>tfw no colossal penis bf
Tfw no colossal penis bf
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*commence teh succ*
Too bad you're both gay.
cute gay gets the big D gay.
That's just gibberish. Gays like you are fucking gay.
is it gay if I want to feel that inside me?
depends. do you also want it to cum deep inside you?
down my throat and up my boipussi... brb, need to anally masturbate
thats only around 7 inches
I really want to suck big a dick right now
haha what a stupid fag!!
I'd like to see you deepthroat a soda can user
>silly boy, girls dont care about size i love you for you and your penis is just right
This entire thread is just fags drooling over big dicks, girls don't care.
>girls don't care.
your mileage may vary
>tfw colossal penis bf
He's such a cutie
Look, if my dick were enough to compensate for being a submissive male, I'd believe you.
Is it gay that I kinda wish I was a girl so I could experience getting destroyed by my own "colossal" penis?
i just want a cute bf with a huge cock who'll let me play with it whenever i want, is that really too much to ask for?
If you're gay, yes.
would (try to) deepthroat / 5
in my mouf now
27 posts from 11 IPs? Settle down now, dumb faggots.
12 now. also you're dumb at maths
22 from 12 including yours actually.
>2.45 messages for each poster
>this somehow supports my argument, don't think about it too hard
do you require medical assistance?
reddit reddit fag fag fag
Anything under 13cm is too small.
>13,1cm clitlet
This is a pretty good point actually. Girls definitely care more about how dominant you are than how big your dick is. It's just that big guys tend to be more dominant.
I got a girlfriend today and you cunts show me massive dick pics that I know want to suck on. Fuck. You.
>I got a girlfriend today
How big is her feminine penis? Has she fucked you yet?
goddammit... life isn't fair
>tfw no colossal penis
what would it feel like to have that in your pussy?
>tfw colossal penis but can't be a bf
From what I'm told, somewhat painful.
would love to sit on his lap
Jeez.. I wonder how big the cocks posted here really are and if there's any camera trickery going on.
They're nice cocks either way tho.
> tfw no colossal penis
Mine's 7x5 or thereabout but it's dwarfed by its surroundings.
no body wants to see you nasty fucking dick
I figured the one in the OP is probably close to 8 inches, or 1.66 multiplied by 4.83in (the can size)
The op one is pretty deceptive. A soda can is 4.83 inches tall, and he's got it placed beside his dick and angled from the camera. In my experience, measuring or comparing from the side adds about half an inch, so that plus the fact that the can is not straight with his dick means that bone pressed he's probably 8 inches or less.
People should use actual rulers
I'm 8 inches exactly, so tonight I'll grab a pop can and test this myself, if the thread is still up.
Hey bro, why are you posting midget's people penises? That is offensive ok?
>tfw no thin gf while colossal belly b
Quads wasted on a dirty non English speaking fag
Damn that's huge, the other ones are much harder to guess since there's nothing for reference, but my guess would be they're about the same.
is right, people should post with rulers.
The others are probably the same. A 6'0 dude would need an 8 incher (or something close to that) for it to reach his bellybutton. Of course is harder to estimate, but I still think it's about 8. You know, as much as people larp and meme on these threads, big dicks are obviously rare, so you won't find 9 or 10 inches everywhere.
>A 6'0 dude would need an 8 incher (or something close to that) for it to reach his bellybutton
I mean, you can use that fact to estimate penis sizes you see on full body pics
I'm 6'7" and my dick is just shy of my belly button. I"m just shy of 8" properly measured. It looks pretty unimpressive since my body is giant.
>8 inches
>Damn that's huge
This will never not be weird to me. It always makes me insecure that I've measured wrong because I can't honestly look at my dick and say it's huge.
>tfw no alpha male bf
He is squeezing that thing dangerously hard.
i wish he'd choke me out like he chokes his dick
hey okay so what do you call this kind of penis?
All that has been addressed already, and such perception happens mainly because of
>body size
>porn (which also relies on the two above but inversely)
So the fact that you post that means a) you're humblebragging or b) larping. Either way it's fishing for (you)s, so here's (you)rs and fuck off.
thats a photoshop roight?
Eww gross.
>tfw fat and ugly
>tfw have giant penor
Yeah it doesn't really help me. No girl will ever find out I have a big pengis.
alpha males don't have fairy grips like you limp wristed faggots
>All that has been addressed already,
Where? Sorry I didn't see a reply about it.
The problem with these huge cocks is that theres no way they would fit in my mouth
Squeezing it hard makes it flair out and look bigger and veinier. He's insecure about his dick, not an alpha male. You can tell because his nuts are tiny.
That looks painful not only cause it looks like he's squeezing it but it looks like his foreskin is about to rip.
His nuts are probably tiny because hes on steroids
Jow Forums is slowly becoming /b/ and i hate it
If he's on steroids and still only got arms and legs like that, he must be a grade A soiboi.
it's been like this for 6 years you denialfag and or newfag zoomer
clearly shooped
l don't think so user, unless they're all shooped perfectly
In case any of you fags are curious:
that can't be reaI right?
I think that happens if the penis was captured up in the abdomen
Realistically it's around 7 but no where near 8. Manlet hands is so insecure that he won't just use a ruler (or 7.48 inch DVD case) and instead relies on perspective tricks to fool the brainlet fags into lusting after it. Proper way to measure is from the front resting on the fat pad with your dick perpendicular.
>google image search
>result: girl
There is a picture floating around of the guy in OP with a measuring tape, it was above 8 inches if I recall. It's already big and the weird perspectives make it look giant
Yeah I'm gonna need to see proof. I strongly doubt he was measuring properly.
>I think that happens if the penis was captured up in the abdomen
I am sorry you what now
It was literally just a tape measure layed on top. Being a turbo gay I have a ton of his pics but not that one
mine looks just as big with this angle (maybe a tad less girthy in the middle and also curving to the left)
t. 6.5"
Not the user you replied to and I'm highly skeptical of him claims, but can you fit both hands on it? Because by the looks of it he definitely could.
Looked through the gallery, god damn are women's hands tiny.
his hands look minuscule tho, and half my tip pokes through when I do it
He definitely has small hands, so that could be part of it, but I really doubt he's only 6.5" because I'm almost exactly 8", and he looks noticeably bigger than I do.
>The US standard can is 4.83 inches
And he has it sitting below where the dick actually starts. Nice 7 incher, looks thick because all on-cut dicks do.
Why does this turn me on? It didnt used to.
because that's what big cocks are for user, to turn us on
who wouldn't want to have one or take one
If that's 7 inches I'm a micropenis
tfw 7 inches but looks like a little dick since im 6'5
my pain is real
breh, he is is side bitching that can like a fag.
it's cool chilll
Hey guys, is it gay to turned on by the size of your own dick?
Very originally asking for a friend of course.
I wish I had a dom bf to force-feed me huge penis then ravage me from behind
take a picture of it using the exact same pose and from the same distance
you'll see what's happening here
Man, that's a juicy benis. I hate having penis envy. I wish I was a big guy.
How big is it?
Very originally.
how thick are you, user?
originaI comment
8" normally, I measured nearly 8.5 a couple times, but I think I was somehow doing it wrong.