Yo anons, pothead here. I just bought a tab of LSD for the first time. I plan to take it in a few days when my parents should be away so I can have some alone time. What should I expect tripping the first time? What does it even "feel like" to be on acid? Is there any feelings I can translate from a cannabis or a cocaine trip (which I am familiar with) to an acid one to make it all more comfortable? How can I assure I do not have a bad trip and think im a cup of orange juice or something? I've never done acid or ANY psychedelics before so I'm kind of scared first time. I don't have a trip sitter nor is there anyone I trust enough to tripsit me but I am going to head over to a friend's next door incase something goes wrong. Any advice or help? am complete noob

Attached: lsd-mental-health-treatment-500x500.jpg (500x500, 73K)

head into drugfeel

Also I'm expecting some feeling of otherworldlyness and hopefully enlightment through it all. Any way I can increase this feeling or any other methods for "cool/trippy" or constructive or euphoric past times when tripping balls?

LSD is the best as a normie drug. I've had my best times on it just bantering with friends, even though none of them were high. If you're indoors and alone there's not much you can do for the 8 hours you're high.

If you take one or two tabs you should be fine. Anything more than that is a no joke, plus fake LSD can kill you if you have too much of it.

Make sure you're in a good mental state. I would drop after I aced a test and it would make me much happier.

well the problem is it isn't fake LSD its just a different substance (a NBOMe compound) and unlike LSD it does have a relatively small overdose threshold so if you plan on taking more than 1 tab you should at least test it to make sure its LSD or an analog of it

>not just getting 1P-LSD or ALD-52 from Canada

There's really nothing to describe the feeling of acid. Basically don't take it if you have a family history of schizophrenia, and don't take it if you're depressed or not in a good place in life. Take it in a place you're familiar with, and feel comfortable in. Put on some old 60s rock music. If you follow these precautions you should be fine.

The depression part is what worries me too but I know when to catch myself in a good mood.

some tips

>don't underestimate it
>you will never be ready for it
>don't take it if you are not in a good place in life right now
>when you get the giggles you'll know it's coming on
>smoking weed on it will make it much more intense, but it can help if you're in a bad place because it will rocket you to another one
>you may at times forget where you are
>you will have great difficulty communicating with people
>you may be overwhelmed at times
>things you thought were integral to how you experience life will twist, turn, go upside down and vanish, i.e time, space and linear thinking
>you will have an overwhelming sense that you're in some kind of a fairy garden
>you may realize that you and everything and everyone else is god
>listen to nice music
>if it's anything more than 100-150ug you will probably see some strange, amazing, scary and awe inspiring things
>know that you may feel the need to make rash decisions but stay calm and asses the situation first, to determine if it's real, as in understand that at times you will become lost in fantasy
>remember to relax, if it gets too intense don't bunch up and try to ride it out, instead say to yourself that you knew what you were getting into, you bought the ticket and now you'll take the ride, and instead think about what you can take away from this, because if you keep your thoughts rolling you will go places
>if you get stuck in an infinite loop, don't fight it, instead let the current take you where it wants to take you

and all in all

>take something positive away from the experience
because that's all it is, an experience, it doesn't matter if it is or isn't real, what matters is what it says about the world you came from going into it and the one you'll come back to after it

What sites are good nowadays?