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Degrees dont mean shit. It's all about connections.
>wants a job
>posts on r9k
wtf is wrong with you just get neetbux
Vote yang to stay home and watch the value of the u.s. dollar be brought down lower than grannies boobs
Are all introverts fated to just die off?
Get a job at McDonalds; you aren't better than that at this point.
McDonalds doesn't hire anyone above the age of 20.
I mean you're literally going against nature by avoiding human contact and cooperation
Who says introversion isn't just a facet of human nature that society has yet to adapt to. It's been around since the existence of mankind so obviously introverts aren't a byproduct of modern society, thus it must be a part of our nature.
check the malls websites in your area every single day
not even joking
Shut the fuck up discord nigger.
Next week: gore raid.
Job market is over saturated, employers have 50 people lining up for a fucking dishwasher job and can be fussy as fuck.
You have to have training/experience for everything today, even if its something you could learn in a week.
>2007 financial crisis
Employers got used to having somebody with a masters and 10 years of experience making coffee for them and it stuck.
Kinda similar to the problem with immigration, we simply don't have enough jobs for everybody and unlike immigration, automation only destroys jobs.
Everything here can be sourced back to boomers.
I'd blame them for everything except automation. Which ironically will turn out to be a good thing, capitalists need consumers and automation will destroy peoples ability to consume. No=no money. Only conclusion for any elite will be to introduce UBI, not to mention in 30 years the basics of life and even luxuries will be much cheaper than today, so they really won't need to give much to ensure a line of consumers.
this ain't 1960 anymore where you can just be like some cocky alpha like don draper, boomer
modern society encourages isolation resulting in introversion more so than in the past tho, even marx talked about the alienation of the workers
I'm STEM tho...
I agree, but why then is modern society still so biased towards extroverts, and caters almost exclusively towards them? Introverts are almost always fucked off from job applications, because jobs prioritise extroversion (under the guise of "cultural fit").
Degrees in general have gone down in value because of how many people have them these days (there's even some grads with masters who can only get jobs in retail).
Plus, assuming you're American, there aren't a lot of jobs in STEM.
No, I'm Australian.
Can't believe saying I'm Australian isn't an original comment
What's the cure? Population cull or the complete destruction of neoliberalism?
It's as easy as going up to the manager, giving him a firm handshake, and refusing to let go until he hires you right on the spot, Champ!
>refusing to let go
Go overseas? Apparently science isn't good here. I'm assuming you're not an engineer because they are in demand.
I have an ivy league stem degree and have been job-searching for almost 3 years. Trust me user it does not get better.
just try harder sport.
How come shit is so hard out there. I thought glumpf said this is the best economy ever
I am doing well with my 4 year degree I work in an office started at 15 with raises and such. Drumph hasn't done too bad
I'm just an IT guy with a state job making 52k/year, but it's pretty comfy. Here's my advice, take it or leave it:
Make sure to run your resume by everybody you can, even dumb boomer parents or friendly classmates. Anybody. You can't follow all of their advice because some of it will likely conflict, so use your best judgement regarding their recommendations, but trust me, their recommendations will be useful. Also spell check that fucker THOROUGHLY. A single typo can make you look bad to the wrong person, and Word/Google Docs' spell checkers aren't perfect and don't account for context within sentences well. Also, throw in a ton of keywords related to the job/industry you're interested in at the bottom, in white lettering so that it's invisible to the casual observer. That way your resume can make it past any bot filters that look for those keywords.
Get a LinkedIN profile. If you're a typical robot, you don't have any social media profiles, which means you can't be googled, which means people can't know you as easily, which means it can hinder your chances at obtaining a role. A LinkedIN is a decent compromise between the privacy violating, datamining hell that is Google+/Facebook/whatever and complete anonymity. If you're one of the rare robots that DOES already have a social media presence, make a LinkedIN anyway; think of it as a shield that somewhat protects your other social media profiles from closer scrutiny by absorbing the clicks of curious HR personnel.
Tailor your resume to each job, within reason. Don't waste hours doing this, but try to change it a little bit to suit the position that you're going for. It's okay to not have every single job responsibility you list be relevant, but if you make sure 2 or so of the listed duties/responsibilities/points in each of your listed previous jobs are, you'll be doing well. Also, save your resume as a PDF, and only send out PDFs. It's a shitty format, I know, but compatibility matters.
if you're not a normie you need to be really good at what you're doing. if you're not in one of those two groups just pray for NEETbux
Why do so many of you complain about how hard it is to get jobs?
>go to job website for nearby area
>tons of jobs hiring with no need for prior expertise or experience
>apply to all of the ones you think you could even possibly bullshit through
>go to every interview and don't act like an autist
>get a job within a month
It's that easy, the only way you'd possibly be fucked is if you live in a big Jew rat city or literally in the middle of nowhere at all where the only jobs are running your family's farm.
every job opening literally gets hundreds if not thousands of applications. simply getting selected for an interview is like playing the lottery in and of itself, then you have to be the single one who actually gets hired after the interview
You have a degree and you're working in the same office since you were 15?
A couple years ago I was working cash in hand at a really small takeaway, under minimum wage.
I was talking to my boss and he said that he got hundreds of applicants for that literal shitkicker below min wage job. The world is fucked.
I started at 15 dollars an hour. Fuck the people who think they should make that much when working fast food and I wasn't paid 10 to do it years ago.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
I've never once had this problem. Move somewhere with more druggies so employers have lower standards and immediately grab you by virtue of not being a heroin addict.
>has a degree
>started at 15/hr
I don't see why you're proud of this.
at least he got a job that wasnt minimum wage
I'm guessing your degree isn't in economics?
What's that have to do with anything ? I make 16 dollars and people who flip burgers should make 8 like I did when I did it ... if they make 15 I want 20 or 22. See why raiding min wage arbitrarily is a bad idea?
Did I say I was proud or are you projecting like a negro?
You dumb cunt, you should have been paid MORE considering you have a degree. Instead you're arguing that people who work menial jobs should be paid LESS because you yourself got shafted right up the fucking ass. Straight up retard.
Have you made more than this? If yes clue me into some negotiation tactic, if no stfu because you have no idea what you are saying
Have I made more than 15 fucking dollars an hour? Yes I have.
if he got a non-STEM degree from a non-top college then getting a job that can potentially turn into a career is already pretty good.
I know a shitload of people who graduated from local colleges with meme business degrees and cant get any job that isnt shit-tier service/retail.
>Are all introverts fated to just die off?
Yes. Introverts are freaks and have no place in this world. There should be a way to test newborn babies, and any babies who test positive for being introverts should be smashed to pieces against a rock. It's okay, introverts aren't even really human.
Okay so how do you propose I go demand more money out of my boss?
>"hey boss I cut a check for 245k yesterday"
>"According to some shit a fat lazy jew wrote in a pamphlet 100 years ago I am alienated from the product of my labor and I should get more money."
Something like that?
wtf, now Jow Forums is telling me that STEM is BAD?
>tfw no degree
>tfw make $32/hr and can get a job anywhere
Feels good man apprenticeships where the way to go but man I had to make loads of connections to get it.
>Also, throw in a ton of keywords related to the job/industry you're interested in at the bottom, in white lettering so that it's invisible to the casual observer. That way your resume can make it past any bot filters that look for those keywords.
Does that actually work. I heard companies can catch that now?
Im about to graduate from a top uk university with a degree in 'nothing in particular' but I speak 3 languages and have work experience.
I want to be a writer and im writing a book but I want to stay in the uk for a year or so before moving out and everyone at my university is finding jobs and I am having such a hard time because there isn't anything that I actually want to do and soon soon soon I will need a job.
Is anyone up for creating a discord to help each other with CVs and finding jobs? It'd be really helpful
>Bongland CVs
I hope you have a very large family to fill in the "Do you have a reference from a current employee" section in job applications
lol i do actually
I feel these feels. I keep getting turned down for jobs I have literally already done before with other companies because they moved on to "more qualified candidates." These are shit-money entry level jobs I have a degree for.
I don't know what the fuck to do. How do you even handle that, getting auto turned down for 90% of what you apply for when you meet their desired qualifications to the letter?
Jesus christ.
15/hour? When I worked at starbucks I was making 16/hour after tips.
>getting into five figure debt for a high stress job with bullshit hiring hoops to jump through and swimming through the minefield of office politics to make less than a fucking barista
I mean fuck, starbucks was pretty fun work. free food and drinks, hung out and made fucking lattes all day, coworkers were cunty but far less stick up their ass than office roasties, had slow hours where I sat around reading a book and doing nothing.
Jesus christ we are the JUST generation. I want a fucking war.
tfw ethnic so just use my parents but put down their ethnic name so it doesn't look like they're related to me