Would you marry her, or be killed and have your organs harvested?

would you marry her, or be killed and have your organs harvested?

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would I rather marry a yakuza cutie or have my organs harvested


>killed and have your organs harvested
This one

any kinos for a introverted gentleman knocking up a promiscuous gang/mafia girl
and they force him to marry her with a shotgun or else they'll
keeelz heeeem

I would rather die. tattoos are degenerate and trashy.

Although she is cute and I would love to knock such a cutie up, I'd rather choose to die because I don't like being told what to do.

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Anything just to be near her or even claim to know her. She's way more important to me for reasons I'm not ready to really think about yet.

ummm.... why?
are you

Marry her and harvest her organs then skip town with an ice chest handcuffed to me.

You came to the wrong neighborhood, fool. I blast these faggots with 9mm and sell her to a pimp in D.C.

Falling in love with a crime boss daughter is one of my fantasies so I guess I would

doing that is a good way to put not just yourself, but your family and acquaintances in danger.

The OP says marry her or get you organs harvested so that's why I would agree. Obviously if it's marry her or walk away with no consequences I might not be so quick to say yes

I meant to quote not you.

as if a nigger could stand up to a proper organised crime group.

I'd give her a good tiger drop, if you catch my drift

I always know how to set up a fight before hand so that I can't lose

Ironically she isn't trashy enough. like if she had some weird haircut then fine she's a delinquent and I'll deal woth it but as is she looks like a middle schooler which makes her tattoos tripply weird.

but you're way out of your league here.
this is someone who could turn you into fish-food if they merely felt like it, an no-one would blink an eye.

They have to catch me first. Caffiene, other energy boosting drugs, strategic positioning, etc.

>no one in the thread has noticed it is a cartoon drawing

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all of those are useless before money and influence.

Lmao they did, ur just slow

What are they gonna do, pay my bullets to not fire? I'd be on alert mode the moment they showed up with the offer. Money can't do fuckall when you're out of your comfort zone.

Fuck you nigger I thought those were clothes

Post more Yakuza girls pls.

you'd be firing at hired muscle. plus they have the addresses and details of your family, friends, acquaintances.

Sucks for my family I guess.
First, I'd lure them into the appalaichains. If they don't follow, oh well. I'll get out of there, change my name, etc. If they do follow me in, there in for one hell of a time of getting picked off one by one as they fail to understand combat in a non-urban enviroment.

you won't even be able to leave your house without being kidnapped, taken to a remote location, tortured for entertainment and eventually killed or sold to a forced labour camp.