What the fuck happened to Jontron?

What the fuck happened to Jontron?

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lol good one OP, you made me laugh unironically

Unironically, Jow Forums

He said brown people are fucking up the gene pool


>random latters so the bot doesn't catches me


is that him?
goddamn its been so long

He got in trouble for spouting Jow Forums facts and labeled a racist by his own fans, despite that Arin admitted to saying nigger 30 times in a row after he gave some black dude a ride in his car.

Lmao he ate an entire gallon of flex-seal

He became a flex tape salesman land I heard.

>He got in trouble for spouting Jow Forums facts and labeled a racist by his own fans,
what was it again?

also who the fuck is arin

Imagine being a subhuman mongoloid Gamegrumps zoomer piss baby

He sold out. But that's Dan 'the hymen divider' Schneider.

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>before Jow Forums
>after Jow Forums
Poor Jon.

Thats Dan "man with van, holder tighter she's a fighter" Schneider

Thats dan schneider, genuinely well executed troll by OP

>Jon "his career gone" Jafari

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Literal low-functioning autists, ladies and gents.

He did not support the #Yang_Gang.

this post brought to you by yang gang

>Remember Jontron? This is him now, feeling old yet?

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He said rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites I think. Which, while true, is a HATE fact.

Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor aka the other half of Game Grumps