My greatest fear is that the feminists will make sexrobots illegal because sexual freedom for men hurts women somehow. Do you think it's possible?
My greatest fear is that the feminists will make sexrobots illegal because sexual freedom for men hurts women somehow...
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Women don't care about sexbots or the kind of men who will use them.
thats great to hear. But read a bunch of articles from the guardian where feminists complain about it
But *I* read a bunch of articles...
sorry for fail grammar
If you are so pathetic you'll let women take away your private fap material then kys
They've literally won every single cultural battle since 1960s. Why do you think they wont win this one too?
>I read hysterical clickbait and it made me scared!!!
Buy yourself a Real Doll and fuck it until you stop being retarded.
degenerate whores will get the rope, male or female, your sex addiction will inevitably stifle innovation
i dont think they would, if they were to take away sex machines then sex machines for women would count as well. Right now women already have textured vibrating dildos and other stuff. Maybe male sex robots for women will come soon as well.
why do they keep shutting down sex doll brothels then and making excuses to ban them completely.
The other cultural battles were about getting new rights for them. Contraceptives decriminalized, divorce, alimony, abortion, common law marriage, child support, all that was another right for them.
Denying rights for another group is a whole different battle. Their best argument is saying "sex workers will lose their jobs". Not only did the "X will cause Y to lose jobs" argument lost nearly 100% of all debates, in most countries prostitution is in a grey zone or even illegal. Outside of that, there are no arguments.
Next, if they do come to a point where they ban sex robots, it will be a VERY awkward process to legally define what is a sex robot without killing off the sex toy industry where you have the counterargument that "X will cause Y industry to fail for no justifiable reason". Even if they do pass it, if it is worked "realistic human depiction", congrats, waifubots and monster girls are still legal because they have goofy eyes and proportions that are not within the definition. If they want to argue, then they have to define what counts as "human-like".
I'm just rambling, but you get my point. This is not a battle they already fought. Getting rights is different from denying rights and impacting a whole industry.
I sincerely doubt it. This has the potential to develop into an enormous industry, a few roastie feelings arent going to stand in the way of all that green.
nah, feminism is losing ground really fast, won't be a thing anymore in another 5 to 10 years
they barely even have any power right now unless you live in one of those few cucked countries
No, what use would it be? You can 3d print robots, cast silicone, and make them in your room. I'm more worried about governments claiming matrix multiplication has human rights so they can treat robots as citizens, tax them, and allow them to vote so the rich can buy the elections more easily.
If there's money to be made the men in charge will give us what we want.
Literally this, feminists are afraid of sexrobots, deep down they know that they won't be needed anymore.
And as technology progresses and the robots get cheaper and more real, you will see more adopters. Cause its just too much of a hassle to deal with "empowered women", way to many negatives just to get your dick wet or feel "loved".
Come and get me, I'll blow your head off.
Feminists complain about everything
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9/10 would read again
Hope to encounter more posts from you in the future
people have been wising up to their shit and if they legitimately attack waifubots they'll bite off more than they can chew
Great point, thats using your head
My greatest fear is that sex robots turn men into NEETs and women run everything.
I mean, I don't know anything about sex doll brothels, or why that's a thing, but it sounds disgusting.
>It's not my thing so I'm glad they banned it.
wtf I love police states now
How is your worst fear possibly about not being able to stick your dick into a robot?
Shouldn't you have more fears prior to sticking your dick inside a mechanical robot?
You dont get it, its not about sticking your dick in this or that. Its the loss of freedom, why the fuck cant we do what we want? It literally hurts no one. Whats next after this? Cant use my own fucking car because the exhaust fumes might damage nearby feminists? Really?
Do you put words in people's mouth often?
Spaghetti-Os are delicious desu
I mean you already aren't free to use your car if you don't have according permissions. However my point still stands, if your literal worst fear of life is over not being able to slap your dick into a pile of silicone that resembles a person then you probably shouldnt have one to begin with.. also where do i buy a real doll?
Also.. look at anything thats 'illegal' in this world.. you can still buy it all. Most just aren't robots you insert your penis into.