What you actually need to be happy?
What you actually need to be happy?
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The cessation of capitalism so that the material conditions of the proletariat can improve.
The bourgeoisie has, all too often, given surface level lies that give the illusion of improvement. For example, they "raise awareness" of the opiod epidemic (not put a money towards it). They talk about how the stock market is improving (85% of stock is owned by the top 10% of earners) and therefore the economy is doing good.
If you want to look at a microcosm of capitalist "innovation" check out Dunkey's latest video on tetris (youtube.com
Because of such revolutionary innovations, you can get commodity electronics more cheaply, but if you want a material improvement to your life (i.e. housing, education, healthcare), then you are paying more than ever. Inflation further takes purchasing power away from the proletariat by devaluing the money they have and creating more in the form of bank loans for people who already have enough money. So, in essence, by design, your money is worth less and purchases less because you are part of a lower class.
I actually need the material conditions of the proletariat to improve to be happy.
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The truth is you need to have constantly improving creative pursuits to be happy.
Communism is even worse than capitalism. Embrace the third position.
So what will you do user?
>cessation of capitalism
You are talking nonsense, user.
One of the following is true -
A. If you live in a capitalist country -- then you are a hypocrite.
B. If you live in a socialist shithole like Venezuela, then you know nothing about capitalism and should try it first.
What is it , user - A or B?
Unlimited access to high school girls. Wallhacks and all.
Look at these fucking bootlickers/AT&T sponsored dissenters/class unconscious bufoons. Holy shit, I didn't want a debate. I was just answering the question.
a more interesting life to live life how i please
to meet someone who makes living in a world as god awful as this shit hole worth it
a reason to not kill myself at 30
everything is boring everything is lifeless
everyone is dull boring and void of personality and depth to their character
everything's a chore everything's boring the world around us keeps getting worse and worse
the destruction of the entire modern political system
and a replacement for it that doesn't suck cuckservatives gone
progressives gone
Jow Forums gone sjws gone
antifa inbreds gone
lots of things that would make me happy
but life is inherently shit so ive given up trying to find happiness
everything's shit idk what would make me happy though
You gotta be reasonably healthy in all aspects, good luck.
No responsibilities. Live is about surviving. The rest is made up bullshit
The cessation of capitalism so that the material conditions of the proletariat can improve.
I need 1000 a month. Yaaaaaaaaanng. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang
1000 everry month 1000
money makes me happy
men need a purpose before anything else. a reason to get up in the morning. A reason to live. This usually ties into family or work in most cases.
But you can have the fall of capitalism as your personal goal, that also work
This is correct. I wanted to commit seppuku until I got a job which didn't make me also want to kms
Billions of dollars, fame, and smarts in chemical and mechanical engineering like I shit you not that's all I need
a goal in life
or alternatively, love
Or, in all seriousness, MegaMan Legends 3.
>What you actually need to be happy?
A fembot
A loyal loli wife,
no need to acquire a job,
ai to simulate the better parts of humans, so I don't have to interact with real ones,
sword fart online tier vr,
no obligations,
no aging,
a suicide mental switch which instakills me upon sustained desire to pass away,
friends who are not trying to constantly drain resources from me,