Has anyone here tried that 30 day challenge where you cold approach 5 women a day? How did it go? As a near 23 year old virgin I feel like I should try something but it seems like it would be pure cringe for 30 straight days
Has anyone here tried that 30 day challenge where you cold approach 5 women a day? How did it go...
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Lmao xdddddd lil kok
I don't know where you live but here in America it would be some kind of miracle to see 5 attractive girls in a day. How about you just talk to attractive girls when you see them? They are your fellow human beings after all. You can at least say hello and compliment them if you like them. There is no harm done in that.
i dont see 5 women worth approaching in a week
and i live in a city of 100,000 people
in engerlund
Isn't it weird and creepy to start conversations with total strangers?
I live in Columbus Ohio and I probably see 20-30 attractive girls every day. Try going outside. Or maybe your standards are just ceiling high which there isnt anything wrong with dont get me wrong
From what I have observed this is what women would say if asked but in practice they respond much differently
Assuming "England" is what you meant, it's a very unattractive country. I don't know how you people have managed to continue with the quality of women you have on average. Not to mention everyone is fat. The only people that I saw who were attractive in England were immigrants or other tourists. In general the native English are fat, pasty, and have these gross frog eyes. It's one trip I don't remember fondly.
I guess it really just depends on the person and the questions you askm
No actions, and all actions, are "weird and creepy", depending whether the person doing them is attractive.
Obviously you just implied that you have low standards. My "standards" are not the problem. Most people are objectively not attractive. In the USA, most women (by average BMI) are overweight. That means a medical doctor considers them overweight. They are overweight.
Fat people and their fucking fat round faces should just die. I mean if your face starts getting deformed from cheeseburger and you can't lay off.. what good are you?
I assume the guy I am replying to is just some disgusting average robot from Ohio who would probably fuck a dog if he could get away with it. There's no real way to find 20 eligible girls in a day in Columbus unless you have really low standards
Chode mindset. Open your eyes tons of ugly guys get with hot girls. It is all about how you present yourself. Neil Strauss is a high pitched femine bald ugly mole rat looking manlet and has fucked many girls
You are delusional mate. Columbus has a huge college population and they are far from all being fat. Also those obesity statistics are not universal through ages. They are more condensed in the older ages as America has tons and tons of boomers.
Also I am a virgin at 23 and have rejected 7 girls based on looks
You're a fucking retard. Yeah maybe you can see 20 hot girls in a day by spending the day ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS. A college campus is basically a pen for girls 18-23. Isnt that a little different than just saying "Columbus, Ohio"? Fucking kill yourself you are too dumb to be posting
>how to get rejected 5 times a day for 30 days straight
this is some pua shit isn't it?
It is if you're a bit weird to begin with, and it often results in run-ins with the police and mall security (after the women complain). And that was before the #metoo hysteria.
Is the campus not in Columbus? Fuck off with your semantics
>run ins with the police
Lmao not op but I hit on girls all the time this does not happen. Talking to people is not illegal. I guess if you went to the same place every single day mall security might talk to you but youd have to be hitting on like every single girl
Statistically would be very unlikely to get rejected all 150 times without any numbers even if you were horrible
check your local laws before you do this, you could get arrested in most places in the western world if you try this.
Fuck off with your retardation. Let me put it in little child format for you:
I said it's rare to see 5 girls worth hitting on in a day.
You said "go outside... I'm in Columbus Ohio and I see 20 per day"
You should realize the world is not you. Not everyone lives on or goes to a college campus every day. If you think seeing that many attractive girls per day in the USA is normal, you are braindead.
You might have said "go to a college campus" instead of "go outside" and been correct. Don't you understand those are two very different things?
Let me go back to your initial post then fuck face.
>here in America it would be some kind of miracle to see 5 attractive girls in a day
Yeah because going to a college campus or a mall or a Whole Foods or a bookstore where attractive girls hang out is a miracle. Clearly go outside has some extended meanings behind it brainlet. If you just literally went outside in the middle of nowhere I agree no you will not see girls. The irony of you telling me to consider that other people live different lives is ridiculous.
You're a fucking idiot. "Go outside" does not mean "go to the mall searching for women" or "go hang around whole foods for a whole hour.". You're just dumb, man. Yeah you can go stalk around campuses and grocery stores for the entire day and maybe you will see 20 women to hit on. But who spends that much time in a grocery store? You're just trying to damage control because you have no point. If you go out trying to find attractive girls and that is the point of your day and you go back and forth to those places sure you can see them. But who does that? That's not a way to go through life creeping around in businesses that you don't even want to buy from just to look at women shoppers
On average in America you don't see that many attractive women per day. This is my original point. Stalking malls and grocery stores is not normal. You know you could probably see a lot of girls' vaginas if you bury yourself in the shit of a portable toilet in a crowded area but you can't just "go outside" and see it. What you are talking about is creepy and unusual. The average women you meet in passing daily are not attractive. You are describing targeted creeping.
this only works if you're already an attractive guy. its well known and been disbursed throughout the media to be on the look out for ugly beta faggot men trying to accost women in public places known as PUAs. attractive guys have plausible deniability, you probably dont
The whole fucking point and topic of the thread is picking up girls. You then said it would be some miracle and I proved to you that it isnt and now you are butt hurt.
That seems like a false reality to me. I doubt going up and starting a conversation with a girl even 5/100 would think omg some pua and then put up a guard
You're a fucking idiot. You can't understand language - you have no comprehension of the original argument. You are a dumbass who doesn't even get it when I break it down into kid terms. Kill yourself
RSDTyler is shit for game, but 8/10 on life philosophy.
Wow keep up the ad hominem in each post it is really helping you to sound more correct
The blueprint decoded is the best pick up program of all time
Not worth an original comment
No you :^)
Worth an original comment
Disgusting incel filth, I hope you never get to experience the touch of a woman.
Numbers don't mean anything. Girls give them out and then ghost you. Women find 80% of men unattractive so it's very possible that youll get rejected 150 times.
>30 day challenge where you cold approach 5 women a day
You'd probably get arrested.
Have the feminists really brainwashed you into thinking talking to girls is illegal? Pua guys do this all the time.
Ma nigga xddd
I have fucked a lot of chicks man. Idk what that has to do with the argument. America is an unattractive nation. Are you people really not convinced of that? Maybe I should give the other dude's advice, "go outside." Or better yet go outside to another country where most of the women aren't fat as hell. That will have some effect
Talking to girls is not a crime user
I live in San Diego and and their are tons of hot girls. I also travel a lot and routinely see hot girls. Maybe you are gay.
What city do you live in where every young girl you see is fat and ugly? Are you sure you just arent focusing in on the bad so much that it is causing you to overlook what good is still there?
>just approach women, bro what could go wrong
You guys are just dumb bottom feeders. I'm sorry but I don't have low standards like you. That's the only conclusion and I am bored by arguing the obvious with idiots. Just find some water and put your head in. I'm closing the thread because the rest is boring too
Okay so maybe dont be a sex offender and label yourself the LA predator
>everybody tells him he is wrong
>lol this is boring you guys are all stupid dont bother responding to me either because you are too boring
Truly an unmatched debater
You think he took that label himself?
It was likely forced on him
>America is an unattractive nation.
The problem is so many people are fat, that's why people think you have high standards if you refuse to fuck fat girls.
Sure u have fucked a lot of girls, I definitely believe you and am not being sarcastic whatsoever.
I mean I just used the info from the video. It said he calls himself that. He is also still a sex offender
Anecdotal evidence but everyone in my friend group thinks banging fatties is low standards
Hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Is it pua discord or just a bunch of fags role playing. Seems like a weird place to advertise it if it is the latter
It's not like they can't lose weight and besides there's more to a person than their body, user.
Sure but it makes them unappealing enough that I dont care
It would be pure cringe and it would benefit you.
I'm 22 right now, my jobs requires me speaking on the phone to strangers and meeting strangers in a professional setting. There has been a lot of cringe because my socializing is a dumpster fire.
Now that I can have some small talk comfortably I do I'll at girls when I make eye contact and sat hi but I do not quite have the balls for making further moves.
Basically what I'm saying is the more you do it the more natural it will become and the more enjoyable you'll find it. There will be a lot of cringe.
no thanks is getting very scary to have sex with women. the government will point a gun at you and force you to pay child support extortion. also feminist gave women too much power and they can destroy your life with a false rape accusation.
Shallow as all hell then
i hate making people feel uncomfortable so no
You are in a pua thread lmao
I think my hate for making people feel uncomfortable is getting overpowered by my hate of not fucking cute girls
yeah I dare you to try your pua in France.
There is a difference between catcalling and talking to someone but I admit this would make me hesitant. Probably would just run night game in france
Tbh I wish op the best and you too
Thank you I appreciate it anonanon
Hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Is this a bot? Stop advertising in the same thread
It's all about money in that case.
Women care about nothing but your looks when evaluating your sexual attractiveness, but they are willing to fuck men who pay them. It's called prostitution.
Even tho we may disagree on that one thing, in the end we're all just human so I wish you the best and hope that tommorrow brings you joy and peace user!
Facts get out llol
I like him a lot for being open minded about MGTOW. He drops redpills on marriage and the dangers of women. don't trust the other rsd faggots they just shame MGTOW and act like there is no danger.
>le money
Every chode thinks it is about looks or money. Funnily enough men are the ones who largely care about looks. Women mainly get attracted based on emotion. If you can stimulate the right emotional response you can attract them. Sure there are some women who wont fuck you if you arent rich or 6 foot three but they are more rare than you have been conditioned to believe. Ive been to multiple pua bootcamps and seen these fugly instructors do it in person. Im only slightly above average looking and a manlet. Before game I was a 20 year old virgin. Now I am 26 and have fucked 62 girls all at least 7/10. Ultimately this is just some guy on the internet talking to you. I strongly suggest you try for yourself without having a failure mindset and see if it works. It can change your life
i would stop after one try. in other news i probably missed a good opportunity this morning at the airport. i was hesitant as usual. eye contact and all that crap was there. since i'm ugly i always think it's because of that. oh well, next opportunity in 5 years might be the good one.
you can't even do that in the right environments such as clubs or bars because of #metoo. you are risking everything just to feel some pussy.
You live in a fantasy. Thousands of guys hit on thousands of girls every day and dont go to prison.
>Women mainly get attracted based on emotion.
Absolute bullshit. No matter what you have to meet her bare minimum requirement for looks, I don't care how charismatic you are.
>implying men don't lose their job and get sued for sexual harassment at work every day.
Just because it isn't illegal doesn't mean you won't get arrested. "Causing a disturbance" and "resisting arrest" are broad enough that the cops can effectively throw you in jail anytime they want.
>But muh rights! Constitution! Lawyer Up!
Hope you know how expensive legal fees are when paying out of pocket, which you will be, because suing government bodies takes a huge amount of work that the lawyer will almost certainly not make back from whatever judgement may eventually be awarded.
I dont hit on girls at work just unnecessary drama. There are girls everywhere just avoid it in at work and youll be fine.
Give me evidence or you are just talking out of your ass. I have approached hundreds of girls and never been close to any sort of criminal charge
This below average balding manlet ginger disagrees. You are right that some girls just wont give you the time of day but there are plenty of others that will.
Forgot link. For third reply
>Women mainly get attracted based on emotion. Looks don't matter, bro.
t. virgin
originally original
Africa or South America?
Im conflicted
>men are the ones who largely care about looks.
>Women mainly get attracted based on emotion
PUA shill detected
I have had sex with 62 women over the course of 6 years. I was a virgin until age 20 and my life was awful. All I could think about was not getting laid. I am unapologetically a pua shill it changed my life completely. I wish every guy on here who was like me would at least try it.
That's one of the biggest tenets of PUA, its necessary for men to think this way so they can push through all the nos and rejection, but its false. Looks aren't everything, but its the keys to the door.
It is the keys to certain doors. There are plenty of other doors
The problem with PUA's is the fact that they are esentially just salesmen trying to pitch their products to gullible lonely men.
I mean if pua just teaches men to be confident, why the fuck should anyone pay outragous prices for their common sense advice?
Absolute conmen, the lot of them
>just teaches men to be confident
That is not all it teaches. Confidence is huge dont get me wrong and you could probably be okay if you were just confident and talk to girls. Their is a lot of strategy they teach for different steps of the process. Also a lot of it is available for free
*there is a lot of strategy
Before somebody spergs out
I can't approach girls, who are pretty, because I feel inferior to them.
I also have no idea what should I talk about with them. With anybody. I don't have social contacts for years.
I live in too small of a place to realistically do that and not have my name be spread around.
That's a college dorm/college city thing only.
The only reason you are inferior is because you arbitrarily decided this. I get this is hard though I was stuck on this for a long time.
One of the rare pua criticisms that I fully agree with. Pua is ultimately a numbers game and if you dont have enough numbers it is hard to win the game.
I wouldn't even know where to talk to five different women a day, beyond a "hi how are you" kijd of thing. That sounds like something turbonormies would pull off
But they have better looks, better job, better life in general. It's not arbitatry , it is a fact.
Again you have arbitrarily decided that those things make them better. There is no objective reason for you to do so you just have been conditioned over time to make those relations. There is nothing stopping you from valuing yourself for yourself and framing your self on an equal footing.
I'm with the other anons here who say that 5 a day is near impossible.
I live in a rural area, I'd have to drive an hour to the next biggest city to meet 5 women, and I'd still struggle to find 5 my age.
go for it, there's nothing to lose.
i've only approached 3 women I was into, but each time it's gotten exponentially easier. First time I was legitimately shaking, second time I was stuttering over my words and spilling spaghetti (she was too so it was okay) and this most recent time I was only a bit nervous.
If I can see that much improvement in 3 situations, you could see way more in 150.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
It absolutely is. Cold approach is a hilarious PUA snake oil potion that gets sold to losers. Actual relationships develop naturally through events, not you walking up to them and begging them for something.