>there are people on this board who are proud of never having held a job or had sex
There are people on this board who are proud of never having held a job or had sex
>and heres how thats 100% based
You're too fucking stupid to understand what I'm implying.
We live on that speck. Thats us.
"Living" might be stretching that definition a bit, for us, the damned, on r9k.
You do not know the pain of bipolar cyborgs user. Or maybe you do. Who am I to judge?
All I know is that it hurts and I want to go back to the road.
>proud of being a cog in a faulty machine that will have no seconds guesses about throwing you to the side for a better cog at any time
beeing a leech to society is actually the most intelligent thing you could do in this moder era, people crying out loud calling neetss "waste" or "lazy" are just seething faggots, lets face it. If humanity still holds in the future people will most likely study 21st century neets at school,thinking they were sort of rebels and young kids will be impressed by them and will fantacize about living in a basement while jamming to vaporwave and dg
Ya god damn right we are. We're the pondscum of the universe, and proud of it.
>living on that spec never having held a job or fucked a woman
Nothing more pathetic than that, my man.
>I know right? it's actually cool to be a degenerate loser because who cares if you're not the only one, why not embrace it
It's quite sad to see people with this mentality
I love when you insult me, it tells me I did good as humanitys filthiest. Please, demean me more. I beg of you.
Yeah, deal with it.
>goy resorting to name calling
user... Stop trying to project how you feel about yourself to other people that had the luck/balls to avoid being a tool
>has done both of those things once
they both seemed overrated.
I drift along on the tides of life, and ride her waves at a leisurely pace. It ain't a glorious life, but it sure as hell is comfy.
>Huurrrr look how small the world looks far away nothing really matters
Incel cope reaching critical mass.
>actually having a job
>actually dating modern women
>actually considering either worthy goals
Death should be the only reward for this stupidity
hey goy, i might suggest you googling that buzzword of yours, it means involuntary celibate, it has nothing to do with not wanting a job or a relationship. You really are too stupid to understand what was implied
>that will have no seconds guesses about throwing you to the side for a better cog at any time
Unless you live in Victorian England this is absolutely untrue. Labour laws exist you jobless incel.
>being proud of an inability to reach developmental milestones
At least youre happy.
More like people want to be alone in their misery. The reason I tell normalfags like you to get out of here is because this is my 1 place in the world to vent my thoughts
Without it I would've kms'd long ago
The fact that your smug about this just shows how much of a normie you are.
Or you could, I dunno, grow up and get a job. Try and better yourself.
No, obviously the better solution is to throw a pity party with the other virgins on /whine9k/.
Inability and incompatibility are two different things. I am unable because I was meant for a different life. One that is, for me, correct. It's like chastizing a fish for not walking. What's the point, he wasn't supposed to anyway.
go be a slave somewhere else and leave us patricians alone, idiot. And go and learn the right buzzwords inbetween lunchbreaks (if you have any that is, lmao) while youre at it.
>developmental milestones
based by who? The same people youre slaving for? kek
bait, and a bad one at that
>because I was meant for a different life
Said every person too pathetic to hold down a job, ever.
It's our pity party, and you weren't invited.
>has time to respond to four posts
>doesnt have time to write a CV
I cant imagine it would take you too long. Previous employment history would be a breeze Im sure.
Why would anyone listen to a jobless virgin?
Because they fear death? Cause that's where this is headed if you guys don't fuck off our board. Without a place to vent, losers will seek out... alternative... means.
>guys get a job and a qute wife, if you dont me and my (((boss))) will be mad at you
>we dont really want to, why are you here again? It our life we do what we feel like doing
the fucking state of 2019 baitposts, they dont even try anymore
And how are you going to kill the anonymous people making fun of you on the internet for being a jobless virgin, you jobless virgin?
some people just aren't cut out for this world, the least you could do is leave us alone. Just go post on reddit or something if "le incels" trigger you that much
Its like modern day human bear baiting, except instead of bears its losers. And who doesnt like making fun of losers user?
With nuclear weapons, duh.
Someday the wrong persons gonna get a hold of them. It ain't gonna be me, but it's gonna be someone.
>some people just aren't cut out for this world
Imagine seriously believing this. How pathetic.
>incels that cant manage to get a job or find a girlfriend somehow believe theyre going to be able to start a nuclear war
You should do stand up. Oh wait, let me guess you have anxiety or depression or some other meme mental illness you use as a crutch to avoid doing anything.
What's hard to believe about it? Some people are born without working lungs and die in minutes. Did they just not try hard enough? What about mental retards? Did they just never "be themself" enough?
Keep laughing, normalfag. You have precious few of them left, after all. Can't laugh when you're a charcoal painting on the side of a building.
Imagine lacking in self awareness so much that you think everyone has the same potential as you
>incel comparing himself to a terminally ill child because he cant find a job or girlfriend
Congrats. You have become a parody of yourself.
>I'm a loser and proud
>Get a life retard
>Fuck you normie
>No fuck you incel
>Rinse and repeat
This.. This is why I come here
How can a man be proud of being a virgin though? Its pathetic.
Why does it bother you? More of us dropping out means more jobs, women, etc for you. Asking you to pay a small percentage of your earnings to keep us fed and happy seems reasonable in this context. You should be thanking us.
ad hominem you literal mong
Reminder that incels belong on Reddit
Its just fun to make fun of losers. Why do you need a reason to do something other than it being fun?
Not having a job is good, not owning your own business is bad. Not having roastie poastie sex is good, not having a romantic and faithful relationship with your virtuous, compassionate, murderous wife is bad.
Having sex with a roastie is better than being a virgin.
>t. seething roast soon poast
Fair enough. Although it's not nice to kick people who are already down.
But dont you hate roasties for being able to do what you cant? Its just jealousy surely.
Its fun to kick people who pretend to be down. Making fun of a dude in a wheelchair is completely different from making fun of a loser who makes no effort to better himself and cant hold a job or a girlfriend. I mean there are literally people with Down syndrome who have jobs. Meanwhile you virgin faggots come on here and throw a pity party because you feel entitled to an easy life without working for it.
I reached a point where I'm kind of proud of never touching a woman in my life (I'm 35 years old).
As for jobs I had a few, it is terrible but necessary.
I encourage all roasts and poasts to take advantage of any weak men who latch onto them to feel masculine and confident. Take away a woman from a man and he feels nothing but despair and weakness. Whether sociopathic, psychopathic, narcissistic, or the average Joe, take away his woman and he feels broken and pathetic, the woman completes him.
I may be a virgin but I am not a weakling who relies on approval and attention from the opposite sex. If sex ever happens it will happen, but it will only occur when I decide for it too.
>I am proud of an inability to reach a developmental milestone
>2 paragraphs of incel cope
>I may be a virgin but I am not a weakling who relies on approval and attention from the opposite sex
No but you are still a virgin. Its better to try a fail than never try at all.
What if you're wrong though? You sound like a bully trying to rationalize picking on people weaker than you.
>But dont you hate roasties for being able to do what you cant? Its just jealousy surely.
Sounds like you're bullying me, user. I don't know who I'm picking on, I'm defending khv and virginity. Women are the weaker sex physically. Women are the weaker sex mentally. But women are not weak. My conclusion is that women should do whatever they want to do, I have no say over that except encouragement. Sounds like you're a dipshit in all honesty if you can't recognize women will be roasts and poasts.
There was in incel in this thread comparing his inability to get a job to a baby being born with shit lungs and dying.
I wasn't even replying to you, calm down.
He was just trying to relate to another hopeless situation. It was a poor choice maybe, but that doesn't invalidate his point.
Well then stop replying to me. Get a life dweeb.
>being too lazy to get a job or put any effort into bettering yourself is comparable to a baby being born without lungs and dying
You cant be serious.
yeah, it's part of why this board is dying. incels should be banned
oh fuck off with that. not working or having a social life doesn't make you some brave rebel, the system will keep going whether you participate or not. you are just taking pride in your laziness and ignorance, and you will be remembered as leeches (if you're even mentioned in history at all)
It doesn't take much to put those things out of reach in today's hyper competitive age. Mental illness, a poor upbringing, being the victim of bullying/abuse at a younger age, etc.
I really don't have anything better to do.
Only the weak cant get over things that happened years ago. Incels are the ultimate snowflakes.
If you're a guy sure. But women should remains virgins until they are married
There are a lot of weak people out there. Shitting on them rarely makes their situation improve.
Youre gonna need to elaborate on why you think that incel.
I wish I have not tasted a full time job ever, it was horrible, never work anons.
Theres weak, and then theres so weak you compared yourself to a baby dying because youre incapable of putting any effort into improving your situation.
There are people here proud that they are 100% normal humans who have had sex and jobs. Why would you be so proud of being so exceptionally average? Im not saying neets should be proud but neither should the normalfags with gfs
Being proud of reaching normal developmental milestones is considerably more understandable than being proud of not reaching them.
Doesn't that say a lot about their self confidence? People who say those things are pretty broken. Just because you're unable to relate, doesn't mean it's justified to attack them. I'll leave you to your thread, but try to be nice :(
They do it becuase they are told to not becuase they care. Imagine a pedophile flirting with your daughter. Its fine though right? There are laws and so long as he doesn't rape her its perfectly fine for him to pick her up and sit her on his lap while tickling her.
>People who say those things are pretty broken.
Theyre attention seeking on /whine9k/ because they dont have girlfriends. If theyre broken then they broke themselves.
A girls only worth is her vagina the more it's used the less valuable it is
>having to go to work is the same as being a non-raping pedophile
Incels turned the cope up to 11 for this post.
T. Never spoken to a female
>A mans worth is only measurable by how much he can lift
Do you agree with this statement?
They are going to normify just like they did for 90s hackers. I can see it now. A bunch of normies fucking each other in the club listening to wave while complaining about normalfags and gushing about the 10 anime shounen shit they saw
Cyborg here too, :( the pain never goes away of not being autistic enough to fit in here and being too autistic to fit in with normies.
Jow Forums please go
A man is the provider a women is only useful to be fucked and procreate. Nobody would be your bf if you didn't have a vagina. And you wouldnt date a guy if he didn't provide
T. still never spoken to a woman
Is this all mental gymnastics to deal with you being a virgin? Because even in the Middle Ages people gave value to women for things other than sex. I dont believe you believe what youre saying, its just pure incel cope.
How can a man be proud of doing nothing significant with himself other than being better than losers.
Why are you so triggered by the fact that some people are proud of not being a conformist?
Walking down a street holding hands with someone you love gives a man a certain amount of pride.
Trying to explain the subtle nuances of relationships to incels is like trying to explain colour to a fish. I can only assume youre acting intentionally stupid because you know what I say is true.
You watch too many movies. Your brain is rotting. Sex is not a developmental milestone. Having sex doesn't change you as a person. You are delusional and think Hollywood movies are a depiction of reality. Its sad how its shaped your life that much that you even convinced yourself that some events in your life where just like the movies. You've been told how to feel about what your entire life. The most mature guy guy i know is a virgin. The biggest faggot soi boi i know happens to not be.
You ever meet a monk? Do you even begin to realize how many great men in history died virgins?
Because it is a rare feat. Failing this hard is more unique than most rare diseases.
>T. still never spoken to a woman
I have a girlfriend you dumbass my point was pretty simple you're just butthurt
Also if you go to church you're like Jesus Christ just for being an adult virgin. Its all about who you associate with, sex is the religion of normies.
>Do you even begin to realize how many great men in history died virgins
Not as many as losers who died virgins. Sex is a natural human need and having sex is absolutely a developmental milestone, if it wasnt why would so many loser incels be lamenting the fact that others can have sex while they cant (protip: its because they put effort in and dont expect pussy to just drop into their lap). Your incel cope rambling wont change that.
Congratulations you stuck your dick in a wet hole
If that's the validation you use to make yourself feel better you are plain pathetic
>I have a girlfriend, says the incel who previously stated women have no value other than their vaginas
Im sure its a lovely relationship. Then again, I doubt imaginary women complain too much so maybe its perfect for you. Does she cook you imaginary dinner every night after you come home from your imaginary job too?
The reason this board is dead is becuase normalfags like you post here. The golden days of Jow Forums where the days where unironic pedophiles would post cp. The days where people would masterbate to gore, hate niggers freely. Jow Forums is shit now becuase all you normalfags want to talk about is how your gf left you. The only things you're interested in is posting porn and making friends. The only time you even make posts is bitch about something your angry about. When was the last time you made a post here that wasn't an argument? Im betting its been a long while.
>congratulations, you hit a developmental milestone
Thanks incel
The reason this board is dead is incel faggots turned it into a pity party. Luckily its managed to unfuck itself in the last year or so, but whiny virgins dont make for interesting discussion.