I love you guys. You've all made me laugh and have introduced me to some great music... But I can't go on living.. I tried to give a description but it said my field was too long to post.. So... As brief as it is.. I'll miss you guys.
I love you guys. You've all made me laugh and have introduced me to some great music... But I can't go on living...
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Ultimately it's your choice, user. Just know that I think your life is worth keeping, even if you might not think so at this moment. I'll never meet you, but I truly, sincerely love you.
The choice to die. It's an odd choice, but not for the reason we think. It's not odd because we go against the self preservation imperative. It's odd because by accepting death you are truly free to live. I can't stop you from dying, but if you are a dead man walking, at least try to get some joy out of life before you go. The worst punishments humanity has either attempts to take time away from you (who cares, you are ready to go whenever) or end your time (already gonna happen anyway). Be free friend.
It's your choice op, but in my opinion, suicide is a permanent choice to a temporary problem
Pls don't kill yourself user, I know that it can get overwhelming at times but you'll miss out on all of the good things that are gonna inevitably happen to u. Please try to find a reason to go on and get some help if u can. Best wishes and good luck fren!
Please don't do it user. Think of it this way: the world is your oyster. If you truly want to die, why not live on the edge for a little?
If you really loved me you wouldn't do it.
Dont know why people just dont do something crazy if suicidal like hitchhike across the USA instead.
Its not worth it mang, figure out your life that makes you happy, like others said its a permenant decision once your gone there's no turning back
Thanks you guys, I ended up having a breakdown like always and opened up my phone and saw your replies.. If it sounded selfish to post on here or whatever.. Then I'm sorry.. Thanks for keeping me alive for a little bit knowing that at least somebody cares about me :'(
Things will work fren, they may take awhile but they'll always work out
Don't be sorry, user. Ten years ago, my best friend cut his wrist in the room next to mine while I was asleep. After he did it, he realized he wanted to live and called an ambulance, and thankfully he survived and is doing very well now. I just wish he would've woke me up instead of doing what he did. I feel like you posting this thread is sort of you "waking us up" to talk. Post 100 threads if you have to, just please wake us up.
See you on the other side brother
In the great hall of Valhalla we will feast side by side
I've just been really depressed lately. It goes away for a little bit but always comes back stronger than before. I tried therapy and medicine but it didn't help. Religion only made me more depressed no matter how innocent or good of a person I was. I lost my friends (they cut me off once they started college), most of my family (died young and unexpectedly), and the only woman I ever loved about a year ago.. I thought it would get better over time but it just pushed me into a deeper hole of depression and anxiety. I'm really really sorry for this post you guys.. But thank you so much for being here for me.. I really mean it.. You have no clue.. I love everyone of you guys with my whole heart. I'll stick around for a little bit and I'll never forget you.
stream live
We're not friends. Don't do that to yourself
godspeed admin
you seem like a kind lad
YOU CAN MAKE IT user! Lllllyddb
Hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
>Dont know why people just dont do something crazy if suicidal like hitchhike across the USA instead.
It comes down to a lack of motivation, which is a factor of depression, it's much easier to just end it.
you have a discord user?
big chungus original
I never really trusted discord because of everything that I've read and seen about it. Also, I'm just too fucking angsty to. I might consider setting one up soon because of you guys.
You really should, they've got a discord server for anything and it has helped me find people with common interests
Okay, I'll definitely try it. Thank you so much user.