Fembot Feels Thread

Misogyny-free safe space to discuss our feels

>tfw no qt bf to make delicious BLTs and club sandwiches for

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Stop looking for attention on here, you whore. Is your life seriously that sad?

but you don't have feelings, that's why you post here fembot


>tfw no ldr bf
I just want to listen to a cute boy (who cares about me) sleeping.

Make me a turkey club with homemade fries. Ice cold Coke to go with it. And I want a kiss on the cheek when you serve it.

see that's just it, you're all picky and only want a cute guy

which is fine i guess, except you need to talk about it here, where it will obviously taunt guys who are actually lonely.

so you're bad people, fembots are bad people, and that hurts your chances with getting your chad, because you might tend to like bad boys but we generally don't like bad girls.

you probably require lots of work but obviously the first step to accomplishing your goal of a qt bf is leaving Jow Forums

he doesnt have to be a chad, just reasonably cute

l'm reasonably cute. I'll be your boyfriend, if you're also reasonably cute.

i'm a larger girl