Are women of color the most privileged group in 21st century? (that's not including people with mental, physical disabilities and nonstraight)
They are the most privileged group that are born that way and reap the benefits?
Are women of color the most privileged group in 21st century? (that's not including people with mental...
Think about it. They get all the benefits of women have against men
while also having benefit of being nonwhite
No. Not even close. A black female could get expelled from school or fired from her job for having a natural hairstyle because african hair isn't considered "unprofessional". Imagine having to cover your hair in a wig or weave or harm yourself by chemically burning your hair straight because society doesn't like the way hair grows from your head.
Imagine you're a straight A student at your private school but you've been kicked out because you wanted to wear braids.
im 5% black and hate my hair.
fuck niggers!
lol no. white women still exist
Actually I agree with this post, black women are inferior to other minority women, and since the country is still 61% white, white women are superior to black women. I guess you'll just have to start purging white roasties Laquisha.
Yeah, they have double the advantage (female advantage and person of color advantage). Literally the easiest life imaginable. They have twice the victim cards and twice the representation and protection from the government, media, and other institutions.
but if you put a white woman vs a woc
wouldn't she lose the disenfranchised game? I've noticed white women shut their mouths quickly when confronted with multiracial women, in hollywood at least
>Imagine you're a straight A student at your private school but you've been kicked out because you wanted to wear braids.
This has literally never happened. Not once. If there's even a black girl anywhere who gets straight As (very improbable but I guess not impossible) she's the least likely to wear braids, and even then she wouldn't get kicked out because having a straight A student black female in your school is like having the last living specimen of some exotic animal at your zoo. You won't give it up for anything
>assuming I'm a black woman
I'm just using common sense. If you can fire an employee because you don't like the fact that their hair curls, that's the opposite of privilege.
>A black female could get expelled from school or fired from her job for having a natural hairstyle because african hair isn't considered "unprofessional"
And then said black female can go "ooga booga whitey oppressing me!" on social media and she'll have legions of supporters calling to have the people running the school executed. And she will almost certainly get her wish and the school will be forever disgraced just because some cunt was upset. Stop complaining. You have the entire world in your palm in today's cucked society.
>she's the least likely to wear braids
You think smart black kids don't braid their hair? This is an example of how UNDERprivileged black women are. Wearing a hairstyle that's popular within your culture is associated with stupidity among whites.
Imagine being a black girl and getting a hairstyle because you think it looks cute and now white people think you're a fucking idiot because you're wearing your real hair.
No I assumed you were a fat retard, not a fat black female retard.
>being intelligent enough to be a straight A student
>not being intelligent enough not to get a hairstyle worn by criminals and rappers who rap about murdering people
Does not compute. Every semi intelligent black person I've ever met did their absolute best to look and sound as white as possible. They know exactly what's up with black people and why the stereotypes exist and they're trying their best to be different.
>twice the representation
Representation where? Minority kids grow up thinking they're not normal because they rarely see themselves on TV. That's why Black Panther was such a big deal, because that kind of representation is rare. Minorities miss out on roles all the time because they don't have "universal appeal".
Yeah, that's a problem. They have to shame people into treating them like equals. That's not a privilege user. Black people would like to be treated as normal people without getting the news involved.
Was this thread made by a white roastie? Non-white men have it garder than white men so it seems logical for non-white women to have it harder than white women. Not only are the considered to be less attractive, they're also dumber than your average white women, they don't even have anything to be proud of unlike whites.
>not being intelligent enough not to get a hairstyle worn by criminals and rappers who rap about murdering people
Oh yes. All the criminals and rappers walking around with pic related in their hair. I got robbed by a guy who had hair like this before work this morning.
>Every semi intelligent black person I've ever met did their absolute best to look and sound as white as possible
Exactly. That's the issue. They have to pretend to be someone they're not in order to be respected. Because they know people like you will call them stupid niggers if they don't. Did you know black people have something called a "white voice"? When they talk to a white person on the phone, they change the inflection in their words and speak in a higher pitch voice to sound non threatening. Most black people "do their absolute best" to not scare white people. This isn't privilege user.
If you have to burn your hair straight, change the pitch in your voice, hide your accent just so white people dont call you racial slurs and fire you from your job, that's not privilege. If you have to go to Facebook and force people to treat you the way they treat whites, that's not privilege.
but in those movies the white woman is still the MC
Well maybe stop acting like inferior monkeys and you'll be treated equal. You keep talking about how blacks have to act white. Well do you expect people to simply accept your ghetto garbage? You can't just expect equality if you aren't willing to put in effort on your own. White people have every right to not give a fuck about your culture or treat it equally.
no they get beaten, abused, and fucked over by both males and other races
that and black women are less desired than white men
>tfw white men can't be robots
This is an example of how blacks don't have the same privileges. Having a certain hairstyle is considered "ghetto garbage". Black people are afraid to have fucking deep voices around white people. There are millions of white criminals with the same haircut you have right now but you'll never see anyone associate your haircut with crime. White people swear up and down that white privilege isn't a thing but then turn around and say shit like this.
No one calls niggers racial slurs or fires them from their jobs in real life. Black women get diversity hired into made up positions within HR and are tasked with micromanaging useless shit that doesn't make a difference.
Stop pretending this is still the 1950s and you're doing something revolutionary by standing up for le poor oppressed black people.
They have a white voice because they know damn well that their "culture" is garbage that no self respecting person would want to have anything to do with. You can force people to act like they respect them but you can't force us to actually respect them because that's just not how it works. For actual respect you have to convince people you're worthy of their respect and you do that by acting and talking like a civilised person. Black people know this and they act white because they realise that's how well mannered and cultured people act. I act differently at my job than I do when I talk to my friends, I try to make sure my pronunciation is easy to understand and my voice is nice when I'm talking to clients and I don't call them retarded faggots for not understanding something straight away. That's not "having to deny my heritage" or some shit, that's realising that in the real world you have to put on an act and pretend to be nice because otherwise society doesn't work. It just so happens that black "culture" is inherently rude, loud, inconsiderate and obnoxious.
>"we shouldn't have to accept your ghetto bullshit like letting your hair grow naturally!"
>"who do you think you are, some Black Panther or something?!"
>"you fucking nigger either go through the long, unhealthy, painful, poisonous, degrading process of straightening your jigaboo hair, you privileged nigger"
m8...what are you doing? Do you really think you're going to trigger even the slightest bit of introspection and actualization in these genetic dead ends?
Whatever man. Grow up. I'm not standing up for anything you clown, I'm just stating facts. Black people, particularly women, are not privileged.
>blacks don't have the same privileges
No, you don't. You have other black-exclusive privileges like the race card, the slavery card, affirmative action, and having every institution out there pander to you in the name of "progressiveness".
>Black people are afraid to have fucking deep voices around white people
And white people are afraid of getting stabbed by black people. Why do whites have to change but blacks don't have to change that?
I don't know how anyone could reasonably argue that there has ever been an existence more privileged than that of an even semi-attractive white female living in the modern Western world.
Seriously, you'd have to just never live in the actual real world to argue otherwise.
>"why don't you just have names like ours?"
>"you fucking niggers and your nigger names, stop having your own culture!"
>"what kind of fucking name is De'Shawn?"
>"dumb niggers and your retarded made up names"
You literally just posted an image that says it's now ILLEGAL to discriminate against someone because of this. But yeah, keep pretending that it happens regularly. You people are completely delusional and live in an alternate nightmare reality.
I like to watch their arguments devolve into irrelevant statistics and racial slurs
Yes it took until February of 2019 for one state to say "maybe we shouldn't fire people because their hair grows differently". So that means that before February of this year, this was so much of an issue that a law had to be made against it.
maybe this was true 20-30 years ago but even white woman will soon be like white men
they give birth to the most evil group of all, of course
>white men
Stfu up with that bullshit, that "privilege ' bullshit doesn't exist for them. I've seen it first hand and their live isn't easy, it's actually really hard don't ever tell anyone this in real life they will get mad for good reason
I'm pretty sure most people who complain about privilege have a lot themselves
My sister has a black roommate at college and she hung out with a couple of people from some women of color meeting and was whiteshamed for 3 hours by black girls richer than us
If black women are so oppressed then why would I as a white male get kicked out if I grow my hair past my shoulders and refuse to cut it, you absolute retard?
>but even white woman will soon be like white men
why? the main foe of all minorities has always been and will be a white man
we're tall, strong and rich. We threaten every other man's masculinity, that's why they hate us. And their women just follow them
Because the issue would be the length and not the texture retard. No one will fire you because your hair grows straight but you can be fired because your hair grows kinky.
only a fool would believe white roasties would stay in this position
>they are the most privileged grouped
why does everyone want to be victims
Sure, they get to pull way more victim cards than white women, but racism still exists so they have to deal with people hating them cause they're niggers. 90% of the time they're born into failure and poverty.
Your average white woman or part Asian woman on the other hand...
Benefits of being a top-tier race + high chance they're born into money (especially if part asian) + pussy power
So, all the benefits of being white, plus the benefits of being a woman. Black people do have privilege in a few places, but it's outweighed by the negatives. Women are put on a fucking pedestal, black people are only put on pedestals in certain situations.
never said "only black people". Women of color includes latinas, middle eastern and black women