How are you Neets and Hikis feeling today?
>The acronym for (Not In Education Employment Or Training)
>Hikikomori is a Japanese term when translated into English it means pulling inward being confined (acute social withdrawal) in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and lives in isolation in their bedroom for 6 months or more
>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet
>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms
>The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as those who have lived in isolation in their bedrooms for at least 6 months do not attend school or leave to go to work have no physical injury or mental disorder as the cause of their isolation have no close friends or few friends (If any) and do not communicate with people besides the people they live with such as family members
>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis
>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.
>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships
>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,
>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more
>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal
>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries
People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.
People who go to work/school are not Neet