Your penis is bigger than a girl's, right user?

Your penis is bigger than a girl's, right user?

Attached: hdjhfkjgd.webm (352x640, 1.63M)

She wouldn't be a girl then, user

how big is the cock, i cant tell exactlly

I'm mtf and my penis is bigger than hers

I hate it

Attached: maid.png (645x773, 55K)

I would let a hung trap cuck me with my poly gf with her superior feminine cock.

Attached: 1515149094753.jpg (266x235, 78K)

would succ and fucc

originalliolo sauce?

Please let me jerk off with you. I want to rub our cocks together while you tease me for being smaller. How big are you? I'm six and a half.

since the clit it's just an underdeveloped penis. yes my dick is bigger than all woman's

I hate my penis. I don't want to use it in any sexual way, I don't want people to be attracted to it, I just want to be a girl

just over seven inches
and it's actually shrunk from being on hrt