Just to learn to play guitar, dude.
Just to learn to play guitar, dude
I already do. I have since I was a small child. But I do not have any anyone to play for. I probably would get too anxious even if I did.
I do, and I also have that guitar.
I do and play with people in a band through a sort of youth club/centre thing. It's fun and we've played live but it does nothing.
I dont play
Whats a good way to learn? Is yt any good?
Why should I? Explain it to me OP.
Playing guitar does not make anything better, Ive lost all my bandmember friends, and women dont want your music if youre ugly as fuck, or even average looking. Women dont have any appreciation for musicality, they just want jose with the long hair and earrings to play four chords or play wonderwall, sploosh as they say.
Also I now have tinnitus from playing.
Do what I do and play for yourself, it's fun to just loose yourself in your own music.
Same, not even my siblings have time to listen to me playing
>Women dont have any appreciation for musicality, they just want jose with the long hair and earrings to play four chords or play wonderwall, sploosh as they say.
Learned that the hard way.
>Also I now have tinnitus from playing.
should have played jazz brother