how the fuck do I escape anxiety/ panic attacks?
how the fuck can I deal with any obligations when just doing stuff like going to the bank gives me a full blown panic attack? i'm trapped
how the fuck do I escape anxiety/ panic attacks?
how the fuck can I deal with any obligations when just doing stuff like going to the bank gives me a full blown panic attack? i'm trapped
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i want to know this too
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Just stop being anxious.
fuck anxiety attacks, the reason why I can't go to bed normally and have to wait until I collapse cuz they love coming at me when I'm alone with my thoughts
bonus points if they last for fucking hours
bonus bonus points for feeling like its going away and your mind trolling you and bringing it back
I feel you user
Pray a little, that always help a lot
Counseling and the drugs that a therapist gives you. Then you join the BJJ gym. By purple belt, you'll forget what it's like to overthink social interaction.
Gotta take the melatonin that shit does wonders
Have you tried cannabis OP?
You can't escape them. You need to learn that being scared means nothing, its just an unpleasant feeling. It tricks you into running away from things that scare you, and if you fall for it, you will eventually become agoraphobic. The key is exposure therapy, ie to do things that trigger them and let yourself panic but dont run away. I cant explain it well, there is a book I read about exposure therapy that changed my life by this guy
This is virtually the only way out besides medication that is addictive and hard to come off of.
Overcoming anxiety that has overcome you is like climbing out of a crack in the ice pray to God is the only chance to escape
If you are from a country that have a real army, join it... there's few thing the army cannot beat out of you.
What is causing the panic attacks? The moment it's gone, the attacks disappear in my experience. Also afterward nothing phases you anymore but I may just be dead inside idk
The only way is through exposure...
Yep. That's it.
Also, your pic related makes you seem like a total faggot and someone I would avoid at all costs.
just say fuck it and go do it, remove all these doubts you have.
booze tends to do the trick but if you have to stop abruptly without tapering you'll make the situation even worse and have to deal with that shit until you die
Have you tried camomile tea? Maybe it's just a placebo but I feel a lot more calm and composed after I drink it and your breath won't reek of booze if you have to go out and talk to someone.
Booze is fucking shit. After a while you're stuck thinking you need to drink the stuff 24/7 to get by. And the withdrawals are like going through hell.
What a retarded idea
"yeah bro just let bootcamp turn you into a mindless drone of the zionist elite"
Fuck off
>Booze is fucking shit. After a while you're stuck thinking you need to drink the stuff 24/7 to get by. And the withdrawals are like going through hell.
completely in agreement but it has allowed me to do a ton of shit I otherwise wouldn't have, sure it means my life is absolute hell now and for the foreseeable future but it does do what it needs to when you're in an impossible situation
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Fuckin normie tier advice
I used to have several panic attacks a day, sometimes lasting throughout the night, until I started to meditate daily. Haven't had a single one since (it's been 5 months). Meditating is helping me reduce my anxiety in general.