Should "people" with BPD be euthanised?

Should "people" with BPD be euthanised?

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no, they should be assigned a partner with aspergers, and the consequence for leaving the partner is execution.

So then, yes?

>people in quotes
I started doing this in a couple different threads a while ago and got lots of (you)s before I noticed anyone else doing it. Did I start a thing or was it a preexisting meme?
Either way, I'm glad it triggers them.

aspies aren't people either

Your newfaggotry is showing
Utterly original


BPD doesn't exist. It's a label for attention seeking faggots.

Just the female ones because they face little to no consequences for ruining lives and burning bridges. They often obsess over their sex appeal so are able to easily rebound almost instantaneously and repeat the same process of idealization and devaluation with another guy. Often leaving his life in shambles.

As someone with BPD, something like this would actually be ideal. Someone who will never leave me and who I'm not allowed to or able to leave. That's all I really want in the world, I used to have a lot of kidnapping/abduction fantasies.

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i'd participate but i don't want a boiwife

So I need to chase down the bpd girl I was having great (text) rapport with until she did the depressive thing and deleted her account? I'm going to that bitch's school.

if you're AVPD like me, BPD chicks are never a problem. I never let myself become vulnerable or catch deep feels. Why? Because I always have it in the back of my head that she is going to hurt me and leave. Girls with BPD like to do the push/pull thing as in pushing you away once you start showing affection and stuff, and pulling you in when you become distant. I am always distant so she is always pulling.

Inevitably though, the 3 BPD girls I've dated left but there was no harm done to me. During the downfall I would just sit back and watch them self-destruct and burn everything down, and this is usually where guys get destroyed but not me.

Yeah you broken freaks just keep hurting each other while the rest of us watch the train crash

i don't have a personality disorder but can this train crash into me? I haven't felt anything but solitude in years.

As someone with aspergers and who has lived with a woman with BPD (My Mother). Living with a woman with BPD is a fate too extreme to be considered humane. I recommend that all people with BPD should be Euthanized.

To those wanting a BPD girlfriend, don't.

I had one for a couple of years and after she tried to commit suicide I starting slowly losing my shit. Not only that but she would keep nagging me about female friends I hadn't talked to in years, thinking I'd be into them. She even e-stalked one girl for a couple of years despite me not having even talked to that specific girl for at least 2 years.

Wouldn't recommend it to anyone, you'll just suffer and she'll never truly trust you.

No, but "people" without BPD should be.

What if I have both (feminine) Asperger's and (quiet) BPD?

I would ask you to be my gf then because i have aspergers too.

>"I don't have a personality disorder"
>Forever alone
>Begs for a BPD roastie to come and fuck his life up.
Really makes you think

desu i just want to marry a fembot, even if it destroys me.


Did a borderline qt hurt you, user?

Y-you too
(Preemptive 'original'

Wouldn't there be imbalance in our relationship because we would have two Asperger's but only one BPD? Who would be executed if things fell apart?

i'll be extra spergy to even it out.

You would be executed, but don't worry, i won't let you leave

But wouldn't that make three AS vs one BPD?

not OP but she basically was borderline our whole relationship and then magically turned more stable after she dumped me. and then she started dating girls

I have aspergers and I don't want a fucking bpd partner

crazy yandere BPD girlfriends are just the bessst haha !!

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I dated a man with BPD. Should be euthanized too. Especially for the way he treated his mother.

oh my jesus fuck i'm getting flashbacks

no. I think its hilarious how retarded they act.
there is truly nothing as satisfying as ghosting a clingy BPD cunt.
Especially when they wont leave you alone anymore and suspect it the least.
knowing what emotional baggage that will cause always fills me with joy

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betas fail to get these hoes in line

BPD women require strong alpha men to constantly abuse them

Too bad. They are government issued.

>ghosted BPD ex 5 years ago
>she's still going at it
>late last year she wrote me a shitty poem about how much she loves me
>got 10 missed calls on her birthday in February
It's pretty fun.

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And another question: what if you decide to leave? :(

It's really not as impactful as you think it would be, the fear of abandonment is worse than the abandonment itself. They'll be angry/miserable for a day or two, then write you off as a piece of shit and jump to a new guy who will listen to them rant about you and feel bad for them.

The real high IQ thing to do with BPDs is to use that fear against them. A BPD will do practically anything you tell them if they think you're going to abandon them. They're probably the easiest people on the planet to manipulate.

did she hurt you or something? did she cheat? what are the circumstances here

I'm BPD and a huge mama's boy, she's basically the only person who hasn't ever hurt me. I love her to death.

Accused me of abuse many times, slandered me to everyone she knew, treated me like shit but still expected me to love and pay attention to her, started biting and scratching me towards the end (she would literally latch on like a fucking dog and not let go) threatened to hurt my friends and kill all my pets, tried to kill herself when I told her that either she changes or I leave forever. Typical BPD demon shit.

I want to have a BPD gf badly. where do you get them? Tell me pls.

sounds awesome. how did you meet her?

Yes, also add Schizoids to the pyre.

Holy fuck lmao, and I bet there are plenty of BPD psychos here who will still pretend that there's nothing wrong with any of that

No, all of those things are horrendous and having BPD isn't an excuse for her actions. I hate people like her because they make me afraid to tell anyone I have the disorder.

Well I hope you make it in life, at bare minimum you admit that it's a problem unlike the majority of BPDs.

If you just had loved her more none of that would have happened.