I'm turning 30 soon and I've literally done nothing in my adult life.
>not working
>never been abroad as an adult
>never made any friends as an adult
>never had sex
>never had a gf
>never lived my twenties
I'm turning 30 soon and I've literally done nothing in my adult life.
>not working
>never been abroad as an adult
>never made any friends as an adult
>never had sex
>never had a gf
>never lived my twenties
Other urls found in this thread:
Stay strong user.
>not working
>never had a gf
"That can be changed, Champ. Your mother hates you, and I'm kind of disappointed, too. But it's never too late to turn things around, Champ. When I was your age, we were down by three to Allentown Prep with five minutes to go in the fourth quarter. They were the best team in the entire state, and they had this monster of a defensive end: A huge fella by the name of Chet Anders. He was 6'5 and 260 pounds -- or he was until I dove at his knees on a cut block and took him out. Sheer luck it took the paramedics 15 minutes to get him to stop screaming. And that was with the scouts from USC and Notre Dame in attendance! Last I heard, he leapt off a bridge after he couldn't even hack it in Hacwamanee Community College as a third-stringer. Anyhoo, we came back and won the game. And guess who caught the game-winning throw? Yep, none other than your old man."
>cracks open Monster, sips
"The point is that you've gotta grab life by the horns, son. And the best way to do that is to walk into the store like you own the place, look the manager in the eye, give him a firm handshake, and tell him that you're not letting go until he tells you when you can start."
I know that feel. Spent my life avoiding everything as much as possible. Avoidant personality disorder has kept me from living.
I want you to groom yourself as best as you can, wear your nicest casual clothes, and go out on your next day off to a local sports bar. Sit in the middle of the bar and drink a few beers. Once youre kinda loose talk to anyone who sits next to you. It will be awkward. You will feel weird. I guarantee you will like yourself more then staying inside again browsing Jow Forums and playing video games.
Can you go back to school? It isn't too late to get started user, your life is far from over
I doubt that, he'll actually start wishing he was back home on Jow Forums if he did that.
Trust me Ive done it.
How about how many imageboard posts?
I think society would be better off if we didn't exist, we provide no value whatsoever, we're just a drain and a burden. I think governments really did wish we offed ourselves so the better people in society can do well. They should legalize euthanasia in that case but they wont at least not in my country, we have to take the hard way out, the lonely miserable path to our final destination. Suffering is what we must experience it seems, right to the very end. Why couldnt I have just been born normal
>work full time
>spent months travelling Europe and the PNW
>have small group of kinda shit friends but they're still contacts
>not a virgin
>never had a gf but have dated (awful)
I have some interesting memories to look back on but I'm still miserable and empty inside. I don't want to sound ungrateful for my life experiences, but happiness really does come from inside you. Time you enjoyed wasting wasn't wasted.
There's not a single person to blame but you
As a NEET you have all the time in the world to become a master in multiple crafts, but you probably chose to blow it all on useless instant gratification
This. A lot of people are perfectly happy living as a hermit their entire life, only working to provide exactly what they need and nothing more. They have no friends, no family, and nobody knows them. They can still be happy.
Happiness isn't measured in success, or milestones in life. It's not a problem with your life or your past, it's a problem with you. All you fucking neets ever do is complain about what happened in the past, that's all you ever dwell on.
Wow, you've never had to slave away to make another man rich and then get home to an annoying cunt of a wife after a 20 hour work day. I pity you.
Shut up you salty boomer it's not OP's fault your wife's a nasty old bitch lmao
I'm in a similar situation, but a little older. All I can say is that you shouldn't beat yourself up about it too much. Some people are just destined to be losers and that's okay.
I'm actually single but most married people I know are like that.
Do people over 21 really still post here? I thought grampa posters were just a meme. That's hella cringy.
I'm 24, almost 25. My life is a living nightmare.
An old friend of mine from high-school just got engaged to his long-term girlfriend of 7 years.
He is not rich, he works a blue-collar job, he is overweight, doesn't work out at all. Don't be fooled by pic related, shes also taller than him in heels. The one thing I do remember about him is that he was always a friendly guy to me, so I wish him well, he made it. It's just funny to see how he made it against all odds.
Hes a lucky guy.
I'm seconding this. To give you some perspective, the vast majority of us will never do anything with our adult lives. Jobs, wives, children, it's not earth shattering or game changing stuff. The sun set yesterday and it's going to rise again tomorrow regardless of whatever you've done or haven't, and that applies to the what is it now 3.5 billion other men on the planet.
is your post supposed to be ironic, zoomer? Put your phone away and pay attention in class
Nigga why would anyone come here after 21??? Everybody has a job and a family to think about after that. That's a huge YIKES and CRINGE if yall still come here after 21.
no, that's a yikes and a cringe
wanna know how i know you're a 16 year old white boy?
All those so-called "productive" things you can think of are just as much of a waste of time as instant gratification.