Yanggang memes aside, why aren't people taking the looming threat of automation more seriously?
Yanggang memes aside, why aren't people taking the looming threat of automation more seriously?
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it will never happen. wanna know why?
because WE are the automations. .
Then it's just a negotiation of price - if/when machines are cheaper (less mistakes, more uptime, less maintenance, at the exchange of bad PR) then they'll use machines.
I think people don't see automation as bad news the same way people don't see why billionaires are so inherently destructive to civil society: they can't grasp the sense of scale. They don't understand how large an impact automated trucks and cars will have on the workforce. Millions and millions will be out of work because 1) we don't need them to drive trucks and 2) we also have automated coding as well, so it's not like they can be effectively retrained to code. The US doesn't need all hands on deck to provide for everybody, but then we go around and starve everybody whose hands aren't on deck.
The current structure of society is so centered around fragile boomer fee fees that they can't effectively address reality.
>WE are the automations. .
Yeah until better automatons are mass produced and replace us.
It's not real enough yet. The robots are taking THEIR jobs, they're not taking MINE. People are arrogant enough to think that they're the only ones who can do their jobs so they'll always be needed. People think that the company will always need someone to triple check the names on this list, a robot would never be able to do it.
people are cheaper.
wooh! dubs!
This whole "automation will replace all human jobs" shit is a meme that needs to end. There has litterally never been a long term decrease in the demand for labor because of technology ever in the history of mankind. The invention of agricultural didn't mean all the hunter gatherers could just sit around and get free shit. The invention of the steam engine didn't mean all the farmers could just sit around and get free shit. People who believe this shit probably unironically believe in other futureology memes like the singularity or killer AI
>There has litterally never been a long term decrease in the demand for labor because of technology ever in the history of mankind
Because never in the history of mankind have we had robots that could do all of our jobs for us you diphthong.
There has never been a tech revolution that brought machines that can learn new tasks very quickly. There may be new, more sophisticated things for people to do once machines take over more menial tasks, but it's only a matter of time until those tasks are automated. Then there might be a next order of tasks, that, once again, can be automated.
You're just fighting a losing battle with automation. Maybe the smartest people can keep picking up new skills, jump professions every 3-5 years to stay challenged, and keep ahead of the automation curve, but many people, especially the sub 100 IQ population, will not be able to keep up with the curve. In 20 years, there could be millions of people who are not smart enough to learn the job skills that allow a person to out compete a computer.
Why aren't people taking the looming threat of Yang controlling the media and effectively killing the first and second amendments, as well as setting up a social credit system so we can essentially be china seriously?
it will not happen, thats why. he can run for president in taiwon.
>Because never in the history of mankind have we had robots that could do all of our jobs for us you diphthong.
We will have those within our lifetime? No you fucking retard.
>There has litterally never been a long term decrease in the demand for labor because of technology ever in the history of mankind
This has literally been the history of mankind.
The vast majority of modern jobs exist solely to keep the GDP meme going. Society does not need burger flippers, cart pushers, taxi drivers, hairdressers, door-to-door salesmen, etc. With modern productivity we could all have a reasonable standard of living while working two hours a day. To deny this is to deny technology, since its whole point is to reduce the need for labor. If your argument is "well we just need other types of labor now" then you are fundamentally a luddite, because in that case technology has done no good at all, and the labor requirements have just been shuffled around.
I'd rather have Yang controlling the media than Schlomo. It's not like I watch it anyways.
Mcdonalds is replacing cashiers with machines. Self driving cars are becoming a thing so delivery jobs are on their way out. A lot of factories are almost full of robots, the humans are just there to make sure they're running.
This all leads back to my other post People refuse to believe it's happening. It hasn't happened to them yet therefore it never will.
Oh no what will those poor cashier do?
>Self driving cars are becoming a thing
Not really still 20-30 years before it will even be a normal thing. Robots are dumb you will always need humans
>Oh no what will those poor cashier do?
Collect welfare, probably.
Because automation has lead to more productivity than ever.
Computers killed the typewriter repair industry, but spawned a new business of computer repairmen.
That's their problem
So your ideal economy consists of manufacturing new desires, then requiring labor to fulfill them? A dopamine treadmill? That sounds genuinely terrible and I'm confused as to why you think this is a point in your favor.
>Oh no what will those poor cashiers do?
>I'm not a cashier so automation isn't real
>I'm too stupid to see that the elimination of low wage jobs is a sign of the times
What makes you think a robot can't do your job? Robots don't act for living wages, robots don't complain, robots don't need breaks.
>Robots are dumb you will always need humans
Yeah those couple of guys who come in and make sure everything's running smooth. How many of those jobs will be available? Every person able to work is going to be a robot maintenance person?
>The current structure of society is so centered around fragile boomer fee fees that they can't effectively address reality.
This. Society is suffering under the weight of boomer delusion and boomers have a fit whenever someone debunks them.
It's actually not a problem for them at all, they're collecting free money.
I just saw a prime example of boomer delusion:
boomers simply refuse to understand how corporations work.
Automation is real but the cashiers need to keep up with the times. And theres lots of jobs robots can't do no matter how much money you throw at it. Automation is a good thing. When humans first invented the wheel I bet there were people pissed off because it took their job, but In the long run it benefits everybody
They really do flat out refuse to understand. I've tried explaining it step by step to my dad, and I could see how for a moment there was a part of him ready to accept it, but then boomer kicked in and he somehow was able to un-understand the whole thing saying "uhm yeah I don't know, I don't think you know enough about this".
The ability of the boomer to not see reality is truly remarkable.
>but In the long run it benefits everybody
Correct, by reducing the amount of labor necessary to live.
>It's actually not a problem for them at all,
Barely enough money to survive lol while they live in a shitty house eating shit food. Yeah sounds like a problem free life
Yes automation is good in the long run because it'll give humans more leisure time and freedom but since the majority of jobs will be obsolete, we will have to accept some form of communism to survive. UBI will have to happen at some point.
And what job could a machine NOT do?
>Looming threat
Never having to work again and spending finally full time to go to large scale wars. Maybe not even having to kill anyone because a robot is doing all the hard work, and you can just watch on tv how people in the shithole countries are dying. Sounds awesome
Less problems than having a job causes.
A machine can't create humans. And if it can't create humans to create itself it will never take over
Not really you'll learn fast living in poverty is a lot worse then dealing with your bitchy co workers
Why don't we invent a politician bot and a ceo bot. Robots that can both run a business and a city or state far far more efficiently then any human being would.
Once those are introduced, then people will ban automation.
they already have self driving cars on the road NOW. in 5-10 years it will be normalized.
The neural network AI is going to be able to do the same tasks as humans but waaay better then humans could ever do them.
Research a little and you'll realize its not 20-30 years down the road, its happening real soon like 3-5 years we could see the first jobs laid off.
your missing the point, it will put millions of people out of a job. What industry could possibly fill the void? What could all those 80 IQ nigs do in a world evolving beyond their intellect? What use are they in the work force at that point?
its a matter of fact that it will put people out of jobs. when it happens you'll be thinking "wow the thing that they said would happen and warned about for decades has actually happened, who would have thought that.."
>they already have self driving cars on the road NOW
No they don't they have a human sitting in the car to make sure it doesn't fuck up.
This is a stupid post. That's not a job, no one goes to work in the morning to make babies. We're talking about jobs.
some are just to be extra safe but they've been testing AI on the roads every year.
Machines can't do any jobs unless a human tells it to
Wagies are the cheapest, even cheaper than robots.
And how many jobs will there be to tell machines what to do? Is every able bodied adult in the United States going to have the same job?
that truck still has a human sitting in the cab. It's a big leap to say in 15 years it won't need humans at all isn't it
>And how many jobs will there be to tell machines what to do
Pretty much every job today requires machines anyway a hammer is a machine so is a pencil doesn't mean all humans become useless we just find better things to do. It won't happen in our lifetime I don't think the scenario you describe ever will
No it's not lmao. What makes you think they won't be able to figure out the technology in 15 years?
Babe, stop. You know damn well what I meant by machine. I didn't mean a fucking pencil. What makes you think that will never happen? Give me a real reason. People are telling truck drivers to learn to code because that job will be automated soon. Having a machine do the job is a lot cheaper than a human. Why do you think your job won't be taken? What do you do for a living?
It's just a glorified rc car which was invented in the 60's. Its the same thing except its bigger and driving on real roads. It still can't do what a human can do.
Factory jobs and a lot of industrial jobs have already been trashed in favor of automation.
They've already started test running drone delivery systems, and automatic cars are likely going to become a thing within the next 30-80 years.
>a hammer is a machine
>a pencil is a machine
No those are tools humans need to work you straw grasping monkey, the threat of automation cannot be dismissed with "yeah dude but ever'fin a machine, even horse a machine". Don't even care about this topic but you're a retard.
>it's just something that has been evolving as time passed
What makes you think it'll never evolve to not need a human? Do you think technology's just gonna stop?
>People are telling truck drivers to learn to code because that job will be automated soon.
No they don't that's not a bad thing either
>Having a machine do the job is a lot cheaper than a human
Yes a hammer makes building a house easier but you still need humans. Robots just aren't smart enough to do most things. humans are much more valuable and will be unless you can figure out how to make a robot identical to a human. Which we have no idea how to do so your scenario will never happen. Its more likely robots learn how to replicate themselves at that point we are fucked
Because they'll never be as smart or useful as a human cause humans took 5 billion years to evolve we are quite rare
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But humans are creating these things. They're not a naturally evolving species. They're as smart as we make them to be. A computer can learn 5 billion years worth of human knowledge in minutes. Are you retarded?
I only have a job to buy shit. I would rather shit be cheaper and I work less than everything be more expensive and I have more hours.
So you believe robots will learn how to build other robots on their own before humans can design them to drive. Ok retard.
I was talking about the end of civilization which won't happen just because the robots learn to drive. How's a robot going to deliver a pizza? Sounds easy but it's not cause robots can't deliver it to your house and walk to your door. If it could it will need a human controlling it. Your arguing about something that doesn't exist so there's no way your are winning this argument
That's like calling a book smart. A computer has the same knowledge as a book. Try to get a computer to mow your lawn.
I never said it would be the end of civilization. I said it would be the end of jobs and the beginning of UBI.
>How's a robot going to deliver a pizza?
>self driving car goes to address
>sends text to you
>take a few steps outside to get your pizza
I am winning the argument because you're argument is naive and pretty stupid. Just because it doesn't exist right now doesn't mean civilization isn't heading that way.
Books are "smart" since they possess all human knowledge. They're already working on self driving cars that avoid collisions and automated vacuums, what makes you think they can't put that same technology into a lawnmower? Make the lawnmower move itself, have it shut off and turn around once it goes off of the grass. You really brought up an automated lawnmower like that's so outside of the realm of possibility.
There complex problems robots can't do. Robots aren't keeping the world running humans are and that's the way its going to continue until you can build a robot as capable as a human. If you take the smartest people in the world they'd have no idea what to even do that's why our civilization isn't heading that way
Ok let's stay on topic. Your job will be taken by a robot. You more than likely do something that a robot can do more efficiently for less money and no complaints or work hours or breaks.
Most people work jobs that can be done by a robot.
Yes a robot can't make music. No one wants to see robots play basketball. Robots can't make movies. Most people would fuck a human hooker before a robot. But these aren't normal jobs. We're talking about normal everyday jobs humans have. In a while, the only job that will be left is a robot maintenance guy. And there won't be too many robot maintenance positions since one guy can maintain multiple robots.
So what happens then? What happens when there are so few jobs that the average person is unemployed? Are we all gonna take turns maintaining the machines? Will we all be rappers because robots can't do that job?
You can never predict the future but name a job a robot can do on its own you can't because humans are needed. And until you can build a robot as capable as a human it won't matter
One man and one robot can replace 100 laborers.
Where do the other 99 men go?
Full automation isn't going to happen in my lifetime. In fact I work for the largest utility in the United States and can tell you that grid automation will only affect only 1,200 jobs. Out of the 28,000 and the 50,000+ contractors we employ. The point where affordable machinery can both drive a class 7 truck and proceed to do work humans can it's not anything to worry about. It will be in 40 or so years and by then I'll be long retired and bought out by my utility.
>name a job a robot can do on its own
Cashier, driving, factories are full of robots, anything done in an office can be done by a computer.
>You can never predict the future
No shit but you can make a pretty accurate guess.
You're super naive user
Here is the thing, robots are still total shitheaps. I drink with my buddy and he works for CSX working on diesel engines and their boss tried to have more of the shop automated and they purchased honing machines like you see in auto plants. The only thing it did was make another job for someone to clean up after the thing since it couldn't hone surfaces as well as a human with a machine. I wouldn't worry anywhere close to yet.
yo can you fucking faggots stop shilling Yang in the trump general on Jow Forums please & thank you
>20-30 years we will have self-driving cars
>no robots in my lifetime
checkmated yourself
>what will the poor cashier do?
will no longer be necessary in the workforce and may be permanently unemployed, which you said was never going to happen
I think people are misguided about automation, it is more like white-collar jobs will be hit by AI software than blue-collar jobs will be hit by robots manipulating physical objects in the real world.
net jobs were lost though. every technological expansion we gain jobs but lose more than we gain. thats why record unemployment is so high.
Because, like most other problems in America, the majority of people don't care about an issue until it directly affects them. Really, it's the core problem of our politics in general.
Nobody gives a shit about health care until they're sick or someone they love gets sick, and it bankrupts them. That's why Boomers have their own special socialized healthcare system exclusively for old folks.
Nobody really cares about the environment or global warming. Yes, there's been fear mongering and incorrect predictions from scientific authorities on this topic in the past, but every year we're getting new record high temperatures everywhere and more extreme weather, and because we as individuals can't tie our actions to direct individual environmental consequences, there's no real push from anyone to fix it and prevent our grandchildren from being cooked alive.
Nobody has any real opinion on gun control, for or against, until one of their loves ones gets shot or is near a shooting, then they just want to ban everything they can.
Nobody talks about our opioid crisis/the fentanyl epidemic except the family members of people who happen to OD.
Like a lot of these issues, people are only concerned with their own situation, and they all just think "Well, my job won't get automated away, so who cares.", or "Well, my CURRENT job can get automated away, but that won't happen for xx years. By then, I'll be super successful!"
Americans are fucking obsessed with ourselves, for better and for worse. I love this country and its fierce individualism, but it also pisses me off sometimes.
>It will be in 40 or so years and by then I'll be long retired and bought out by my utility.
That's some boomer mindset you've got there, champ.
Why are you all acting as if this was a new thing when most of you have already read the Unabomber manifesto?
You're literally the normie meme in pic related.
Its already begun at my wal mart. 60% of the cash registers are now self check out, they just sort of eased it in over the years. So you basically have 2 people watching over machines doing the job of 10 employees.
It's a good thing.
Boomers would literally rally against automation because they're retarded.
>petroleum was a good career
>le book smarts aren't real smarts meme
Spotted the retard who claims he is more intelligent than scholars because he can tell when he is about to get mugged
what the fuck method is "Shadow Stats" using that makes them so much higher than everything else? if it's got sound logic that's even more interesting
any response to a problem that has any sort of variation on "I won't be alive when that problem forces conflict so it doesn't matter" is peak boomer bullshit. The world is not a movie about you, where all the background actors magically vanish off the screen when it's over. the rest of us are left to toil in the ruins of the world you ran into the ground
1200/78000 means 1.5% of utility workers are obsolete. compound that with other industries, including those who will have a much higher automation percentage. then remind yourself that people who lose jobs to automation are likely only experienced in skills that have been automated across all industries. there will be workers made permanently obsolete by automation and will not have the means to retrain themselves
You're an idiot if you actually get mugged, so he's still correct
Here's a good video on this subject for the uninitiated.
Note that this isn't some Yang wank fest, he's just talking about the importance of having anyone discuss this on the big stage.
Book smarts and general safety awareness are not exclusive you know. The most "street smart" people of all time are rich white men who were raised in the suburbs and could afford to get into the CIA/FBI, and going through their extensive research on criminal behavior. Bet that'd make some of those sub-80 IQ "street smart" urban niggers real salty.
Humanity is going through a phase change. Past experience isn't always applicable on the other side.
Because artificial """intelligence""" is a meme
Its funny how us NEETs were right all along. UBI is inevitable.
Because its a boiling frog slowly process.
As of now, the only people threatened are lower class, unskilled workers like truckers and fast food clerks.
No one really gives a shit about them, so they aren't taking the threat seriously.
Now when the robots start going for the upper class white collar jobs, THEN people will start to give a shit, but by then it will be too late.
This guy gets it. I know this is a board full of neets, but skilled trades and most jobs require a degree of improvisation that I don't believe automatons will have in our lifetime. A human can read blueprints, make changes where needed and improvise when the prints do not match the reality. No machine is capable of abstract thought based on previous experiences yet, at least not on a feasible economic scale yet.
And its not gonna happen all at once. You'll see pockets of displaced workers protesting and complaining, while everyone else just ignores it until its their turn. The same way they replace cashiers with self check out, you see a layoff here and a layoff there, next thing you know half your coworkers are robots.
The real question is: what is going to screw us up before, full automation or climate change?
All this without counting the many other threats for future civilization such as genetic engineering, overpopulation, mass immigration...
You see taxi drivers against uber drivers (at least in Spain) but nobody seems to realise that the problem will eventually be self-driven public transport. It's so dystopic that I cannot bear it without sarcasm.
Did you even watch the videos posted? Half the work force aren't in skilled trades, and even some of those jobs can be better executed by machines already. Its only a matter of time, unless you're naive enough to think technology isn't gonna keep advancing.
>people are cheaper.
Not for long
>The current structure of society is so centered around fragile boomer fee fees that they can't effectively address reality
As always, the NEET god is spot-on.
>any response to a problem that has any sort of variation on "I won't be alive when that problem forces conflict so it doesn't matter" is peak boomer bullshit.
Based on the political climate how would you get UBI to pass? Be realistic the last time such a thing happened was in the 30s. Technological unemployment must be so bad to the point the nation is put into political crisis. Through crisis you can implement radical changes. The US abolished tiered federalism that way and the Japanese abolished window guidance in the same manner. These crisis's from technological won't occur within the next 40-50 years. Unless a crisis happens before hand where the United States is swept entirely in a election that looks like 1936 where the majority of seats are carried by progressive Democrats and the president is able to stack the courts.
because it's unfathomable to normies. life goes well for them and always has. plus the wagie bottomfeeders who will be affected first aren't really seen as full humans by the rest of society anyways. it'll start being a publicly discussed issue when middle class jobs start to get cut hard, 10-15 years down the road
my dad's at an insurance company and they're slowly starting to automate some of the managerial / basic accounting stuff, cutting jobs where they can. it's coming.
>And what job could a machine NOT do?Carpenter
Social worker
Police officer
Yeah the only reason those machines are so expensive is because its state of the art technology. Imagine if you went to 1980 with a fucking iphone, it would be worth millions, but now even little kids have them. Those robots are special now, but eventually they will be affordable run of the mill.
lol didn't watch the videos. They already have a machine that composes original music indistinguishable from human creation.
for most of those a lot of the work involved could be automated. eg, for (graphic) designers, with the software and technology available today it's takes a fraction of the time and manpower to produce something vs four decades ago