They do not fucking exist
Any woman can get laid no problem
Anyone else tired of hearing about femcels?
>Any woman can get laid no problem
Yes. But the issue is that femcels want a relationship, not just "the old in and out".
They have it easier but they still exist.
>boo hoo i cant lock down chad
Atleast they can get sex, alot of men cant get sex and relationships
That's because most women don't really care all that much about sex. They get aroused by strong emotions more than men do.
How about they dont be whores and go for incels that won't cheat or beat them
>Yes. But the issue is that femcels want a relationship
Yes, with Chad. They can't get a Chad and reject normies and incels en masse because they're not good enough and don't give them any tingles. Wow I feel so bad for them, must be horrible.
but incels are icky user. "femcels" would rather eat garbage than date an incel. they're just normie females, but not normie enough to be a Stacy so they call themselves "femcels". what a joke.
They're chad chasers
>Be me
>But I'm on Jow Forums
>So 3/10
>have friend who is 2/10
>she has no desirable traits for her gender
>feel bad for her
>she gets bullied constantly for being ugly
>realize I have it better
>albeit by a little
>but still better
>one day overhear her talking with her friend
>"yeah I don't know if I can go I need to talk to my boyfriend first"
>realize that women have it miles better than her
>never been bullied for being ugly before
>never even been called ugly
>but I'm self aware i understand I'm below average
>have friend who is worse off than me
>mfw she can still have a boyfriend and get laid
>mfw because she's a woman
So can white males but you still see them bitching here about being volcels.
Anyone enter tired of hearing about cels. Go back to plebbit already. Its like you faggots shared one common thing with robots and now hordes of failed normies think they are robots.
How often have you heard one say "but I just don't like the idea of dating apps"
Because I'm telling you with 100% certainty that they can land a bf on tinder, almost as easily as getting sex. Which is VERY fucking easy let me assure you.
If you weren't sure before, just pick your ugliest and fattest female friend and look at the amount of guys approaching her on tinder.
Women who go on dating apps are trash. In fact people who go on dating apps are trash as well.
That's a hilarious take. Since you know in your heart of hearts that most of them are normal people who seek normal relationships.
Either way, if a woman has never tried a dating app, they're not an incel
Either way people proud to be incels should hop back to plebbit
>proud to be incels
Wait, this is a thing?
Yes. Both the term normies and incel originated from fucking Reddit. These people should just fuck right off back to there in order to have their super secret safe space time.
i'm sick of arguing about if they exist or not, come up with a new fucking argument because this shit is boring as fuck. the femcel sub is basically just r9k memes flipped around for ugly women. i actually find it kind of cute and sad, makes me want to hug them.
Except they CAN get all the sex they want, but instead BAN males from interacting
like robots dont want femanons banned from posting here? plenty of them do. also why would you want to post on that sub in the first place if you can't stand them?
>why would you want to post on that sub in the first place if you can't stand them?
I'd fuck em. But this isn't about me, it's about the fact that the possibility of getting trolled is greater than their need for sex.
Incels by definition should be giving their virginity out for free to whoever will take it. If they really felt that way they would not exist due to the large number of men who would take them.
Incels who "have tried everything" simply cannot exist for both genders if they are in contact with one another
>like robots dont want femanons banned from posting here?
Some do, but more often than not a femanon will have several robots flirting with her as long as she isn't completely insufferable