We have no allies, we're outnumbered and all the large factions wants to kill us. Even Jow Forums.
Who's in?
We have no allies, we're outnumbered and all the large factions wants to kill us. Even Jow Forums.
Who's in?
Other urls found in this thread:
we have to secure the future and existence of all robots.
I'm 100% in
Agreed, new disc .gg/bQtBNTh
You have to post the fucking IP, you fucking moron. We cant join otherwise!
server's not up yet, probably going to be on friday. Join the discord and set your role to Jow Forums
I know why you want me to join discord but I have a VPN so you wont get shit from me
Ahh almost got you though lmao
This is going to be the start of the robot uprising.
Originally bumping for shill reasons
Join you faggots
come play 4craft with fellow rowboats, no gfs allowed!
>We have no allies, we're outnumbered and all the large factions wants to kill us. Even Jow Forums.
dear god...
Server should be up Friday
>mfw I'm going to build a fully automatic tendie dispenser for the faction
Suck my dick you fucking faggot make the servers be playable for people who have pirated minecraft
superalts com works perfectly
Oh fuck yes, les do this shit
how do i join this game anons?
What the fuck is that?
it's a minecraft server, the IP will be released on friday. All the boards are fighting each other.
MCLeaks works too
make sure you are in the disc btw code is .gg/bQtBNTh
hump dump pump bump
Oh shut this is so nostalgic. I used to play in faction bwsed servers all thr time as a kid. Please tell me it allows the pirated version. I'm a little short on cash.
Is 4craft happening again?
Some guy in the r9k board chat mentioned it on disc, something to do with mcleaks
ITS HAPPENING (4hours to go)
Most people on fit are robots. Alot of threads are about feels. I think this is the best alliance to make.
t. Jow Forums leader
team Jow Forums needs YOU!
im in robots
I have pirated minecraft so ill stay in my lonely survival world taking care of the farm i guess
Can't you talk about this in /v/ or something you fucking faggot?
fuck you /v/tard
/v/ is gay
This is unfortunately one of the most interesting threads on this board right now
Get one from mcleaks
Everyone in the discord is hating on Jow Forums. :(
They will regret it brother
cant wait to genocide /mlp/ originally
/mlp/ is an ally of Jow Forums, ya goober. They're fellow autists
By that logic there wouldn't be a war at all.
Jow Forums is just where everyone moved after the final collapse of /b/ so that's probably why everyone hates us, considering it takes a single person to ruin the relation with an ally.
So is r**ko going to ruin it with hacking weeaboos again this year?
Ban hackers or have it impode. It's not fun otherwise.
The + to the left of /v/ is totaly /sci/
I've asked a few people already to keep OBS/recording software open during raids and to post it youtube if it happens. I can just send to admins and get them banned if we have proof.
it is time my frens
thanks I shilled 4craft there
where my dogs @ :)
we can't let our fellow robot (((trashman))) get btfo by the fakecels that are /a/ and /v/, join the Jow Forums board on 4craft today
this thread ober my head but [s4s] is blarp an also dubs!!!
Ya'll get a big fuckn bump today straight from God
very origijinall bump
Honestly you should ban r***ko from the very start. Otherwise prepare for a repeat of last year and then everyone just stops playing.
I talked to the admins about banning certain people but they said they're giving everyone a second chance.
What's your excuse for not joining your robot brethren and going on a crusade?
cuz im a robot? socializing isnt my thing
You don't have to socialize to play with us.
so i can just join the server without having to chat on discord?
I want to say yes but there's a big risk of spies.
Maybe you'll have to send one or two messages on discord to confirm your not a spy but afterwards you don't have to use discord at all.
I'll have to ask Zealous when he comes back on.
yes tell zealous your username and you don't have to do anything else, none of us talk over voice except while raiding and even that's optional
yall dont even let crack niggas join
fuckin drug police
mcleaks works so why does it matter
originali bump
lets get this bread
give ip
>tfw no pc so can't join
i joined discord to cheer u all on though
i believe in you
not up yet make sure you're in the discord for when it's released. Also good for coordination via text.
I am reviving this thread because the discord man said to
ay thanks honestly surprised this thread hasn't been b& yet
so like what're you autists doing since the official server isn't up yet?
So what do you guys look forward to do the most?
for me its building traps
I say lets start with taking over /tv/. we can overwhelm them with pure Jow Forums strength of autism
traps? like what? do explain user, I'm a total newb at minecraft
Lol i am in the screencap
I think it's pretty self explanatory anonymous.
for example a trapped chest that is removing the floor infront of it with pistons and killing the enemy who was trying to loot it with fall damage.
Needs a black bow on the back of the head.
that's deliciously evil
I just need to think of a way that our own players won't fall for it.
I hope you guys have a better protection compared to last year. /an fucked us pretty hard
Is that just an open-tibia map screenshot?
Yeah we made some plans to protect ourselves better. Maybe a faction discord server or something to post plans, ideas, infos etc would be a good idea
bumping for the fuhrer
man on disc told me to bump
Last time I played eveyone on used cheats and was fully decked with diamonds
Everyone was using custom loaders(dont actually know what they are called)
Mark the chest with uwu
>r9k has no topic
Apple bigmac
Make sure your role gets assigned on dcord. There should be a bot in one of the text channels which does it.
oh god i hope we can find some allies
We should base underground
we should base inside other faction's islands for maximum NEET
Sneaky Vietcong strategy
>new 4craft
>Jow Forums
>about to be cummed on when sv starts
nice,im in
What do I do to join?
Join the disc near the top of the thread then assign yourself r9k role
But I'm a btard through and through