Continued from pruned thread

Round 19

Attached: risk19.png (2224x1558, 406K)

Okay, this was a nice game, but I am really tired now
gg OP


>not using one that doesn't take five hours


Give Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and the other land to my ally, he'll need the bonus for his war. That's +23 bonus for him next turn.
As for my roll, Kill Lime fag crush him from both ends. No mercy

Minimalist shit is garbage

gg nazbol
How will his land be divided, or are you calling quits?

NazBol is already gone. He is a bot now.

Bot will always attack first before defending

I agree
So I guess my ceding don't apply then

>my roll
Attack the nazbol bot, depending on how much land I got - also attack Zoltan if I have land access.

Rolling for Bots now

Attached: Bandora.png (635x475, 112K)

>bonus update
turns out I have norway now, somehow, kek.

Round 20

Attached: risk20.png (2224x1558, 408K)

Finish lime green Fag spills to attack pink fag from Greece

Defend Lebanon

Bonus is 151 still, didn't add Lime green new lands, sorry

Bots always fuck things up for everyone.

I guess you and Ruskajai are the winners.

Just goes downhill from here.

(151 + 10) - 20 = 141 of advance attack
Good Game bro

>bonus update
ugh, keep attacking nazbol-bot, take my russian clay back.

Probably, but I'll play as long as you're willing to host

wow this did not go the way i thought it would

yeah, good game. Until next time, Zoltan.
Thanks for hosting OP.

Attached: dudeduo.jpg (251x350, 12K)

There is no way to win against a bot with more bonusses. GG

Oh well then, GG.

I will switch up some things next time. I will include nukes, viking raids and stuff like that.

My ally abandon me when I needed him the most
Probably, good game OP
You did a good and fair job in the end.

Attached: Fuck Yeah.png (640x265, 114K)

First time hosting this kek

Good job OP, time for bed

You did a good job, it's hard to be objective in Risk games, but you did pretty well

this was a most unsatisfying resolution. it's ended in the middle of a state of war. i recommend in the future you all stay up past your bedtimes.

That's what I always say, still was a good game

Attached: Words of wisdom.jpg (600x306, 20K)