I'll never find a way to ask the right question. No answer will ever satisfy me. It's so frustrating.
Why am I even making this thread?
You already know the answer, you just don't like the one you got.
A thread died for this you know. The very least you can do is attempt to ask your question user.
I think the question is "am I special?" the answer is no. you can also ask "can I become special?" which is still probably a no, but there is hope. nothing is scarier than mediocrity user
you user, you do deserve much love
(not like you get any)
I don't even know. I just want to relate to someone, but I'm not sure if I'm even capable of that. All of our lives are unique. I'll never be in-sync with someone completely. How do you see the world, user? What's your place in it?
How do I see the world? I see it as a bit unfair. Kind of messy. You're right that we'll never be perfectly in sync with others. But thats the challenge. Without adversity there is no satisfaction. Some people arent made for this sort of world. I know I'm not. The best thing I can do is just sit back, enjoy the ride, and laugh.
IMHO I don't think you have to be special just be content with yourself, discover yourself like what you might mile to do what hobbies you think you could get into maybe get a schedule, whatever something that makes you think that you're in the least a bit interesting as a person to talk to.
Also, Idk how you look like but perhaps in case you don't look too good maybe you could loose some weight, get into finding out how to dress well, shit like that, I don't a source to back this up with but I know that looking better actually raises your self-esteem and it's not like you have to have the gratification from others that you look good, as long as you follow some guides on dressing up, you feel good in what you wear and you see that noone or very little people give you looks then it's a-o-k.
Hope I helped
>I just want to relate to someone, but I'm not sure if I'm even capable of that.
That, at least, I find relatable. That's cause I find genuine emotional vulnerability impossible, though.
Thanks user. Though these are very grounded views, I want something else. I don't feel like anything on Earth can satisfy me. I wish to understand all you anons better.
>I don't feel like anything on Earth can satisfy me
Have you had some bad experiences here?
You could perhaps start with a list of things you would enjoy and sooner or later you could try them and see if you actually do or not, you don't have to worry, as long as you do something you're on the right path.
>Have you had some bad experiences here?
It's just so empty. The only way to cope seems to not think about it.
I don't think there's anything specific I like to do. I just try to do whatever task is at hand to the best of my ability, but I don't feel emotionally invested in it.
Sounds like you're emotionally untethered from the world, like it's only in the abstract that you can feel.
Would you mind giving me your discord name or whatever so we can speak there, the thread is gonna die sooner or later and also we can discuss thing in greater detail there.
Can you relate to this?
Sorry, but I don't like Discord. All I ever did there was catfish people. I hate that place.
Hmmm, well, any other place you like to talk on like something social media?
I'm fine here. If you don't want to, I'll understand.
God, I feel like I'm larping again.
Just saying cuz this thread is going to die sooner orl ater and you seem like you need more help that the lifespan of a Jow Forums thread can provide
well, user, you have to throw yourself into the hedgehog's dilemma at some point, or your troubles are just self fulfilled prophecy
It's okay, user. I appreciate your concern, but I think I've been boring this board with my issues for quite a while, even if it was through an avatar, it's not like anons here don't have any of their own. I was just wondering about things, that's all.
>you have to throw yourself into the hedgehog's dilemma at some point
Funny you mention that, I was just thinking about it when making this thread.
Regarding what said, I'd say you need the motivation first but yeah, that's a good idea
But I still don't understand, what would that solve? I know what the hedgehog's dilemma is, but I don't feel any more enlightened because of it. Every philosophy seems like a cope. The only one that I can respect to an extent is stoicism, but still, it doesn't make me fulfilled.
Even though I mostly agree with stoicism I cannot imagine how someone who's blackpilled could reverse the black pill's effect by using stoicism.
IMHO stoicism is best used after you've changed your life style in a way in which you are happy and content with who you are and what you do (in case you do anything in particular) and then you could apply stoicism seeing as you're already happy or in the least content with yourself.
Hope I didn't go on too much of a rant and I hope my blabbering actually made sense.
No, you made sense. I just dont' know what else to say. I think that the point of stoicism is to not let your circumstances affect you, so it's especially needed by people who are unhappy. I don't know. I don't think it has helped me much besides helping me accept my apathy.
I'd say the next step would be, after you accept your apathy as you call it is to go against it and try to not be, I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that seeing as I don't think I've experienced what you're feeling right now so I can only present to you merely a basic guide, I suppose.
I feel like just accepting it and not thinking about that too much would work the best for me. Every answer I seek seems like a cope. I might as well embrace the hopelessness and focus on random tasks until I due.
I can relate user. Anytime I try and post a thread asking a question nobody seems to understand it. I have nobody to relate to either. Like my body is encased in a concrete shell of autism and I'm completely stuck.
I know it's not much, but I relate a lot to this too. I think I actually made a thread on here or on Jow Forums a few years ago about this exact feeling. I feel like I'll never find anyone to relate to unless it's a perfect clone of me with the same memories and experiences. Even if some real people have had very similar experiences to me, they are never going to be the exact same ones, and they'll never fully understand the full extent of what I'm feeling, in the context of which I'm feeling it. I wish there was some device that could link two brains with each other in order to enable them to share thoughts without having to pass them through the low-bandwidth filter of words.
Anyway, I'm curious now: do you have any fantasies about things that could satisfy you, even if they are impossible in real life? Or is there no situation you can imagine that would make you feel that way?
It's nice to see a lot of anons share this feeling, even if we can't ever completely understand each other.
>do you have any fantasies about things that could satisfy you, even if they are impossible in real life? Or is there no situation you can imagine that would make you feel that way?
I do imagine situations that feel like they could satisfy me, at least in comparison to my current life, though I'm sure that if I actually were in those situations, I'd long for something else again. I actually got so deep into one fantasy that I started living it more than my real life. Until recently I used to larp as a schizophrenic girl on here. It was pretty satisfying, but in the end just made me more depressed since it made me realize how grey my real life is.
You just keep getting more relatable somehow. I have some fantasies I daydream about, but I'm sure if I was actually placed in the situation I'm imagining in real life, it wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. Sometimes I wonder if I should stop doing anything in the real world at all and simply retreat into my internal world, only coming out for necessities like food and water.
Also, by the schizophrenic girl, do you mean that one that kept posting images of jannies getting BTFO?
>stop doing anything in the real world at all and simply retreat into my internal world, only coming out for necessities like food and water.
Yeah, I tried doing that, although not as literally. Basically practicing a more extreme version of stoicism that I actually used to preach here. In the end I had a bit of a mental breakdown, but maybe I'll get on track again sometime in the future.
>Also, by the schizophrenic girl, do you mean that one that kept posting images of jannies getting BTFO?
You know, even though I hadn't experienced this hell of a feeling I've actually met someone who was really close to me and we both thought of each other as nearly exact copies, more or less, we both have/had abussive relatives, we both seem to have a bit of a mental superiority complex (if there even is such a thing) we both agree on and see how whit the world actually is, we liked lots of the same things. In the end we even developed a bromance but long story short, since the struggle of his narcissistic and manipulative mother was bigger than the pleassure she got from abussing him mentally they actually disowned him and put him in a foster home. luckly a mutual friend of ours lives in a state nearby his so we can try and search for conact after he achieves 18 years of age.
Personally, I stopped caring after I took meds. I don't care if things go my way or not. I simply go with the flow, it's unfulfilling yeah but that's how life is. It's practically and realistically impossible for things to change at this point so I accepted that.
So what if that's a cope? I just live until I inevitable die, it's not like I have any desires in life so I don't mind either way.
I see. Were you also that person that posted about taking walks in the snow, in the middle of nowhere?
See, that's great and all, and it's possible I could find a person like this too. But in the end, the problem isn't that the other person isn't relatable enough, it's that I won't feel as though I can relate no matter how similar we are. Or, at least, that's what I suspect will happen. It's the same as it is with my daydreaming, where I can imagine a situation to be emotionally satisfying, but when I actually experience the same situation in real life, it's not. The problem is with me, so I don't think there's any getting around it unless I change myself somehow.
I feel with your worldview a lot. Not caring if I succeed seems so liberating, but if there's one thing I want to keep, it's my mind. It's the only thing I have in this world. I'd like prefer not to lose it just yet. Otherwise suicide might seem like a good option.
>I see. Were you also that person that posted about taking walks in the snow, in the middle of nowhere?
Yes, that's also me.
And it's true. The problem is always me, not the world. Some people were just not meant for it.
Well, yes, change can be good but also scarry seeing as many don't know what to do how to do it and regarding finding someone relatable, well, desu the only way I can manage to make great friends is if they are/were in a shitty mental state, shit thing is I found 2-3 guys to talk to but sooner or later they ghosted me, idk why, I actually even gave them some good advice they thanked me for so again, Idk.
P.S: In case I wasn't clear enought when I was asking for your discord/social media place to talk on I meant in the way that maybe we can try and see if we relate, the way I managed to get so close (theoretically) with my best firnd I talked about here in this thread is by helping him, he got to vent a bit, I vented too but we talked about our problems whenever they arrived and tried to understand eachother as much as possible. Hopefully you wan to be/try to be my friend too.
Just make a trip like me and play hide and seek on the board kek
Or don't.
You're replying to the wrong person, user. Anyways, I just avoid interaction outside of here since I'm too afraid of commitment. About a year ago I've completely ghosted the only irl friend I had. I like the responsibility-free interactions that Jow Forums provides. Who knows, maybe we've spoken before? Maybe we'll speak in the future again without knowing? It doesn't matter.
I used to avatarfag. It was pretty satisfying.
Well, even so, I still want to talk to someone coming from 4ching-chong, even if you're not op, you seem to be in the same boat as him and I'd be more than glad for us to talk to each other, hope you agree.
Btw, you don't need to feel commited, it's not like we're married or some shit, it's just 2 guys chatting about stuff that they think of very deeply.
I hate getting recognized though, plus Jow Forums is the only place I can freely talk about what's on my mind for a reason. Removing my anonymity would remove that.
Oh, I am OP. You were just replying to someone else. I'd like to say "I'll think about it", but most likely I'll just ghost you. Maybe we'll meet again anyways.
I wasn't really ever in a shitty mental state, to be honest. My life has mostly been neutral, with few ups and downs (at least, ones that would last more than a few days). I doubt we would relate. Even if we would, I don't want another friend right now. I already have one, and I can barely make enough time to talk to him.
Also, I'm not OP, but I think is.
Well, as long as you give me a reason inb4 starting to chat it'd be less shit getting ghosted ig
It's alrgiht, glad the thread didn't die until now
Maybe we can help?:)
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now...
Discord App :)
Thank you!:)