I started going to animal rights meetups this year...

I started going to animal rights meetups this year. The amount of women that hug me and give me attention in the last two months is more than anyone has ever given me.

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Animals don't have rights? Kys fag

Animals are just shit humans. And humans are the scum of the earth.

Yea sure
You're just their straight gay best friend mate.

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Weren't there studies shown that plants/vegetation can feel pain when they're eaten? Why is this never brought up when vegans/vegetarians go on their little rants?

>you can't dislike some animals and like some animals, you must like them all equally
Fuck you. I like dogs, but that doesn't mean I like fucking comodo dragons

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>Not liking based reptiles
Fuck you.

Its an interesting study with a gimmicky title. Plants are capable of recognizing threatening stimuli and some of them take slow reactive measures to resist them.

We're treating all humans the same, that's why they want us to treat animals the same too.

I love me some fried pig :)

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>OP accidentally on purpose friendzones himself

I actually never understand this. I feel unenlightened. Reptiles are fascinating but i cant imagine ever being delighted to come home to see my pet frog/turtle/snake/lizard. Ive met bitches in passing who -love- their snakes and spiders. I can maybe stretch to see like those tiny frogs with big eyes potential but then I think about their wet cold feet and expressionless eyes freely traversing my home looking for bugs and just... no.

What is happening to that swimming piggy? Truly capitilist pigs. Still enjoy meat though.

We shouldn't be treating all humans the same, that's ridiculous. Blacks should be treated like the subhuman trash that they are.

This is why you should always get free range organic and small farm foods if you have the option

But humans are a single species. Animals are multiple species

Dividing by species is pretty arbitrary though.

what a clever way to shill veganism to robots

Man I love bacon. C'mere little piggy. Oink oink! That's right! This will only hurt for about 5 minutes.

This is just propaganda. Most slaughterhouses just kill the animals quickly. It becomes a danger when you have live pigs running around trying to escape and also the stress decreases the quality of the meat.

Any reasoning is based on arbitrary assumptions. I don't hold the premise that "all animals" should be the category to which rights are granted.

Probably a chinese slaughterhouse.

Damn gooks. Ruining everything. Even whales.

I'd argue that treating all humans equally just because they're part of the same species is just silly. People should be judged on an individual basis, and treated accordingly. It should be the same with animals. Instead of treating them based on species, have a more objective way to determine how they should be treated.

>OP joins the beta orbiters and sells himself out so he may touch some leftys cunt
You and the soibois never get laid by those girls.

this seems highly inefficient