Who here is boring as fuck and doesn't know how to have a conversation? Heck, I don't even know how to post here...

Who here is boring as fuck and doesn't know how to have a conversation? Heck, I don't even know how to post here.... I'm an outcast among outcasts...
I only wish the ride ends soon...

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who cares if your boring, everyone is boring. we read books and watch movies to see something that isn't boring but real life aint like fiction. theirs monotony and really everyone except for the one percent that control the world lead boring lives. that doesn't mean interesting people don't exist they do but they are rare and you are not one of them.

How are you supposed to be happy if you are a fucking brainlet?

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I wish I could be like Gondola wtf

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I don't know how normies can be making jokes all the time without thinking... it's fucking exhausting...

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It's as natural as breathing, mi amigo.

I'm an interesting and talkative, feels bad being lonely with no friends

Then you are a normie, fuck off

It doesn't matter if you are lonely with no friends, you are a normie and eventually will find friends and a gf.

Lately, there are a lot of normies browsing this fucking shit. Do you come from reddit?