Supporting other suicidal bots on Jow Forums makes me feel better. Get your own suicidal thoughts off your chest and I'll do my best to respond (unless I feel good enough to go back to work, then you're outta luck).
Supporting other suicidal bots on Jow Forums makes me feel better...
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I want to myself just to make those around me feel terrible and guilt filled
i dont have anything to get out of my chest, not anymore, its just something i feel like doing, but i can wait a while.
any comments?
i do think so, i just not interested in being loved.
Good, that's good. You should kill yourself before you get to lonely you ugly fuck lol
So, are you OP?
Whats your deal?
Tbh my fast for lent is to not kill myself. Am waiting the 40 days to see if I'm serious or not. I don't really have a good reason I guess. My life is increasingly being run by apathy, and I've let most of my decisions be made by other people or on a whim, just because I don't care. I finally found a girl I liked for the first time in my 21 years, but she rejected me. The rejection wasn't that bad, but it made me realize that I'll never form any kind of bond with another person. That in of itself isn't that big of a deal, but I can't help but view my future self with disdain. I can't really picture what I'll be doing, but I know I'll be alone with no friends or partner, doing something I don't care about to get my daily calories. I just figure if I'm going to live such a waste of a life, I might as well end it already and not waste any more oxygen or investment from others.
fucking lul. who around you do you hate and why?
>caring about others
kill yourself, for yourself, idiot.
I guess I kinda feel the same way. I want to know whether I would have ever amounted to something, but idk if it's worth staying alive just to find out. I don't see myself living past 30 though. 20 atm
If I kill myself, it's going to be out of disgust for what ive become, or know I will become.
I just like putting you worthless scumfucks in your place. I want you to push through despite the words, or no lol IDC just like making you faggots feel horrible.
You have to do better than that if you want to accomplish that goal.
Oh shit if that's the case just kys now. Lol you won't amount to anything, it's why everyone leaves you. You're like a channel with nothing good on, people may watch for a little bit, but they won't invest much time watching it because it is shit lol.
:/ My fast for Lent is similar. I think a lot of people get stuck in the "waiting for something to push us over the brink" stage for years, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. I think the longer you wait the more you will know when you're finally ready (if life does get that bad, hopefully not).
As for not wasting others' time, don't kill yourself to help the people around you. Fuck 'em. Your life is yours alone, and whether you want to ride it out or not should be based on you, not your value to the people around you.
this is the weirdest anti-pro-but-still-anti suicide thing I've ever written
Usually if you wanna try and wreak the most damage on a person, you gotta get close to em and convince em to trust you before you come out swinging. Just a tip ffr.
Op is helping by using some form of reverse psychology it looks like
Never too late to change. Old habits die hard but simply starting the battle to improve yourself can make one feel a lot better.
I prefer the method of making someone so isolated and depressed that they hope for any sort of affection like a homeless pet, then when they finally get it. You ruin their self esteem even more until they either kill themselves or stand up for themselves.
you know those video games where you hit an enemy and a number of the damage done pops up.
But if you try to hit a much stronger enemy, you get a message like - no effect.
thats you, with your anonymous messages. You are pissing in an ocean of piss.
thats not OP lol. I (OP) left to do some other stuff and just came back. If that guy's bait works as reverse psychology though, I guess that's all the better.
any of yall niggas on involuntary anti psychotic medication?
Sorry user. I try to do that too but last night a robot really did jump and wanted to hear nothing. He was just done with life.
I couldn't stop it.
Maybe, but I can't force myself to care about something, so there's no way I'll have a fulfilling future. I can't even remember the last time I was happy, so I can't even imagine what it would take to change that.
You obviously care enough to post, lol you are struggling to repair that ego huh? It's okay user :^) No one cares about you, but I'll talk to you, strictly friends though.
I could post how me and my gf indirectly caused someone to commit suicide if you want :)
Well, I am bored that's why I am replying.
Watch this
What an edgelord
That's a hard yikes from me senpai
How weird is it to look towards death positively? To me I'm glad I have the ability to kms, got me through some of my toughest moments by knowing I could just end it all at anytime if I wanted. Helps me live without attachments too, i feel more carefree these days than I have my whole life. More of you should think this way honestly, I dont knw why I'm the only one.
Sup mane. I don't like living so i'm gonna kill myself. Literally tired and burned myself out.
I actually gave myself an actual goal for the first time in my life, which is that if i don't pass this semester i'm going to kill myself. And it's fucking pathetic because not even when my life is at stake i will actually be bothered to fix myself. I'm literally going to die but i can't be bothered to save me.
i won't be living past 25 and i don't mind. I don't care about my family crying or any of that shit, i don't have friends either and never loved anyone. I'm not saying i'm crying for never being loved, but i have some sort of problem because i have never loved or cared for anyone.
Don't know what else to say man
:/ You did everything you could. Hope he's is in a better place now. Rest in peace user.
[adding more to keep this oreeginul]
Tbh I'm not against suicide completely (I get the struggle, being quite suicidal myself) but I like making other people feel better. I hope whatever they do choose to do with their life, they feel less shitty.
Yes I am haha, at least I'm not a bot though
I love that video lol everything about it is perfect.
I don't think it's that weird. It is empowering to know that you have a way out if things are too much. I'm not here with the sole intention of convincing people not to kill themselves, just here to try to make people feel better (and if that means they decide to pursue life, that's great, and if they still wanna die, it sucks that their life was so shit but I'm glad they're not suffering anymore)
You mean you have the sex?
Yeah, does it matter?
If it helps, I think part of the problem may be that your resolution is unhealthy. Passing one class is not an indicator of your worth as a person. It's just an indicator of your current skill level. Plus, that much stress on your grades is gonna depress you if the class turns out harder than expected, because now you've got the stress of impending death on top of failing. Not to mention that if you don't kill yourself then youll probably hate yourself for being a sissy.
Screw that goal, user. Not because youre a coward but because I say it's unhealthy. Wash the dishes. Do the chores. Youll be surprised how much your spirit improves when you treat yourself well. (And yes your spirit can improve independent of your will to live)
Sorry tagged wrong post
My life peaked last year, traumatic event happened, now I don't really see why I should continue desu
For a short amount of time (4 months) I got to know what it actually feels to be happy and content with my life and now it's gone again and now I'm not just a depressed sack of shit but a depressed sack of shit who knows how being happy feels like
Also living with like 7 mental illnesses is more suffering than calling it living
You think it does, you made a point about disclosing it.
I don't forgive you.
Never mind, tell me what you think about the halting problem.
I want you to explain to me why this makes sense.
Why H cannot exist if you are making it halt because of engineering?
>Why H cannot exist
nvm, I figured it out.
Sorry about that. Glad you got to be happy for awhile, though. I get your sentiment about living with mental illness being more akin to suffering than living. To be honest there isn't much of a solution to that one. If you choose to live for awhile longer, I find working on stuff (anything that you don't hate) passes the time relatively well. Friends are also a massive help, but they can be fickle. If not, hope you rest in peace when the time comes.
best wishes moving forward user, and treat yourself tonight.
>tfw schizoid
>tfw death is logical
>tfw can't feel anything
Are you the user who joined the marines?
Thank you for the nice words. They might not help in the long term but sure make me a bit happy reading them. I might actually get help for some of my mental stuff soon so I'm hoping that helps
Nah, I'm a filthy neet
>Thank you for the nice words. They might not help in the long term but sure make me a bit happy reading them.
ohhh you silly boy, here, have another (You) from someone else.
Oh, you reminded me of a thread a few days ago
Hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now: