>old hag teacher asked us each to talk about a thing we don't like about nowadays
>gets to me and i talk a bit about how i don't like the idea of casual sex and people who openly boast and talk about their sex lives
>because i strongly believe sex is supposed to and should be an act of utmost intimacy, something you'd keep private just between you and your lover
>girls in class just look at each other in some sort of disbelief then stare back at me menacingly as if i talked about child pornography or something
>teacher then tells me that casual sex is actually "normal and basic" thing that everyone does since it's like a daily need
I don't get it... Was I really wrong? Am I just not in touch with reality or something?
Old hag teacher asked us each to talk about a thing we don't like about nowadays
Other urls found in this thread:
You aren't wrong user.
You have been muted for 2 seconds.
You were meant to just complain about DRUMPF
>teacher asked us each to talk about a thing we don't like about nowadays
What is this, the fucking two minutes hate?
You aren't wrong user, they are. Sex is a beautiful act that creates life man. And life is a beautiful thing. Dont let them change your mind :)
1984 is even spookier when we are livin in it
>teacher then tells me that casual sex is actually "normal and basic" thing that everyone does since it's like a daily need
why is it ok for normalfags to say this?
you're both fucking wrong
the end
the teacher didnt have enough sex in her life and the girls are gonna get std's big whoop
You made the mistake of opening up and making a point that matters to you. You have to catch yourself in moments like that and think, "What can I say that will be the easiest for everyone to accept and will generate the least conversation?" Answer those questions and consider how the teacher would answer and try to have some replies lined up. Then go back to absolute minimum engagement.
Make sure you value yours user!
Lost mine at 18 to 3rd gf but big regrets bc the second one I would have much rather loss because stronger feelings of intimacy.
Its fucked but value it and just think long and hard of who deserves it
(However talking about it and memeing i still do, but the act is sacred to me )
>talking about sex in class
Am I just repressed or is this weird?
Man what women believe now is that they should be able to destroy unborn children with forceps and a vacuum in their brain. Previously, for thousands of years marriage was sacred and in front of and involving God himself. You couldn't have had sex out of marriage or gotten a divorce without being ostracized. Now women just kill unborn babies. I mean what is this world?
It's this sort of "socio-science" class we have which is supposed to be optional but instead is mandatory when it comes to passing the school year.
You are correct because, well, you just were asked for your opinion and stated it. And personally I agree with you, how ridiculous for them to ask you your opinion and get mad when they don't like it.
Your teacher is a woman justifying her whoring. Stay strong to your values mate and never let the normalfag bastards get you down.
should've just given one of the stock "fuck off" answers like air pollution
Sex is part of human nature and is a great discussion to have, it isnt anything to hide, it's natural for people to have sex
Sex is only important if you believe in evolution. Who the fuck cares about evolvong and living in the water like fish just love your life to the fullest OP.
I believe in evolution, but I don't "believe" in evolution. So what if love is just chemicals? It's still what we call love, damn it. It matters because it matters to me.
you say it like you're an innocent soul that's just speaking your mind and then were beset upon by the rude normies, but there is an implicit elitism by saying something like that. regardless if you're right or wrong, you absolutely could have framed it better than how you did so, especially the focus on just the "sex" part.
how about
>"I think people don't put a lot of value in human relationships anymore, I think there can be a lot of dishonesty and cheating these days, people focus a lot on things like sex, social media or material goods. I like the idea of finding someone you truly love and devoting yourself to them, that might be something we lost nowadays".
remember, it's a class room, try to be neutral and courteous, you might even change minds if you be polite and reasonable. or better yet, don't say anything at all, you're there to learn and ultimately no one cares about your opinions.
female teachers are probably the most mentally ill people on the planet
>lost his virginity at 18
>to his 3rd gf
shut the fuck up, delete the pepe pic you have saved, leave and never come back.
you are not one of us normalfag and just because you got the blues and you are feelin a little down this week will never make you welcome here.
People should not be afraid to be seen as an elitist. It speaks volumes more of those who spite them rather than they themselves.
Dude, if there's one lesson about normals, its don't be different.
Being different works, but it's a fucking gamble.
The best thing to do around normshits is to just act like you're the same as them
>it's natural for people to have sex
>it's natural for a lot of people to have sex
Anybody here have a problem with the obvious sociopathy woven into social contract
speaks volumes to who though? there's neither an audience watching your life to judge, nor will anyone else in the class really care or notice. You'll just be known as the smug elitist who no one really likes or wants to be around.
it's up to you though, if that's the path you want to travel you should embrace it, but don't act surprised if people react negatively and your social and general well being decreases. If you feel like you've somehow proven yourself, let me know what it achieved and in who's eyes.
Roasties gotta roast.
I achieved the higher road in MY eyes. It is for me that it speaks volumes. For it is oneself that one must answer to and oneself alone.
You offended their Hylics brains.
>daily need
Its relative to your audience OP. Had you been at a religious school there would be applause all round even if there were fornicators in the crowd.
Your views are not innate and were learned.
So I wonder, if you are preaching to the wrong group where did you get your views and how were you so out of touch to pick this subject for this group?
casual sex is something only lumpens do
Jesus fucking Christ, it's like witnessing these dumb unbelievable shit that happens in games or movies but it's actually REAL, it's so surreal.
Not OP
Personally my views on sex were extrapolated by my high value of individual human worth. I also knew that chemically, pair bonding is decreased with every new partner and since I value one on one relationships very highly, I am pretty saddened by modern sex culture.
It's simple I think.
>born in religious orthodox family
>grew up being taught that sex should only be had after marriage
>grew up, not that much of a religious person but still all those ideals they had stuck to me since i strongly believe their traditional views and values on humanity are pretty damn good and logical
You don't want the mother of your kid to have been a whore, gaped by countless dicks before. You want to have your one and true love to share the rest of your life with.
Don't understand this situation on a few levels but i'll just go with one that has already been stated and elaborate on it. I'm frankly repulsed by the fact that it's supposed to be some 'normal' and 'easy' thing to talk about in a room full of peers AND someone you're supposed to have some manner of respect for. Have we really reached such a low point that your teacher will practically reply to your misgivings with, 'dw user, if everyones a whore then no one shames anyone about it :)'. I mean this really should be shocking to me, but i suppose it's not. I have few hopes but one of them is that after a societal collapse people will slowly rebuild some shred of decency and tact. Truly, how much is it to ask for people to not go around fucking like rabbits and then act like it's not a bad thing, especially. If you're going to act shamefully, have some shame for gods sake. For the rest of your fellow mans sake at least. This shit is poisonous.
While pair bonding at least temporarily is innate relating gratuitous sex to individual human value isn't. You learned this somewhere, think hard.
Does it really matter whether I learned it or not? It's what I believe. By nature or nuture, I am who I am today. And, somehow, I don't hate myself, not really.
It is religion that teaches this and why so many people are fucked up because of it, even if they consider themselves irreligious.
>not wanting people to be whores is fucked up
Fuck off, faggot
Why the fuck do you always post your threads both here and on /v/? Is the attention from only one group of autists not enough for you, attention whore? This isn't the first time you've done this either.
Wait what, I didn't post that. Someone must've copy pasted it in there, I don't even browse /v/ for like 2 years now.
Since its learned, someone taught you and they could be wrong.
>not liking whores is wrong
Kill yourself
Who initially judged someone a whore? Perhaps they got it all wrong and now like mindless robots you go pointing at anyone you decide is one.
Then apparently some attention-deprived robot is reporting Jow Forums posts on /v/. What a sad sight; sounds like something Reddit would do. I'm sorry for falsely accusing you, fren.
They could be wrong, you're right. That's why I try to be as open as possible to opposing viewpoints, I even ended up becoming an agnostic despite loving my families religion very much and having nothing against it. I've never found anything to convince me they were wrong about sex, much the contrary actually. I saw that they were completely right, by observing the kinds of people who were prmoiscuous and realizing I would never want to be around them or like them.
*reposting, I need to originally go to sleep
Dont worry op the femoids primitive lizard brains just got triggered when you actually showed virtue and moral values. Roastcattle simply cannot comperhend you. They live in a different world
/v/ is legit Reddit 2.0 at this point anyway, he won't get any responses past straight edge and shitposting anyway. people just love insulting each other there and destroyed people's confidence and mood.
Saying something is "human nature" means absolutely nothing. Every fucking thing humans do is part of their nature. Humanism ruined everything.
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
What's more, the purpose of organized society is to get FARTHER from nature. Humans are so disgusting, give them a chance and they'll do WHATEVER is necessary to satiate their ego
On the contrary you live in an alternative universe where you are god
>Humanism ruined everything
For whom and what purpose
>>teacher then tells me that casual sex is actually "normal and basic" thing that everyone does since it's like a daily need
Not everyone has sex only women and chads dude jfl at your dumbass fucking teacher you should fucking kill her for saying that ugly guys like us don't have a fucking chance of having sex dude fuck women
Not everyone shoots up elementary schools and movie theaters but white males do. Don't fuck white males, ever, in fact put them in a pen with razor wire. Let em butt fuck each other.
hell user, i agree with you, intimate relationships are important, fuck those roastie whores, they wash up at 30 with 3 std's and a mixed kid, while you will be in an intimate, stable and wholesome relationship
>For whom
>what purpose
Being a thriving society? That seems like a good purpose to me, and this goal will remain unreachable if we have retards blindly spouting off about "human nature", a term that absolutely means nothing, simply because it sounds right to hold humans as divine beings who are all treasures. What couldn't be justified by just saying "its human nature brah"? Child murder is just human nature.
>stable and wholesome relationship
I don't trust women enough to not cheat on me there fore I will have sex with whores before I marry any foid
T: Roastlizard
They're just messing with you. They were talking about casual intimate sex, pretending to be unaware about your susceptibility to troll threads.
Welcome to life.
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, "You are mad; you are not like us."
Anthony the Great
You did nothing wrong OP.
>everyone does since it's like a daily need
Sex obsessed whores.
You do realize you're just contributing to the problem and ruining yourself, right?
If you don't think women should be allowed to do whatever they want with no repercussions whatsoever then you're a misogynist sexist asshole male pig who needs to die.
Dubs of beef
yeah confirmed, alternative universe, even its own lexicon
what kind of need is it, its certainly not on the level of breathing or eating
sex everyday is pushed by thought doctors
Im sorry but your not making sense. I think all the estrogen in your brain is slowly rotting it.
Not wrong.
As far as I can tell women only have casual sex if they have low self-esteem when they want to "fit in", and them having casual sex generally weakens their self-esteem further. I know plenty of girls who are vehemently opposed to being slutty and hate slutty girls though - similar to the way a guy can be vehemently opposed to being a loser and hating losers (loser = autistic/annoying/retarded/cringe/etc.) don't think every girl is a slut just because it's (((current year))), it's completely untrue and will turn you into the guy version of a feminist landwhale who thinks all guys are rapists.
I've met guys on all ends of the spectrum (hating casual sex/loving casual sex) but it seems to affect guys a lot less since we're more visual/physical and less prone to pairbonding emotionally with everyone we have sex with. It's a lot more "casual" to stick something inside someone than have someone stick THEMSELVES inside you, basically... but to each their own.
Obviously a lot of guys who spout chastity and virtue are just seething incels that would fuck the entire cheerleader squad at once if given the chance.
Personally; I used to have casual sex a good amount, and it is ultimately as destructive for a guy as alcohol. That is to say some dudes are fine and some get destroyed by it. It can be had in moderation but is pretty dangerous for many reasons ofc, but it's not the worst vice on earth. Currently I've been with my gf for about 4 years, and her super traditional views on monogamous relationships was a huge selling point desu.
Ultimately this line of reasoning is good but can get resentful and elliot-roger-ish if pushed too far.
You want the mother of your kid to have been the kind of person who had the self-esteem to not be a whore. Any guy who has some self-esteem himself should strive for this. The emotional inability for sluts to pairbond make their propensity for cheating even worse.
Not that user, but men are not the same as women physically, emotionally, or otherwise. A guy can easily have casual sex without ruining his ability to have a wife and be happy - in fact it's probably the best way to not have a mid-life crisis and cheat on her when you're 50. This is the reason men who get a lot of girls are seen as James Bond-esc. and girls who get a lot of guys are just sluts.
If you want to be all "good christian" about it then fair enough - but it's not very practical for numerous reasons.
you do realize your part of the problem? Also you're in denial
you don't seems to be wrong to me, but things nowadays are in that way
The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God.
But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!
Psalm 14:2-3
Academics are all like that user. It isn't representative of the whole of society, that being said a lot of people do think that way.
what do you think netflix and chill is and why do you think it's such a common phrase
Exactly, which is why I enjoy lengthy discussions with my coworkers about my most recent bowel movement and its discoloration.
>all you have to do is not act like a retard
>act like a retard
>people are weirded out
Your norms dont matter for shit. What they think is normal is, by definition, normal since theyre the vast majority. Should have complained about no one reading newspapers or something else that would qualify you as a bit quaint but mostly in a good way instead you went full medieval to their normtarded minds. Unless you know for a fact most people agree with you on something like that or you have idc strong enough to say whatever, learn better than to be a dipshit. Dipshit.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs would like to have a word with you
You did nothing wrong and the teacher was being ridiculous .
You will now be known as the weird incel. If it wasn't already the case
You're correct, everyone in that class is gonna be divorced and they all sound retarded.
>implying someone would even bother enough to remember any of that
>get outta here normie, Jow Forums is for wizards only, and don't you dare post /our/ frog-boy mascot!
The current state of Jow Forums
'Like a daily need'
Lmao yeah maybe if you're a sex addicted whore. I'm 21 and a virgin and I don't have a 'daily' need for sex
Also just because you have a craving for something, it doesn't justifying you being a degenerate to get it. I.e. Daily need to smoke meth/inject heroin
All the looks the girls were giving you were due to their own insecurities. You expressed your disapproval at house so many people could be so loose with themselves and their bodies. The reaction of the people around you was an attempt to cover for their own insecurities towards their past actions.
You're not wrong at all. Keep that belief user and don't let anyone change that. It's stupid how sex has become so casual nowadays.
I think this is good advice, but ironically I am turned off by it because you are presenting your ideas like an elitist.
haha yes.. kill all women.. STUUUUpid whores...
>that's a nice argument but check out my Official Triangle
>Am I just not in touch with reality or something?
Yeah, kind of. But that doesn't mean you're wrong, reality is pretty shit.
We also shit and piss daily, doesn't mean it should be talked and boasted about openly.
so a girl that had sex 10 times with 10 different guys has loose hole?
what about a girl that had sex 10 times with the same guy? would that be a loose hole too?
what's the thought process behind this incel argument?
>implying casual one night stands are anything close to intimacy
One night stands are pure hedonism, at best they are feelings of accomplishment exclusively for men, but sluts behavior cannot be excused.
>calls religion an incel thing
holy fuck you retards are getting dumber by the day, just do the others a favor and shut the fuck, you're wasting oxygen
You were wrong OP.
You are an autistic loser who doesnt understand social norms.
Kys you loser
You need to take a inner/spiritual path dude, most of these fuckers are lost.
Go back to Redit you underaged buzzword spewing faggot.
Kys you underaged autistic loser.
You are worthless and the day you blow your brains out everyone will be much happier.
Yeah that'll be a yikes from me.
wow what a great counterargument