I really wished I believed in god...

I really wished I believed in god. Imagine how much better life would be if you genuinely thought the creator of the universe was watching you and could justify all of the suffering we experience. Imagine if you truly believed in your core that there was life after death, and that eternal paradise was around the corner. Imagine fully believing that your life has meaning, and that you aren't just an aimlessly wandering, hairless half-ape floating around on a spec of dust. Imagine the real peace of mind that comes with all of this. Fuck this universe. Fuck my mind. Fuck the atheist-pill. Fuck the determinist-pill. I wish I was a brainlet catholic.

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I know that feel fren.
>Tfw I don't believe at all
>Tfw I believe Christianity is necessary for maintaining good society
>Tfw I hold nothing but distain for atheists even though I am one

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I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

When jesus said this, he wasn't referring to himself (the person jesus), he was referring to "I", to "me." You are traveling to either be or be with god. You do not get to be/ be with god unless you go through a life, or a "me." The concept that there is an "I" or a "me" that exists separate from everything else, THAT is god. We are not each individually god, but our concept of self is where god resides, within us all.

A core belief of hinduism is that we are all god wearing a different mask/playing a different character. And you are the most pathetic character that god plays.

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I'm a this a troll post or is that guy really insane?

Either way, Hinduism is fucking retarded.

To elaborate futher, god is not a single existence. He doesn't just sit around and fucking watch you all day. He sees what you do through your own eyes, and judges you through your own thoughts, because he is literally you, and me, and everyone else. When you jerk your cock off and get depressed and disappointed in yourself about it, that's god.

You call me insane to justify to yourself that you are sane for not believing this. It rings so true in your soul that you have to make a reply on Jow Forums to try and make yourself feel better about denying this in your mind. You hope that someone will agree with you and prove that you are not wrong. This is okay. You do not have to accept truth for it to be true.

I wish YouTube never recommended me The Amazing Atheist when I was 11.
Oh man, I don't like this lack of meaning.
>universe will end with a complete tear of all space-time
>complete cessation of reality
"Yeah, but that's a really far time away."
>yeah, but it's how everything ends up
"Why does it matter how everything ends up in the end?"
>because I think that people still have meaning after my sensation of reality ceases
Was PsyOp after us the whole fucking time?
Is this how they plan on destroying society?
Make all morals arbitrary, where the fuck do we end?

No nigger, we call you insane because pantheistic monism is fucking retarded

I'm the guy you're replying to, and I feel as if i must thank you for showing me that pantheistic monism is a thing. This is insane. It's literally exactly what i was saying