In all seriousness have you guys accepted that we are gonna die alone and unloved. No meme, legit.
In all seriousness have you guys accepted that we are gonna die alone and unloved. No meme, legit
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dying alone doesn't matter, living alone is what sucks
I don't know about 'we', but I definitely am.
If you're not 25 yet, you've at least got a chance to turn things around.
Dude I know how do u deal with this. It feels impossible at times
Nigga I am almost 30, that train has already left the this point it is just one cosmic cope
I just hope it happens soon.
Do u at least have anything superficially that brings u joy, brother?
Not really.
The closest I get is something that distracts me from my situation for a while, but those things are becoming harder and harder to find.
Yeah I know the feeling. I reach for the light, but the universe lets me (us) down continually
I dont want anyone in my life close to me so I can dedicate my life to my career and serving my country
As this user said the hardest part is to live in that state, death actually grants some kind of peace after all that shit.
The more I lurk here the more I see how society will fade down more and more, and not having any treat that any women I like would find appealing (not physically attractive, zero social skills, not white, etc), I actually start to realize that most probably will live the rest of my life alone as well.
A few hours ago I was having a mental breakdown from just thinking the rest of my life alone, it hurt pretty bad, but i gotta have to deal with that anyway.
I guess I just gonna start to improve myself, so I just could feel somewhat better about myself, get fit, get a better job, do things I liked, I guess Im gonna embrace a lot of MGTOW advices, and that will be it.
I know I will hit the floor a lot, but I just find really hard to see me in a relationship with a women and eventually having a family, just dont.
ironically I always daydream about having a q3.14 wife, but the fact that I will never accomplished that always hits home, and that always hurts
Yeah I accepted that when I was 12 lmao
>have you guys accepted that we are gonna die alone and unloved
Still mulling it over while there's a shred of time left. 35 this year, rich enough to easily support a family with a 6 figure income
...But what's the point of it all? What's the point of going through the whole song and dance of gaming some woman into my life young enough to have kids that I'd hope were mine (paternity test inc) and knowing she'd want to get married and I'd be risking half or more of my assets.
Why not just keep it all for myself? Not just my money - my time, my effort, my attention - everything. I know it's not a complaint often around on a board of NEETs, but go figure that money doesn't magically fix your problems. Fundamental problems I mean. Yeah, not having to fucking worry about rent is great. But then I worry about investments all the time in comparison.
It's not like I spend it either. Spending it on myself feels pointless. I could have taken a dozen vacations to Vegas or overseas by now. Why not? Because there's no one to go with. Why the fuck would I go somewhere like that - alone? Take pictures of these fascinating places - alone? Do all of these things - alone?
Don't misunderstand. I don't "need" someone else. But I WANT someone else. Something else. Someone to share things with, have life experiences and memories with. Share intimacy with and trust and honesty.
Money simply can't buy those things.
And don't think I haven't considered options. After 30 years a Wizard, you start to not care about where sexual contact comes from. Droves of overseas women would fall on their face to be taken back to America and have their needs taken care of. Furthermore there are a small legion of desperate young twinks created nearly every day who get cast out by their parents and scrape at shitty jobs just to live.
But at the current trajectory if I do nothing? Nothing will change. And I'm only getting older as time passes and opportunity runs out.
I have accepted that earth will, one day, be destroyed. And the universe will one day, come to an end.
Hows that for acceptance.
I have.
I'm struggling to come up with reasons to continue living, let alone put any effort into life.
Life is just a series of inconveniences, with the closest thing to a reward being a temporary absence of inconvenience.
There's not much point in continuing to live my life.
I've accepted it's all worthless and holding ill for anyone or anything just feels bad and pointless. All that seems sensible to me is to let go of things, even the desire of letting go, until there's nothing left. No boundary to define me but part of the monster within, the creator and destroyer of the universe, a channel for bad memes and shitposts beyond space and time.
OP, loneliness is an illusion, just like togetherness. There is no together, there is no alone, there exists only One, bound forever together. Your isolation is an illusion, a lie your body feels and genuinely believes because it was designed to, and you wander this Earth full of suffering and confusion. I beg you OP, relinquish your desire for such earthly things, and seek out a proper relationship with your Self, your TRUE self. Not OP the forlorn, lonely human, but OP the Universal Brahman, the Existential Constant, that Thing which is Everything that Was, Is, and Will be.
solipsism Isn't my thing. I'd rather play the game and fail then leave the system idle
This isn't solipsism, at least not in any meaningful way. I'm saying that you identify with the wrong parts of yourself, and it's those parts which are making you feel lonely, and to choose identity with those parts is to choose feeling lonely.
Too early, senpai
We're all going to die alone, there is no dying together, that's something we all must face alone. Life is short. You can't take any money or lovers with you. No one can. None of your success or lack thereof matters. Not in the end. Embrace this thought, in death we're all equal. While you're at it stop defining yourself by the standards of others. Who said the goal of life was to be "successful", "loved" or even "happy". Go into yourself and ask what you can do with this life realistically, and what you feel you should do and want to do. If this happens to be the neet life playing vidya all day long and smoking weed, then so be it. Just, own it, it's your life. You might come to enjoy it too if you find to a different mindset.
Yeah, it was definitely too early. Doesn't make it untrue though, unfortunately.
>try to find solutions online for sex avoidance in people with anxiety
>it's all written by women
everyone dies alone.
also everyone dies.
I accepted it just a while back, like at the end of the last year. Life seems actually more enjoyable and things don't seem like shit now that I am not so obsessed with associating every single fucking thing as a qualifier in getting laid and getting adoration by women.
I am just gonna enjoy what I want to do. I would hate to waste the little left of my life beating myself up over women I have never fucked.
Still fucking sucks that I can't get a woman but at least it isn't dragging down the stuff I do to enjoy myself anymore. All about the mindset nigga.
Long ago and I have no qualms about it.
It's not so bad when you're young and can look after yourself so you don't think about it but if you ever reach your senior years it's not going to be a pleasant existence. You're going to be that guy who has no family and dies in their apartment liquefying into the mattress for weeks until people notice a smell. An early death from substance abuse is probably the best way to go out for FA's or just good old suicide if you finally gain the courage to tie the noose.
>I could have taken a dozen vacations to Vegas or overseas by now. Why not? Because there's no one to go with. Why the fuck would I go somewhere like that - alone? Take pictures of these fascinating places - alone? Do all of these things - alone?
I am travelling alone for the past 8 years, of course I felt a little bit lonely when I scaled some Swiss mountains and there was nobody around apart from some old swiss boomers. But being alone wont stop me from doing stuff I enjoy, actually thinking back, if I had a girlfriend, I would probably spend money on her, instead of enjoying my life the way I want.
Yeah I don't know why I still function at all to be honest. I'm sitting in college right now slaving away just to be a miserable wage slave instead of a miserable NEET. Either way I'll probably rope.
I've accepted the fact. I don't try to talk to people to make friends like I used to. I don't worry about it. I've lost all drive and feeling about the situation. And hosestly it's better this way.
>implying any friendless FA is going to make it into senior years without roping
i expect to kill myself by 50
Ironically after accepting this, started treating females cold/rude and focusing on improving my life tremendously(make about 50k-60k a year, not that much but its ok in second world country's), now i'm getting approached by them and their friends.
Faith sure loves irony.
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