Can we get a chink girl hate thread?
Can we get a chink girl hate thread?
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Asian girls are overrated. Why do you robots like them so much? with theyre brown fridge shaped bodies and downie pan faces
Nobody here besides like 4 people actually like Asian girls stop with these threads.
You cannot find love in asians, but they do make very good sub house wife (the chinese are not asians for all aspects)
There are like 10 people here, 40% of all r9k is pretty much
Why do robots hate the women most likely to save themselves for marriage?
>Not pursuing a wholesome relationship with azn sweetheart
Asians can only fell duty and rage, all other emotion are outside their reach
>capable of felling love
t. seething white girls
do people unironically find them attractive?
i unironically like chink face
Of course we do. It's all apart of the Japan/k-pop fantasy.
Sounds good to be perfectly honest bro.
>chink girl hate
How about a Woman Hate thread instead?
No need to narrow things down.
All women are whores.
I mean there's no point in hating a specific type of woman.
They're all women.
They're all garbage.
Imagine having to work with women on a constant basis and carry them.
and most of all
im an asian girl, why do you hate us exactly?
they're just bitter because they're too unpleasant to be loved.
ignore them.
normal people (i.e. guys you'd actually want to be with) don't hate you.
post tits and timestamp
OP is a white roastie and thinks Chad wants to fuck an Asian over her purely because of Yellow Fever and not because the Asian girl is 10 years younger, showers regularly, and isn't going to falsely accuse him of rape.
those posts are all the same person
I like asian women and they seem to have a thing for white guys. I'm having kids with my white gf though because racemixing is degenerate.
i don't mind being hated i just would like to understand it.
why do white girls hate us? I don't hate white women.
oh.. makes sense
>Why do you robots like them so much?
No idea. Attraction's weird.
I dont hate you lol, I just wouldnt racemix with you.
Go find a nice Asian man or something
Women in general hate any women that gets Chad's dick instead of her.
The hate is just amplified when the other girl is a different race because that's the easiest thing regarding her appearance to latch onto and insult.
If OP lost out to a redhead she'd be ragging on gingers.
I like them. Not exclusively though. There's cute girls everywhere.
these are fembots not robots, we don't discriminate our hatred for women
Thanks for stinking up for me, user. I'll have sex with you.
they have high egos while having a strong tendency to racemix
Fair enough. Good to have standards.
I don't think about this, i don't care what others do why would they care what i do?
>why do white girls hate us? I don't hate white women.
They don't. Stop listening to incels.
They are stupid people who are literally wasting time making threads for Asians. Don't worry.
Normalfags are incapable of minding their own business.
They always post feel good shit on Twitter about how fascism is bad then turn around and tell you what you can and can't do based on nothing other than how they feel about it.
They care about what you do because they are selfish, while acting like they care about you as if you're family, because they are insane.
oh okay.
hmm oh well
>try dating white chicks for like 30 fucking years
>nothing takes off, feel like I'm worthless
>date a chinese girl
>we fall in love, are now living together and have a wonderful house life, she tells me she loves me every day and cooks for me and is worried about me
Fuck white women. Even if this relationship doesn't work out I am NEVER dating a white girl ever again.
be my gf oriroginally
how can you possibly hate on perfection?
She's too thin
They do sweaty, learn something about the female ego
only normies like those fat bitches
extremely based and yellowpilled
never breed with asian, you as Jow Forums visitor should understand this.
That just means she wont age
Asian women are made for white cock
Black women are made for asian "cock"
and who cares about what white women get.
the idea that chinks are submissive is a meme. Also is the idea that chinks wait until marriage.
Chinks are ok to fuck casually, but long term you would definitely be more compatible with a white.
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