>Be me
>Be wagiecuck $8.25 an hour 12 hour shifts
>dude who writes schedules quit, so the office manager wrote this weeks schedule
>Be used to working 6 days a week 7-7
>This weeks schedule has you working 8 hours for one day of the 7 day week
>Leave a note under her door asking if there was an error or if you really aren't needed at all
>See that she understaffed the building, every night is 1 person short
>Everyone had hours and days cut, none as bad as you
>Can't make plans for the week because everyone says schedule has to be redone
>Don't know if you come in tonight, nobody can tell you
Fuck why do we let women do anyting involving planning?
Be me
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Just make plans and tell her if she want's you to work then she has to schedule you in around your plans. It's her fuck up so why should you have to suffer.
Maybe be a bit more polite though, say something along the lines of 'sorry, I can't work Friday, I already made plans after you said I wasn't working'
Jesus Christ what type of fucking life is that? You really work 72 hours a week? I just did some quick math but you are killing yourself for like 30k a year. Get out of that job now. Theres more to life
At the end of the week its my paycheck anons, and they have more help now too they can call in, but I dont wanna be that guy that complains about muh hours then says no I wanna stay home
Like what user? I dont have any college degrees, I'd have to get a trade or something or go higher in education of my current job and I dunno if I want that. I don't have a wife or kids or even pets, I go home I make eggs I go to bed I wake up I go to work. Its simple for me and helps me feel useful, although very tired yes. What else is there?
Idk I work at usps and I make a little over 50k a year. My job is 45 hours a week besides November and December where Im working 50-60 hours a week. Those months are the worst months of my job. I dont know how you could do that every day for such little pay.
I dont have a car and I can walk to my current job plus I went and bothered to get certified for this. Not many people want this job because its high burn out and risky. But most anybody can do it and all you neec is a high school degree and to get certified
What the fuck job do you have that requires 12 hour shifts but only pays 8 fucking 25? I work in a warehouse and do 12 hour shifts on occasion but my regular pay is $16.20/hr and im in a pretty small town. it sounds like you have a really dogshit job and need to find something else
Most people dont want that job because it fucking sucks. You are literally working half your entire life for 30 k a year. Think about that.
>high burnout
>requires certification
what fucking job are you working?
I work as a nurse's aide in an old folks home. Nobody wants it Because its very easy to get hep B, AIDS, HIV, syphilis, I almost got hep C from a resident because nobody mentioned he had it.
Plus dementia patients are very hard to work with sometimes and it takes a lot of my god damn patience. I get the shit beat out of me every once in a whike by angry old ladies who think I'm trying to rape them or rob them when I'm just changing their pissed in diaper. You'd think I'd get paid more for this shit.
I need to get a license and a car before I can get a new job
This. Certs alone should bump you past 10 per hour. Ask about a fucjing raise and threaten to take your cert elsewhere.
Jesus christ man, in all complete seriousness you need to drop that shit.
Even unskilled labor pays far more and is easier depending on the work and is probably less harmful.
If you are happy to earn little and work hard you should definitely get a trade, 99 bucks for 12 hrs work is fucking prison rates
correction: you would be earning little and working hard for your apprenticeship years in the trade but after that you'd be doing very well.
>OP is literally a glorified slave
You're not supposed to sleep with the old folk you Tom cat
What's with all the you pronouns buddy this is your problem not mine.
It's not even easy to become an apprentice because of Joe and Todd is trying to become one. There's a line and it sounds like a scam anyway unless you're friends with whatever dipshit is in the union.
Most of them are alcoholic assholes who work you to the bone.
How Much Does a Nursing Aide Make? Nursing Aides made a median salary of$27,520 in 2017.
Lol what a shite pay. Litterally mc donalds tier. Fuck old people.
I've seen so many old people here die.
There's a woman here who's tried to kill and hurt aides and other residents Beca use she's a paranoid Schizo. Tried to beat my fucking coworker with a wet floor sign.
>Nobody wants it Because its very easy to get hep B, AIDS, HIV, syphilis, I
What the fuck man, do you not have PPE+hand hygiene ?
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Everyone does but you've also gotta remember all it takes it one time that you wait to wash your hands and rub your eye or itch your nose or if that resident geys violent are scratches you and you get their sweat spit blood on/in that scratcg or cut. If that residents sneezes in your face? What then?
Wait do people actually think this? Getting a trade was a very good thing for me. It's surreal that people are passing it up and choosing to make scraps for much harder work.