Hatred of women thread
Hatred of women thread
Adam Cook
Caleb Roberts
I like girls, they're cute.
Brayden Johnson
hate on us all you'd like, we are living our best lives and having fun. drc if im 30 and ugly and used up one day cause i fucking lived. enjoy neethood.
Hudson Thompson
toasty roastie who wont get chads cock anymore
Ryder Thomas
>Wasting time feeling hatred towards an entire gender
>Watching what other people do
>Instead of improving yourself
No thanks.
Jeremiah Morales
>cause i fucking lived.
>lived means got drunk on cocks and semen all day and now has wrinkles at 31
lmao, youre like an animal
Adrian Smith
Love to see women in tears.
Eli Anderson
Nolan Gomez
Comfy hate thread
Parker Davis
What did she mean by this?