Mini is the perfect woman. I would like to help her escape Romania, poverty and bruised knees. Mini, please make an amazon wishlist and patreon.
The last thread convinced me
can we try to doxx her?
>lives in bucharest
>studies biology at the university of bucharest
>we can probably know in which semester she is currently
>she is female
>which leaves us with approximately maybe 100 possible names
What is her real name? someone wrote that her real name is out there.
It's madeline, newfag.
madeline is not romanian name, that's probably pseudonym
please a quick rundown? I'm on the edge so, I want to rob a bank and escape from this country, I could go to her, QR please
How do you know that?
......................It's literally Madalina.
She is Madeline on kik.
I just want to say to the people in the last thread: the hymen is at the beginning of the vagina and not a finger deep inside.
That's all, continue orbiting as you wish.
so is it madalina or madelina? Is her last name public?
Madeline or madalina I meant to ask.
first name is still not enough though.