Which one is better? Porn really messes up your brain but what about jerking using your imagination
Porn is fine and so is fapping. Not looking at porn isn't bad, but not fapping is bad. Just find a nice balance. As long as you are still being social, still taking care of your hygiene and cleanliness, and working towards your goals you can masturbate as often as you want for how long you want
What about fucked up porn? I started at vanilla and ended up jerking to a trap and weird JAV fetishes
reduce the amount of porn you comsume. You will be able to get off to normal stuff again soon.
i dont get the problem, porn makes fapping quicker fapping removes desire to court females/sex, seems quite simple yet so many fight against it
No Porn only works if you step away from the computer - shitposting here for hours on end isn't going to fix your brain, you're still stuck in that Dopamine drip-feed "Ludic Loop". You have to avoid TV and internet.
I don't like this post because even though I somewhat agree, you're giving people an excuse to indulge in their addictions.
Alcohol is fine but some people just don't know how to control themselves. You should stay away from porn for a few months and then ease back into it when you feel you're ready (attracted to real humans again, no erectile dysfunction, can get turned on by normal stimulus)
Alcohol is never fine, it's pure poison. Sexuality is a critical component of existence just like eating and breathing. Restraining yourself from sexual release is stupid at best and dangerous at worst. There is nothing wrong with porn, fantasy, fetishes, or any of it and coming to terms with the weird shit you're into is actually far more conducive to a healthy and productive life than hating yourself or being ashamed of what you like. If porn is your life (and I'm not talking about a job in the porn industry), you have a problem. If your life includes porn, there's no issue.
You figure out what your goals are. I started noticing that I wasn't really attracted to women anymore unless they were on a screen and I had no motivation to talk to women. I was asexual at 20 years old and that fucked with me, so I don't watch porn by I still masturbate once a week just to not torture myself.
Why would one wanted to be attracted to something they can't access.