>Be me
>5'3 manlet
>18 but look 15
>in college
>roasties not intrested in me
>unless they calling me cute or saying I look way to young
>get insoles boosting me to 5'7
>uncomfortable asf foot is practically outside my shoe luckily pants big on me so covers that
>get haircut while I'm at it
>go into college 2 roasties tell me I look way more grown up and said I look much taller
>spend break with 3 roasties and the stoner kid
>take a snap with me and then one gives me her snap
>get added to a group chat and meet my now best friend
Insoles are changing me for the better anons
I thank god for Insoles
Hey fellow manlet, what insoles/boots do you recommend?
I just got a crap per from amazon for $15 and stacked them in any shoe I wear but 99% the time my heel is out the actual shoe but my pants cover it so its fine. If you got money tho id recommend tallmenshoes apparently they are good elevator shoes
Imagine not being a 6'2 dutchlet
It works for now, but good luck when they ask you to swim with them
And now you can never remove them, because everyone will know you were wearing them. You've traded the curse of your height with the curse of being uncomfortable forever. Was it worth it?
feels bad man
I don't see myself going swimming with them and even if they ask I could dodge
Yes worth it anyday
congrats op i wish your feet comfort
lol I bet taking a flight must terrify the shit out of you.
How will you do if you get a gf and she want to go to the swimming pool?
Are they insoles for big feet, like size 16?
I want to go from 6'6 to 7', could be great.
Eventually you'll have to take them off and the illusion will shatter spectacularly. This isn't like women wearing makeup or stuffing their bras.
Wearing a hairpiece, stuffing your pants, using lifts in your shoes, all of these look absolutely pathetic to the normals mind. It shows deep insecurity and there is nothing lower than an insecure man.
Even if they give you a visible confidence boost, it only works until they find out.
Top shelf advice
the moment you take off your shoes you are totally fucked. better pray whatever chick you get with lets you fuck her with your shoes on lmao
So you're an attractive normalfag and need to go back to facebook.
For a robot, height doesn't make any difference.
t. 6'4" and ugly
thanks user
wat I fear no flight
I will find a way to dodge it and I'm size 7
then I will just make sure they never find out
She will be to focused on my chad fucking skills to notice the shoes are off
you could slay pussy on your height alone just use it wisely robofag
>slay pussy
I want love, sex is just a bonus.
We're not all normies who crave fornication.
if you ugly get some facial hair to cover that shit up most girls love tall dudes so some girls won't care that you ugly as long as you tall and don't always act like a retard you good
so what is the next part of your plan when you step down from your mobile stepladder shoes and they realize you are an insecure faggot?
oohhh my child who said I was gonna step down from them
That looks like it would hurt your lower back after 15 minutes of walking around
my ankle is the only thing that hurts and that is after long walks tho so I can make dues
>your height alone
No. Three importance of height often gets exaggerated. It never works alone.
Yeah it mostly only works for quick fucks on tinder for relationships you do have a bigger chance thanks to it tho so as long as you find a girl that's main thing is height you good
You don't understand, faggot.
I can have sex easily, I get several dates a months, but I'm not interested in just having sex, can your little normalfag mind comprehend that?
You're not fooling anyone and it looks fucking ridiculous.
we get it you need love blah blah you can still get a girl if you ain't fully retarded that won't care if you aint good looking
hm idk its got some illusion shit going on
How much height do these adds? Looking to add two inches so i can be 6'2
insoles you can get them that add anywhere from like 4 inches to 1 so in your case just get a 2 inch pair of them
Furthermore, people here have a warped perception of what "tall" is. 6'0-6'2 is not TALL, its minimum requirement these days. To impress chicks with your height you need to be 6'3 minimum
t. 6'1 fag
Can you post an image of you wearing them? They probably look like clown shoes.
I thought 5'11 and above was tall I think girls overestimate how many people are over 6'
I'd say 6'3 and above is tall, 6'0 to 6'2 is average and anything below is short
This is for white males in their 20s, I can't speak for other ethnicities
I can agree, am 6'0 and have been turned down for being too short
There you go user I gave you a whole bunch no one has called it out yet thanks to all my pants being big
average height here is 5'9 I'm pretty sure so anything below I classify short anything higher I classify tall I'm a simple man
5'9 is the average height for men... but whats the average height for young white men?
5'9 is the average height here too, but a 5'9 dude like me would be considered short
whoever turned you down for being to short is just unreal asf and must be waiting on andre the giant to get resurrected
My friend is 5'11 and everyone considers him a giant because he is the biggest in my course Id love to be 5'9 man
What country are you from, if you dont mind me asking?
Because I'd have a hard time imagining a place where a young white man who's below 6'0 gets to be considered "tall" (no offense)
Got any links to the particular ones you bought? I'm 5'6 and would like to at least be average
Problem is i know her and true life she doesn't date below 6'3 despite being 4'11 herself
6'2 here, still not able to get any, don't kid yourself, height is not the only thing that matters
I'm from the uk london and he is the tallest in our course at 5'11 and then second tallest at 5'9 not including the tutor
Just get a good reviewed one on amazon for cheap that's what I did
your pool is still huge I will never understand why short girls don't date guys taller than them that are still short and leave tall dudes for tall girls
Damn I didn't know so many people was lanklets on here use your advantages and I'm sure you will get some user
Gonna have to call bs, sorry. I've lived in london and at 6'1 was almost always one of the shorter guys in a room
unless you're like pakistani or something. idk
No, being tall(even though its not that tall) isn't the only thing. But having ok looks, a personality and getting Jow Forums does help 2. Its rlly not that hard
nope I'm fully white and I know that shortest in the room feel doe
You mean like how a woman wears make-up, push-up bras, butt lifters, heels, etc to hide their natural state? The only reason why women get away with it is because guys don't give a shit afterwards. And neither do women. Women are retarded. They only really care about how you both look to the rest of the world. She's not going to notice you being a few inches shorter after you fucked her last night and are eating breakfast at home.
I'm 5,11 and always thought i was a manlet but there actually exist males that are 5,3?
Your above average and yes I'm a male that is 5'3 pretty much a demi god tho
One of my buds is 5'2
And yes, you are a manlet just fyi
In-soles are for In-cels
But how? How do you cope with knowing everyone will always have more reach than you in a fight? Knowing girls will always choose other taller guys? Or the awful stares you get in public? Im not trying to make you feel bad or anything but im trying to understand how you do this every single day?
op is a tiny faggot.
you need to accept yourself and make the most of it, but you gotta be a norman/retarded to be this superficial, you tiny faggot, get off
My brothers love to box and I've seen them take down bigger opponents so I don't worry about fighting plus I'm nice to people so I rarely ever would fight I don't get weird stares in public as I look young as well and I've only ever been turned down once
me no faggot I like the poosie
Well fairs, good on you mate.
Imagine being under 6'2... think id just kill myself instead
Thanks user
damn if your height is the only thing keeping you alive user you belong here more than all of us
seriously this place is straight trash and never getting better
all it's about is fucking
thats what a faggot would say, faggot
in any case, the longer you use them the worse and you gotta be a fucking faggot brainlet to not realize that, fucking faggot brainlet
this goes to everyone thats supportive too
I'm lesbian I like females I think thats how it works don't quote me I'm a brainlet
Whats the issue with you cunt?
If someone feels confident and is improving because of these who the fuck are you to be a cunt about it.
Don't forget in-gels..
Wat if you are too tall and people don't like it, do they make something for shoes that makes you shorter?
Yeah because im sure thats a problem that exists
1. Keep low and get inside their space for closer strikes
2. Big dick
3. People stare at me because I'm a dirty freak not because I'm short
4. Somehow I keep breathing
>Keep low
You immediatly gave away that you've never been in a fight
What the fuck? I was friends with a football player in highschool that taught me that and it's helped me in at least two fights where the guy was taller than me.
>Stay low
>Take knee to the face
Have fun fighting
hahaha I'll try not to get in a fight with Sagat. I can safely say that nobody has ever attempted a flying knee on me in a street fight you queer.
Tbad he cant reach said shelf even with his insoles
Ain't no shelf I can't climb
Aight ill go grab the ladder big boy
>Manlets think my knee wont reach their face
>Manlets think no one ever practiced boxing except for the people on television
why grab the ladder when you could just get the top shelf advice down for me it would save time
Because I happen to enjoy grabbing ladders, have a problem with that
If this were real life and we were fighting your post is the equivalent of punching yourself in the face. I don't believe you can even perform a proper knee strike in any circumstance.
>itt: seething manlets
I mean no I just think its a waste of time when we could of been bonding about making it to that top shelf together but instead you got the ladder and I'm back on a solo mission but if ladder grabbings the way you wanna go about things it hurts but I understand
Tbh prolly coz I havent reached it either since 6'3 average white guy but still tfw no gf, so god knows whats on the topshelf
someday my brother we will find out together even if it kills us
While I am happy they exist for you guys, it is very noticeable and doesn't hide anything. Sorry bros.
1 inch insoles you can get away with
2 inch you can get away with in a darkened nightclub
anything past that is extremely obvious
men have to fuck up their legs and back to even be noticed by women
meanwhile even morbidly obese women can get thousands of male orbiters
you probably don't approach and just silently stay there women are literally attracted to height alone.
2 inches is definitely the max 3 is for shoes built for it
i don't fucking know how this man gets away with 4 inches that shit must be uncomfortable as fuck.