How do I deal with burnout? Body and mind are deteriorating, but if I drop out of HS it'll severely limit ny chances of putting my talent to use
How do I deal with burnout? Body and mind are deteriorating...
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literally just keep going
high school isn't important but the rest of your life is you aren't gonna be talking to 90% of the people you went to highschool with after you graduate
Don't even worry about it, you have no talent to waste.
It feels like I'll die (or rather, end up on train tracks).
I like to think I do, as I can create pretty hefty programming projects with ease. But perhaps my mind is just trying so survive. Either way, I want the hurting to stop.
>having burnout in HS
If you can't handle HS you're fucked in real life
Five years is a long time to go without a break
you need to be 18 to post here little dude
Yea you wouldn't have made this post if you were an 18 year old senior so enjoy your ban.
My therapist says it's because I simply don't fit with the system HS works with, and as such expend too much energy trying to adapt. Sounds dumb, but it's the only hopeful outlook out there.
well, 7 by now, I had to redo several years
Had to redo several years, so I am. Turned 18 last summer.
Not necessarily, I hated HS but things got a lot better when I went to college. Maybe my school was just terrible.
K you're full of shit bud. I dropped out my sophomore year and got a GED. Highschool is piss easy baby shit. If you're struggling that much with high school I HIGHLY recommend suicide. I'm currently in my master's btw.
I doubt you're telling the truth though.
its funny how all high schoolers that post here claim to be 18. fuck off kiddo
Exactly what I'm thinking. Just report him for good measure.
It felt like i was gonna die too trust me
i even attempted suicide
still have suicidal thoughts today.
you're still young and have a life ahead of you m8
keep going
Talent: hitting things with a hammer and screaming
It sounds like you are trying to do what pop culture and debatable what Society says high school say high schools is about. If you only worried about school work and not the social aspect of high school it will be easier. Despite how people talk on this board there isn't a rule saying you have to accomplish A and B in high school.
Well, I had the same issues in primary, just not to the same degree.. I've been on 3 HS now, some suck more than others. This one's by far the best one I've had but it still sucks.
Good for you! Not everyone's the same though, sadly. I'd rather believe I'm cursed than an hero straight away. And no matter whether it's easy or not, I'm still burnt out.
Born 2000. Don't know how to prove it, and frankly don't care. Stop derailing, thanks.
I really want to keep going. I just don't know how
Well, you have to actually get passing grades. That's not happening, because I have no energy..
damn, hard to believe only being in high school and already feeling like this
You don't "redo years" in high school you lying fuck. HS isn't elementary school. You redo classes. The amount of bullshit coming out of your fagass is astounding.
No one knows how
and that's something you're gonna learn as you get older.
People just live and do what they have to do when the time comes to do it.
People develop interests and hobbies and do them when the time comes.
(i know the following in non relatable)
let's say a young person like me in their 20's likes to party
when the time comes for a party they party
other then that they just live
day to day dusk to dawn
You literally only have to exist to pass high school jesus christ
imagine being unable to image not being american
dutch schools are far more fluid, if your grades arw insufficient you just redo the entire year, or drop to a lower level
Hah, no. Not Dutch HS at least. VWO is real hard.
Do you not understand the concept of a GED? Like are you legit retarded? Drop the fuck out and take the GED. No more burnout. How fucking simple is that?
NL doesn't have that
What's so fucking hard about high school?
Imagine being underaged and complaining about the easiest things.
There has to be some kind of equivalent. Sounds like a 3rd world shithole if not. If that's the case then why not just kys? Legit question.
read the thread you utterly unhelpful cunts
why are you even on an imageboard if you can't read and properly comment
i feel this is the key to the dying aspects of Jow Forums, huh?
Not really. There's multiple levels of education, but there's practically no other ways to do them. You can do state-supplied exams (without any HS before them), but they're so incredibly hard nobody manages. It's a major social norm here to just do HS, then optionally get a degree / go to university.
No one gives a shit about your made up problems. The only thing evident is that you are a whiny underaged dumbass.
All I can say is hang in there. It's only a couple of years. I know how it feels because at one point I loathed my high school and seriously considered dropping out. I just didn't have enough courage to do it or a plan for what I'd be doing without a GED. I made it into college even though I was really pessimistic about my odds of getting accepted and things aren't perfect but they're so much better than HS.
He has to take quantum mechanics classes and hyper advanced calculus or some shit.
But seriously, the retard is probably failing in basic bitch classes like algebra or art or some fag shit.
>"waaah waaah an exam to solve all my fucking problems is too hard! WAAAAHHHH!!!"
Man the fuck up you little pussy or stfu. If you hate HS that much then you would study for this supposed "hard" exam and pass it. Quit you're bitching and moaning. No employer aside from fast food places and factories give a fuck if you passed high school.
go to sleep with your gonorrhea chad
Lol great comeback you underaged tard.
>cant even pass HS
How tiring. Are we really shaming on people with genuine problems now? Very sad. I suppose normalfags can only shitpost about mental health, but not actually think about it.
Advanced algebra (wisB), not your bitch boi y=ax+b
Cambridge-level English (en)
French (reading scientific/political texts etc) (fa)
Advanced economics and finances (explaining economic systems and models, able to set up checks, balances etc. for businesses) (ec, mo)
Deep understanding of human history and the connections between events (gs)
Database architecture and programming/logic (in)
etc. No wonder burgers are dumb.
There's many sources about these being way too hard. Oh yeah, it turns out I'm burnt out and unable to study. Who knew? Perhaps you, had you read the thread.
Example source:
>imagine falling for a false flag
Making your special ed classes sound more extravagant than they are doesnt make your problems real in any way. If you are going to try to act superior to Americans at least dont make a fool of yourself by telling everyone you are failing at basic education
More importantly, why are we talking about this? Is it impossible for you normalfags to imagine real problems as opposed to "tfw no gf" "oh man i smonked too much" "im so ugly :((((" "why does nobody like brazilians???? :(((("? What happened??
Ah ya Americans are so dumb. Is that why Amazon, Google, GM, Microsoft, Apple and numerous other companies were all created by Europoors? Honestly, name one company that has actually impacted the world that has come out of your country. Or even a single person that has helped humanity in a significant way.
Most of those people who spout those things have graduated high school. Let that sink in for a moment.
I flunked from HS. Cant spend a day without thinking of killing myself.
Your right those people have more life experience than op. It would be foolish not to listen to their advice. I agree with them. You social status in high school doesn't matter at all.
>be dutch
>talk shit about americans being stupid
>cant even pass HS and is considering dropping out
the absolute state of the dutch
>in highschool
>thinks he has "burnout" and that life is bad
You're fucking doomed kid, holy shit.
I managed a high school that was supposedly notoriously difficult coming in from a school for metal defectives (a was expelled in middle school).
Graduated in 4 years.
Transferred to Uni from community college and feel retarded due to not getting into a BS anyways.
Life for ya.
you are so fucked when you enter the real world and leave your comfy bubble of highschool years
>body and mind are deteriorating
you've never worked a day in your life let alone a hard days work and you complain that you sit in a class and do tests and write essays for 6 hrs and then have an hr of homework??? jesus christ you are fucked if you cant handle it
>frog can't imagine actual mental issues
you get like 2 months of vacation in between semesters no break hahhahaha fucking retard
>actual mental issues
nice way of saying you are literally retarded
you have no talent, just admit it, you prolly spend all your time playing videogames and you cant even beat the fucking tutorial of the game of life
Itt: Retards clowning OP for struggling with mental health issues that they also struggle with
I didn't know this board was filled with chads at this time.
Highschool is fucking easy unless you are genuinely retarded and op is pretending to be a frustrated genius when its obvious he's a dumbass
nah, they don't struggle
it's just a few normalfag autists who can't imagine someone else's problems being cunts because they think "that's what Jow Forums /b/ is all about xd"
r9k is lost lol
fuck off OP you already made yourself look retarded theres no need to make it worse
if you struggle in high school, there's no hope for you academically
drop out and learn a trade (that's actually something even I think in hindsight I should've done despite getting straight As back in HS)
>Everyone who isn't a vile retard is OP
It's sad to see that I'm apparently so fucked that Jow Forums cannot comprehend (or rather, Jow Forums has become such a cesspit)
Yes your big brain problems are too much for r9k but not enough to pass HS lmao
There's studies about this. Exceptionally high IQ can damage educational success:
Thats alot of cope in a single post
Is the comradery between robots really just.. gone? Like that?
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
No, we're just tired of retards like you thinking they're special.
I really fucking hate Jow Forums
Piss off with this shit
You arent a robot to begin with so yeah
OK, so explain why you are such a robot
You take HS way too seriously. Always take care of your own health first when there is no immediate issue, or you won't be able to help anyone else either and then we'll all be swamped.
In all fairness the game of life is rigged as shit due to the unequal starts, praying to hell the people who spawned you can actually teach you the basics and don't just kick you around for their amusement, than the schools actually do their job (hahahahahahahahahahahaha - and I say this as someone who does well academically outside of subjects that matter like STEM. I can code monkey though, so I guess I have value as a tool for someone).
It's not a shock you get lots of people who would rather drop all attempts at ambition and play video games or watch Netflix instead.
I'm stupid enough to keep trying since my social development was compromised from a young age by shitty relatives, the schools fucking me over and parents who rather party than give any affection to their kid.
But you know, the game of life is worth playing and the social corpus isn't a cancer that is slowly erodinging in its total odious to anyone not part of it.
Whther I am or not is irrelevant since I didnt claim to be one and its obvious you arent one to begin with. Therefore I am free to shit all over you regardless of the circumstances
>deteriorating in HS
lmao you stupid little child. Just wait till you hit your twenties.
Fuck off the board and work on life instead then.
I think the last thing you should do is drop out of HS. That being said, HS is pretty meaningless and is only a small stepping depending on what you want to do in life.
If you're burning out, and can't handle it now, you never will and will give up anytime you burnout. I think right now, you need to set an example for yourself. Keep going and you'll eventually make it out and you'll be better for it.