Christianity was the worst thing that happened to humanity.
Change my mind
Christianity was the worst thing that happened to humanity.
Change my mind
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I don't have the time or energy
>monogamy was the worst thing
Sapience was worse.
Technically it was because it bred feminism
sexual revolution is worse, monogamy is fair
you are truly a waste of breath
thats the point
Well it did get a lot of those beta men to enable sluts. If polygamy was a thing girls would behave to be chads next wife.
You know nothing about history then, most early scientists were Catholic
Most modern scientists are Christians?
Didn't Christianity come after Judaism? Why isn't your gripe with them OP?
>Christianity was the worst thing that happened to humanity.
I don't think that's true. If you're some kind of Nietzsche fanboy, slave morality existed before Christianity and not all forms of Christianity throughout history were slave morality in practice. I actually think that Christianity's influence on the world was overstated and that its central message didn't really take off and that it's just pretty much re-skinned Paganism in most cases.
monogamy is necessary for a society to thrive and feminists have already destroyed the family unit, monogamy is in the process of being destroyed right now
once you see how chaotic men become when theres no real reason to try anymore I will see how useful all this time you spent touting about atheism, climate change, and vaccines was
Because Jews run the world while Christians are getting assraped by Muslims
why did you include vaccines with those other two things? I agree that climate change is BS and atheism is empty nothingness, but vaccines legitimately save lives.
i know they do, its just another gay component of redditcore
Id say tv adverts.
Even the most influential figure of the ad business in the 20th century has an ill opinion about tv advertising
>It is television advertising which has made Madison Avenue the arch-symbol of tasteless materialism. If governments do not soon set up machinery for the stricter regulation of television-both commercials and programmes-I fear that the majority of thoughtful men will soon come to agree with Arnold Toynbee that "the destiny of our Western civilization turns on the issue of our struggle with all that Madison Avenue stands for."
>The vast majority of thought-leaders now believe that advertising promotes values that are too materialistic. The danger to my bread-and-butter arises from this: what thought-leaders think today, the majority of voters are likely to think tomorrow.
Society is overrated
You either be dead or swimming in bitches by age 20. Society just makes you suffer slower and not much else.
no, when proper monogamy existed and was socially enforced society was excellent and hard working upstanding men could be rewarded by having the chance to start a family with a loyal wife
thats gone now and its never coming back thanks to feminism, im not saying it was perfect but it was far better than what we have now
Well, girl want to have fun and what's society compared with it.
>running through 50 guys by 25 and aborting children and drug experimentation is fun
>killing my ability to pair bond is fun
this is the problem with roasties and atheists you guys just dont see the bigger picture
Well, people are dumb, that's what happen when you allow the people to rule themselves
thats why you need religion - to control people for the greater good threads over
Well, the good part is that damaged societies are incredible prone to be religious, just look to UK, it has more religion now than it had for the last 50 years
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>Year of Our Lord 2019
>Not being a LawChad
>Christianity invented monogamy
Christianity reigned in the herd. It gave the plebs reason to act civilized.
No, that would be woman OP.
He was right you know. No other philosopher could disprove him.