>be me
>in class browsing r9k
>girt that sits next to me asks what Im reading and stares at my phone
>I panic
>change the tab and say 'oh just stupid things'
>she chuckles
>I overthink it all lesson
Hows your day going anons?
>be me
>in class browsing r9k
>girt that sits next to me asks what Im reading and stares at my phone
>I panic
>change the tab and say 'oh just stupid things'
>she chuckles
>I overthink it all lesson
Hows your day going anons?
I failed my suicide attempt.
I want to be angry at this post but I'm so exhausted from merely existing.
got back from rehab recently. currently trying to figure out what to do with my life.
Go to the hospital user. There is still hope
Fuck off tranny or slut.
I got high with my friends after a long period of having not done that (like two or three weeks, thanks to their spring break) and went home high to a weighted blanket. Shit's feeling pretty nice rn
What is there to be angry about
Don't you have to be 18 in order to post on Jow Forums?
I had this happen to me once and as luck would have it I was browsing a woman hate thread. This was a Stacey that had ~20 friends within a week of college so I'm not really sure why she chose to sit next to me that day but I sperged out and closed the browser extremely fast while vomiting out a word salad and sliding away from her. All her normie friends were nearby and she looked at me really hurt and said "Sorry if I got into your personal space" and walked away. I considered apologizing after class ended but she was with her normie friends and I decided to just slink out.