....you guys ok?

....you guys ok?

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No theres spaghetti everywhere fucking fags raidin us what the hell for

My thread died, but I made it out alive.
I'll shitpost another day yet!

wut happen....?????? originelllll

I guess now we have to find the survivors and rebuild.

help please, i dont know whats happening

Wtf is going on. Where are all the threads?

Fuck the faggots and attention whores of this fucking board. True Jow Forums is Jow Forums.

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At least the fags are gone, for now. God i hate these niggers, i hope Allahfags decapitates them

Hellfire and spittle rained from the heavens. There was a great flood and everyone was washed away.

No i had a real big frighten

No, not at all. I want to die :(

Like the normal shit or more?

no, haven't been for a while

not really user, thanks for asking. Yourself?

yea, i have qt 8/10 russian gf

Just got reamed out by the store manager for accidentally clocking in early because some cocksucking co-worker told me the wrong schedule.

why did the jannies nuke everything?

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It was a pooling of effort but only actually carried out by one tranny. Not a janitor.

and what happens when that goes away? Will you still be okay?

Why do trannies try to ruin everything?

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what was the raid? missed it, what did these faggots spam?

After browsing the chan for a while, no im far from okay.

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