What do you remember about 1998?
What do you remember about 1998?
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black and white snow everywhere.
oh, and old cars
>What do you remember about 1998?
nothing but thats the year I was born
Tomb Raider 3 and Falcon 4.0
osama bin ladel
It's like now, but in the past. Also the internet was less popular.
Playing Thief the Dark Project.
I was born in 1999
Playing Starcraft, those were the days
I wasn't even a sperm at that time the good ol memories
*crack* *sip* You must construct additional pylons
I never thought about it until recently, but The Weather Channel.
Watch this and see if it hits something deep in you, anons.
The void was so much better than life I want to go back
i wonder if michael whitman will still take old watches, i tried calling, no answer
Playing Sega CD and other vidya. Life b4 it was totally rekt....
Playing CIV II
you can still trip friend, its not completely over
I was obsessed with SimCity 2000 at the time.
Also people really did believe all the dot-com stuff that seems so ridiculous today. in '99 I got a free boxed copy of Quake 2 from a dot-com (or what we would now call a startup) called CyberRebate. Their business model (having one at all put them ahead of the game) was to sell shit at inflated prices with 100% mail-in rebates. The idea being that between the float and the number of people who forgot to send them in, they'd make money. They were out of business within a six months after I got my game.
I was pretty obsessed with Sim city as well. But damn, my game was Thief. There was nothing like it. I also was playing Half Life 1. But really didn't get into it til '99.
Still have my pentium win windows 95 on it, and I was able to save my HDD and turn it into a SD card HDD. (So my 97 computer has a SSD!)
the home run chase in MLB
was so heartbroken when I later learned it was all basically fraudulent because of the PEDs
Wild ARMs, Suikoden, Beyond the Beyond, roleplaying on IRC, Jedi Knight Dark Forces II
Playing demos on the PSX, good times
I was only five, so not much. I was going to say the bombing of Yugoslavia, but I looked it up and that was in 1999, and so was Yeltsin's resignation which is the other historically significant thing I remember. Watching TMNT and X-Men and then playing outside with my friends who also watched them is probably the one lasting memory I have of 1998, but even then that could have been 1999 and I just forgot.
>Tomb Raider 3
man FUCK that game
I was born the year after so nothing
I was sucking my friend off almost every night while playing suikoden
that unironically sounds comfy af
were you both guys, and if not which one was the girl (female)
Why? It's my favorite TR, I play it every year.
So many memories, so many feels...
Thank (You) 4 a little hope brobot.
My parents fighting and the divorce. Me going to daycare and playing outside with friends. Me going to my dad who was divorced and was always drunk and stoned, his young gfs he'd fuck (he was a totally buff chad) at his small apartments. Witnessing his aggressive behavior, being impressed with him and finding him cool.
>1998 in a post commie country
>everyone had a car from the local car manufacturer
>remember the colorful parking lot with old Skodas
>the fair that came once a year would play old 80s western songs
>I'd ride the chain carousel around and then the whole family would go to the big swan car carousel that would lift you up 5 stories and you could see the whole neighborhood
>then we'd go back home, watch comfy old cartoons or play some old viddygames with dad
>that feeling of love and happiness all around
Goddamn, user, you unearthed some memories I haven't touched in a long long time.
>I wasn't alive yet user KEK I heard that's your guy's lmao
I was 10 years old and that was one of my happier (but not happiest years). I remember dot-com and people already talking about Y2K. The Internet was kind of cool, but the mobile version was ugly.
SC2000 was one of my favorite games as well.
this and:
>C5 corvette
and this >win98
>voodoo 2
First PC. Playing Doom (+Doom II). School was shit, I was bullied. Only friend changed schools (got some genetic disease and needed better care).
Thinking about it, childhood was incredibly shit. I was as alone then as I am now. Back then I had imaginary friends, Ash, Brock and Misty. Today I have an OC tulpa waifu.
Nothing has changed, really.
I saw this in theaters when it came out in 98. Movie was shit but when your 4 years old you will like almost anything with dinsoaurs and giant monsters.
Being bullied and beaten at school.
That and playing vidya with my friends after school.
Being produced by mitosis
I was 5 so not much. Mostly a few things here and there like driving my plastic battery operated car around the cul-de-sac and the lay put of the house I lived in at the time.
I was never bullied in school. It was after school... That's when it started. But I do remember Columbine.
I was a baby the whole time