways..
based, I stayed home and played CoD4
True robot. Other than childhood parties parents forced me to go when i was little. Never been to any party or dancd either
You don't even dance by yourself in your house?
I didn't go my junior year. I stayed home and played WoW. Raided Zul'Aman that night.
Senior year, I had an awkward experience. Went with a girl (from another school) who a friend asked to go with me. Kind of was just thrown on to join this friends party ideas for eating dinner/photos and the like. I barely interacted with her the entire evening. I danced with her a bit (awkward waddling). She at least knew people at the prom there, so I think she had an OK time. I only went so I could give the illusion to my parents that I was fairly normal. I would have rather stayed home or just went stag though. I would have maybe at least seen someone there I would have liked to go with, but I doubt I would have mustered up any of the courage necessary.
I cant dance. Not coordinated
It was actually pretty fucking boring. We did the limo thing and shit. Prom itself was a bunch of shit music in a crowded and hot room. It was more fun hanging with the few friends I came with afterwards
Bugger me user, did you need to scream?
My saddest moment. My parents insisted I go. They were concerned all through high school how I had no girlfriends or friends to hang around and they pushed me to prom. I remember even cringing when my dad handed me cash and said "here son, in case you need some money for a taxi to an afterparty or anything." I went over to the prom, and sat in a corner all night. It was the mid-2000s so couldn't even browse a phone. I was just there, in a suit, alone, in a hot room with loud noises, for 4 hours. Drinking water, the only beverage that didn't cost anything. The prom ended and I went back home. My dad even said, "you didn't go to hang out with friends?" No dad, I don't have any friends
i was probably playing tf2
Brutal. How do your parents not understand? Are they turbo normies or something?
me trying to explain to my parents that i wont go to prom is probably one of the worst memories i have
the moment they realized the fucking piece of shit i am
oh shit they are coming again. the memories.
same. or minecraft.
a few years ago it was prom night, i was in a new state and at a new school. i spent my prom night playing stalker or something and thinking about my planned prom date i had back in my home state it fucking sucked
>me trying to explain to my parents that i wont go to prom is probably one of the worst memories i have
Are you serious? Your life has been a fucking cakewalk then my man. Why are you being so dramatic about such a small thing.
Same here, gta 4
this thread reminded me so i went to look at my prom pics but my date deleted them off her fb lol (we arent friends but her photos are public)
>played FFXI most of the night with comedy central on in the background, they showed stand-ups instead of shitty movies
had a great evening
>I cant dance. Not coordinated
Nah you just have a weak core and tight butthole
I went with a date only for her to leave me when her best friend made an extravagant display of affection at prom. I ended up crying into the breast of my history teacher. 7/10
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I didn't go to my prom or graduation, and I racked up about 40 sick days during my last high school semester. I've never been to a dance. Didn't and still don't own a phone or social media. I didn't have any friends and most of my lunches were spent doing laps around the halls.
fucking kill yourself cocksucker